Jeff Davis
Paranormal Adept
I loooove XP. It uses very few system ressources, and most of all I can unload all the eye-candy and avoid the bloated feel of Win7 or OSX. XP gives me the overview, visually, that I want.
I do not like OSX's file handling and general navigation, it really slows me down, but on the other hand I don't like the browser-like philosphy of Win7. I've only tried Win8, but it seems bloated, like a lot of modern software.
So, I'll continue using XP offline for music production. Frankly, it annoys me quite a lot, the dropping of XP.
You do music production? Cool. I did it with XP 32 bit for years. I never did do XP pro 64bit. But now that I use windows 7 64bit the value that it's memory facilitation represents to music production and sound design is just phenomenal. Windows 7 can also be really lightened up resource wise through tweaks like XP was always good for. Yes, XP was the bomb, but then again so was the internet 20 years ago. Now look at it.