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How Silly is Climate Change Denial?

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Burnt you do realize the poles have been thawed thousands of times in earths history right? And that without extreme natural climates we would not have polar bears or humans... Right? And that CO2 has rarely been this low in concentration throughout earths history?
Funny how they run and hide when they have to back up their position with actual facts. Lol.

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Some people have serious jobs that entail quite a bit of time - with the result that only serious conversation can be entertained.

But think what you like. You always do.
Funny how you post tons of garbage but you are too busy to back up your information with facts. No biggy, anyone with common sense knows what you and Maudib post is pure bunk. You should be quite ashamed.

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Victims of fraud are often oblivious to the fraud itself, and its the 'ego', that denial feeds off, i dont think tyger will take this as an insult, when i say he has one hell of an ego, and wears it on his sleeve often, ego ofcourse is just ''pride'' by another name, and theres no shame in having pride in ones self.

However pride/ego can be extremely blinding, as in this case, you cannot be right pixel, because he dislikes you, and not because HE has fallen headlong for a well orchestrated fraud.

He is a victim of the oldest logical fallacy there is, that of authority over fact.
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I admire his passion. Too bad he is 100% wrong and Maudib just made him look silly.

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Funny how you post tons of garbage but you are too busy to back up your information with facts. No biggy, anyone with common sense knows what you and Maudib post is pure bunk. You should be quite ashamed.

The conversation has already happened, Pixel, and you lost. Facts aplenty - here and elsewhere, but you seem unable to register them as such. Check back onto the thread Muadib linked to. You've never mounted a coherent argument, just endless one-liners. 'Nuf said. Take care. :rolleyes:
Sorry pal. You have presented 2+2=5 as your fact. Nothing you, BS or Maudib have brought here is fact. You all "lost" this discussion miserably.

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When I tried to engage you with a few questions you and Maudib ran.

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That's a pretty global statement.

That's just it, they haven't been suspended. But to be clear, Man is not 'other causes'. Man has always been part of the equation.

Your criteria is extreme. It's not necessary for such to be occurring for humanity to be impacting climate.

But there is. We impact the environment. We have known that for most of humanity's intellectual life, and even before that. We know that about animals, as well. The most recent (famous) example is demonstrated by the reintroduction of wolves into the Yellowstone.

Archaeologists and Anthropologists deal in great depth in their studies with the changes wrought by Man as they travel across vernal grasslands as migrating tribes or cut down virgin forest to clear land for farming.

Rain and draught are functions of what Man does with the land as vividly demonstrated with the Dust Bowl in the 1930's USA.

Incidentally, Man has historically fouled his environment. We see it amongst nomadic tribesman - they have to leave areas to allow those areas to recover. We see it in the archaeological record. We see it as villages are moved when the midden/garbage heap gets too large.

The Cedars of Lebanon - they existed. Man cut them down leaving a different ecosystem, and weather pattern.

Man's cities are notorious for creating their own weather patterns - the humidity of Phoenix: "places that once had a dry atmosphere, like Phoenix, have now become humid due to the preponderance of swimming pools, well-groomed golf courses with sprinkler systems and fancy malls with spouting fountains."

The wind and weather of the 'canyons' of Chicago -
Climate of Chicago - Description and Normals
LINK: Climate of Chicago - Description, Illinois State Climatologist Office, Illinois State Water Survey, U of I
TEXT: "The first local feature is the urban climate in the Chicago metropolitan area. Buildings, parking lots, roads, and industrial activities make the urban climate noticeably different than that of surrounding rural areas. For example, Chicago tends to be warmer by 2°F, on average, especially at night. In some cases, this difference can be higher. This particle feature of the urban climate is usually called the "urban heat island effect". Urban areas also cause changes in humidity, cloudiness, wind speeds and directions. Not only do the built up areas cause warmer temperatures but they also increase the runoff of rainwater, leading to increased flooding."

That sounds like a strongly held belief. Observation - scientific observation - suggests something else but one has to be open to looking at the evidence and accepting the scientific method of research. If the scientific method is suspect for you then this dialog will be incomprehensible.

There is no 'blame', it is simply a fact that man has always been a player in the ecosystem he is living within. It is only since the advent of the Industrial Revolution that Man's impact began to be obviously global - that is what the evidence points to. However, to be able to see that, one must be able to read and interpret the data in a rigorously scientific way.

