The high-price perception is a bit of an illusion. When you actually compare the hardware, the components and the software bundle, you'll find the Mac is very competitive in its price ranges, doing better at the high end. The Mac Pro workstation, for example, is cheaper than the PC competition, even if home built.
But Apple doesn't play in the cheap PC space. There are no profits there, and a lot of the hardware is sheer junk. But there is no real Apple tax, other than the fact that there are product categories the company won't touch. Let the other companies kill themselves trying to fight it out in those arenas. But consider how the PC market has contracted, and even formerly leading players, such as Dell, have suffered. Did the race to the bottom really help? And if you buy disposable junk that you have to replace in a couple of years, just how much have you really saved?
But Apple doesn't play in the cheap PC space. There are no profits there, and a lot of the hardware is sheer junk. But there is no real Apple tax, other than the fact that there are product categories the company won't touch. Let the other companies kill themselves trying to fight it out in those arenas. But consider how the PC market has contracted, and even formerly leading players, such as Dell, have suffered. Did the race to the bottom really help? And if you buy disposable junk that you have to replace in a couple of years, just how much have you really saved?