Pathetic, and my patience does have it's exhaustion point. But, what the hell, I am a compassionate man. Dedicated to the cause of correcting each of your impoverished frontal lobes resulting in what are obvious mental profundities. I recognize a distraction when I am confronted with one. Let alone, two of them.
OK, so Ufology comes down on the side that Goswami is a mystic and makes derogatory remarks about the fact that the Quantum Activist, a documentary solely focused on the life, as in the complete relative biographical life span, of one of the greatest minds (and Globally accredited as such!) in theoretical QP, and then slams him, and denounces him, based on his personal beliefs. That means he's scared, and scared shitless!
Anytime Ufology does a cheap imitation of Phil Klass, he's SCARED! Be careful with your character there son.
Muadib, on the other hand, seems to be almost precursory to artificial intelligence's version of Ufology's Grandson, but I dunno, there might just be a tad more similarity even than that! (Goodness
But here it is boys. Plain and SIMPLE.
You are lacking in ANY, as in in the least of ANYTHING, in terms of a real, or perhaps simpler put, effective, substantive rebuttal. You offer no refute because you have NONE. As in ZERO. Just more TIRED OPINION from the scoffers, who are ever predictable in their fear's best protest. <yawn>
So, Ufology contends that Bell's Theorem doesn't reinforce the notion of Einstein's "spooky action at a distance" ie. "the mind(ie. consciousness)/matter" connection eh?
I know beyond question that is incorrect so I have no other choice but to accept the fact that Ufology has a problem reconciling reality. That is, unless, he can offer up contradictory evidence that would dismiss the same aforementioned evidence. Evidence that has already been demonstrated/accepted within legitimate circles consisting of the TQP scientific community.
I am certain you will counter here with your typical "they weren't referring to consciousness" bs. But I would ask you to use a little more common sense instead, please.
3 Questions Ufology:
1) What is the title of this thread?
2) What is YOUR version, if not the attribute of sentient awareness, which does in fact equal...consciousness.
3) Have you been taking your supplements lately?
Time to wake up and smell the reality men, cause you're living in a scientifically speculative time that's been. Damn.