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Finally Decent Images Of Structures On The Moon

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Yes, the wonderfully blurry and indistinct Zond photograph. I think someone claimed to have found the tower in a LROC photograph not that long ago. It might be in the forum somewhere.
Ah, yes. There's a giant tower on the moon all right. You know, that giant hunk of rock in the sky that's easily visible to the naked eye and mankind has been looking at with telescopes, you know, since Galileo did it in 1609?

And there's a mile-high tower just sitting there and we've missed it for 400+ years. Even after imaging the whole surface in high-def.

By at least 4 nations.

I'm not saying there can't be strange crap on the moon. Hell, I think Clarke was onto something when he wrote the precursor to 2001... and 2001 refined the idea.

Unknowable years ago somebody comes through, notices primates that may become something someday, so they stick something on the next nearest piece of rock that can only be detectable and reachable once they become intelligent tool users...

Hell of a simple idea.

In fact, we should go back and look. And grab some helium-3 while we're there.
when really high resolution images arrive then we can start to give some consideration of just how weird nature can get. until then it's all just low res speculation and wishful thinking. with these low res blow ups the pixels start to assert themselves in all their box like dimensions and suddenly everywhere there's a former or current structure.

these sources for these images are also always suspect. unless it's mainstream it's just hope.

however, i third the motion for there to be weird things on the moon, mars, and maybe some of the moons of jupiter as well just as a nod to Kubrick and Clarke and even more remote possibilities. star child, baby, all the way.

One of my favorite junk science reads ever.
The Enterprise Mission

That's right -- the Tom Corbett, Space Cadet! TV show in the 50's predicted we'd find the face on Mars and "Hyperdimensional Physics!"

Man, I wish I had that guy's imagination.
Ah, yes. There's a giant tower on the moon all right. You know, that giant hunk of rock in the sky that's easily visible to the naked eye and mankind has been looking at with telescopes, you know, since Galileo did it in 1609?

And there's a mile-high tower just sitting there and we've missed it for 400+ years. Even after imaging the whole surface in high-def.

By at least 4 nations.


instead of smart ass comment's, tell us what it could be, and its actually 4 miles high.

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