FeralNormal master
I don't have a problem with Muslims. If a bunch of Southern Methodist started down this road I would have just as little regard for them. I have a problem with rabid ideologues who preach intolerance whether they are muslims, or brown skinned or come from Pakistan or the Isle of Man. In that same view I have little use for the Westboro baptist church crowd and I have stated as much in this very forum but perhaps because they don't number 1.6 Billion and because the WBC is nothing more than an incestuous inbred family at least they don't go around blowing people up, stilll i put them on the same level when it comes to teaching intolerance. Would you defend these guys?
As far as Mike and Stoney I have seen a number of posts by both them that disparage religious fervor of all shapes and sizes but again these other groups are not massacring other people. Speaking of massacuring, as far as having pity on poor muslims living in poverty consider Iraq, the Muslim faithful always did a pretty good job at killing each other going on their religious pogroms over the centuries and stopped only because a tyrannical madman was put in charge and he wasn't having any of that. He was the only one that was going to kill on a mass scale, same with Assaad in Syria and now that the stakes have changed...yes because of US interferance...there are elements that are back at it. EVEN WITHIN THEIR OWN FAITH. Sponsered of course by Saudi Arabia (Sunni) and Iran (Shia ) So it's not even a religious thing it's more of a zealotry thing. " You are not one of us so you are unworthy to breath the same air of us" . i don't care where that comes from, that type of thought is a disaese that needs to be contained if not eliminated but quite frankly i don't know what the solution is because we all know that poverty and forcing one's will on another group will never be eliminated
As far as Mike and Stoney I have seen a number of posts by both them that disparage religious fervor of all shapes and sizes but again these other groups are not massacring other people. Speaking of massacuring, as far as having pity on poor muslims living in poverty consider Iraq, the Muslim faithful always did a pretty good job at killing each other going on their religious pogroms over the centuries and stopped only because a tyrannical madman was put in charge and he wasn't having any of that. He was the only one that was going to kill on a mass scale, same with Assaad in Syria and now that the stakes have changed...yes because of US interferance...there are elements that are back at it. EVEN WITHIN THEIR OWN FAITH. Sponsered of course by Saudi Arabia (Sunni) and Iran (Shia ) So it's not even a religious thing it's more of a zealotry thing. " You are not one of us so you are unworthy to breath the same air of us" . i don't care where that comes from, that type of thought is a disaese that needs to be contained if not eliminated but quite frankly i don't know what the solution is because we all know that poverty and forcing one's will on another group will never be eliminated
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