Yes I agree, we can respectfully agree to disagree. I will stick with the person that I personally find the most directly associated due credibility, within the science, apart from perspective based opinion, like: , Goswami as I already pointed out, is a central, even key figure, of the scientific discipline that is applied theoretical QP. It speaks volumes that his communicated views as demonstrated within the many educational materials he is responsible for globally, successfully measure and define his accuracy in a legitimately approved, therefore unbiased, tome of applied subject knowledge for purposes of learning and further prospering the science itself.
Again, why should this be different than any other time in history? Opposition is only natural, the theories at this point have already been proved, empirically tested all around. There will always be naysayers. Acceptance at the ground level within the scientific community on the other hand, now that'll take some work. Typical dogmatic, self important boneheads, sparring and bickering for a new footing. Progress, it's a bitch.