So to recap, Lets ask the question again
Jesus ? Fact or fairy tale.
Lets look at the larger context in which the jesus story rests
god makes the universe and earth populating it with all the animals birds fish and insects in 6 days..... resting on the seventh since like man, god needs a rest after some hard yakka
Fact ? or fairy tale ?
He makes Adam and lilith from clay, breathing life into the first man and woman
Fact or fairy tale ?
Adam bitches about lilith (bloody red heads) so god creates a second wife eve from adams rib (note most people dont know eve was the second wife, cherry picked spoon fed version is eve was first)
Fact or fairy tale ?
Noah builds a boat big enough to take all the millions of species of animals birds and insects
Some Rough Estimates of Species Numbers
The estimated number of animals on our planet falls somewhere in the vast range of 3-30 million species (Erwin 1983, Wolosz 1988).
Though scientists will tell you we havent identified them all yet, but lets say 30 million X 2
60 million critters on the one boat.
Then noah drops off the african animals in africa the marsupials in australia, south american species in..... oh you get the idea
And then from noah and his family we get the australian aboriginals, the africans the asians..... in just a few thousands years...... (australian aboriginal has been here for 40 thousand.......)
Noah ?
Fact or fairy tale
Jonah, alive inside the belly of a whale
fact or fiction ?
starting to see a pattern ?
Then we have jesus, born of a virgin, can make the blind see again, brings the dead to life, turns water to wine, and hands out tuna fish sandwhiches to thousands using a few loaves and a few fishes....
Dies and comes back to life after 3 days.....
Fact ? or another in a long line of absurd fairy tales ?
Parts of the Bible were written by people who lied about their identity, an author has claimed.
Bart D Ehrman claims many books of the New Testament were forged by people pretending to be the apostles Peter, Paul or James.
Writing in the Huffington Post, Professor Ehrman, best selling author of 'Misquoting Jesus' and 'Jesus, Interrupted', said religious scholars were well aware of the 'lies' of the Bible
Bart D Ehrman: Parts of Bible's New Testament written by 'pretend apostles' | Mail Online
Including according to Bart 1 Timothy
Assumed identity: Professor Ehrman claims someone posing as St Peter, right, wrote 2 Peter, and another posing as St Paul, left, wrote six of his 13 letters
'In the ancient world, books like that were labelled as pseudoi - lies,' he writes.
Professor Ehrman also claims the author of the book of 1 Timothy claimed to be Paul but in actual fact was someone living after Paul had died.
The author then used the apostle's name to address a problem he saw in church, according to Professor Ehrman.
'Women were speaking out, exercising authority and teaching men. That had to stop,' he writes.
Professor Erhman claims whoever wrote 1 Timothy was trying to put women in their place by citing the garden of Eden as an example of what can happen when women are in charge
'The author told women to be silent and submissive, and reminded his readers about what happened the first time a woman was allowed to exercise authority over a man, in that little incident in the garden of Eden.
'No, the author argued, if women wanted to be saved, they were to have babies (1 Tim. 2:11-15).'
Paul is known as one of history's great misogynists, largely based on this passage from the Bible.
But Professor Ehrman argues this label is not necessarily justified because he wasn't the one to write it.
'And why does it matter? Because the passage is still used by church leaders today to oppress and silence women,' writes Professor Ehrman.
'Why are there no women priests in the Catholic Church? Why are women not allowed to preach in conservative evangelical churches? Why are there churches today that do not allow women even to speak?
'In no small measure it is because Paul allegedly taught that women had to be silent, submissive and pregnant.
'Except that the person who taught this was not Paul, but someone lying about his identity so that his readers would think he was Paul.'
Professor Ehrman then goes on to write how the Bible is actually filled with the need for 'truth' but many of its writers were telling a lie.
I contend that no one with a properly rational mind, looking at all this evidence could not help but conclude its a collection of fairy tales.
It would be akin to insisting hansel and gretel were real children and the gingerbread house a real place where the events in the fable took place