Just how long do you think man has been around in high enough quantities to have a global impact on climate Tyger? How could man have "always" been part of the equation, part the the CO2 equation to be more specific, when we have only recently become a dominant part of the picture? To defend the argument for man made global warming you cite very localized impacts that I have no argument with. I reject the theory of man made global warming, or even man made global climate change. That man can screw up local or even regional environments is true and can be proven. Any animal with enough population density can impact it's environment, man is exceptionally good at it, but that isn't really the topic. You are citing a bunch of things that are true, none of which demonstrate that there is any truth to the theory that man is causing a global change in climate.
I don't understand why a CO2 emitting, Carbon based life form like Tyger can justify his toxic existence on this planet. He stands against everything he is made up of. Seems hypocritical. Tyger have you tried cutting your personal CO2 emissions?
Btw the Arctic is making a remarkable recovery in ice for the past 8 days. Global warming is amazing that way, heat creates ice.
Moscow-Pullman Daily News – 5 July 1989
governments have a 10-year window of opportunity to solve the greenhouse effect before it goes beyond human control.”
[Noel Brown - New York office of the United Nations Environment Program]

The Vancouver Sun – May 11, 1982
Lack of such action would bring “by the turn of the century, an envi-ronmental catastrophe which will witness devast-tation as complete, as ir-reversible as any nu-clear holocaust.”
[Mostafa Tolba - Executive director of the United Nations Environment Program]

New York Times – November 18, 2007
…..The IPCC chairman, Rajendra Pachauri, an engineer and economist from India, acknowledged the new trajectory. “If there’s no action before 2012, that’s too late,” Pachauri said. “What we do in the next two to three years will determine our future. This is the defining moment.”…..

Independent – 20 October 2009
Gordon Brown: We have fewer than fifty days to save our planet from catastrophe
……..Copenhagen must be such a time.

There are now fewer than 50 days to set the course of the next 50 years and more. So, as we convene here, we carry great responsibilities, and the world is watching. If we do not reach a deal at this time, let us be in no doubt: once the damage from unchecked emissions growth is done, no retrospective global agreement, in some future period, can undo that choice. By then it will be irretrievably too late….

National Post – 2009?
… In the summer, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon insisted “we have four months to save the planet.”

Guardian – 3 November 2009
We only have months, not years, to save civilisation from climate change
…….Lester R Brown is president of Earth Policy Institute and author of Plan B 4.0: Mobilizing to Save Civilization.

WWF – 7 December 2009
12 days to save the planet!
…“The world has given a green light for a climate deal. But the commitments made so far won’t keep the world under 2° of warming, This has to change over the next 12 days. …
[WWF-UK’s head of climate change, Keith Allott]

Guardian – 18 January 2009
‘We have only four years left to act on climate change – America has to lead’
Jim Hansen is the ‘grandfather of climate change’ and one of the world’s leading climatologists…..

“We cannot now afford to put off change any longer. We have to get on a new path within this new administration. We have only four years left for Obama to set an example to the rest of the world. America must take the lead.”

The Star – Mar 24 2009
‘We have hours’ to prevent climate disaster
…Recently, Prince Charles has said we have only an estimated 100 months. Unless the world comes together and negotiates a meaningful agreement to rapidly reduce greenhouse gas emissions nine months from now – at the Copenhagen meeting of the United Nations climate conference in December – another 90 months won’t help. We have hours to act to avert a slow-motion tsunami that could destroy civilization as we know it.

Earth has a long time. Humanity does not. We need to act urgently. We no longer have decades; we have hours. We mark that in Earth Hour on Saturday….
[Elizabeth May of Canadian Green Party]
BLAH BLAH BLAH... and in the 70's they said the same things about the looming Global COOLING.
Muadib, Burnt and Tyger will now explain it all.
Tyger, Burnt and Maudib failed miserably in this discussion. I would guess all are liberals because libs tend to ignore the actual science and believe what they are told. They politicize the issue and rarely debate because they have no facts to draw upon.
Who is the senator that declared any scientist who says GW isnt happening, should be punished by the full extent of the law, one of the Kennedy's isnt it.

Update: Video: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Wants To Jail His Political Opponents – Accuses Koch Brothers of ‘Treason’ – ‘They ought to be serving time for it’ | Climate Depot

Kennedy previously called for jailing his political opponents. Kennedy Jr. lashed out at skeptics of 2007 declaring “This is treason. And we need to start treating them as traitors” In 2009, RFK, Jr. also called coal companies “criminal enterprises” and declared CEO’s ‘should be in jail… for all of eternity.”

At today’s climate march, Kennedy defended his actions. “You need to use some of that rhetoric because the press has accepted some of the orthodoxies of the oil industry and the Republican echo chamber,” he explained.

This is not the first time global warming activists have sought to try their opponents with treason or jail them. In 2014, the warmist Gawker website wrote: ‘Arrest Climate-Change Deniers’ – ‘Those denialists should face jail’ – ‘Criminally negligent’ – ‘It’s time to punish the climate-change liars’

I think they are appointing Starlin as their figure head, old joey sunshine himself.
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Are you even serious right now? You start bringing nonsense statements about liberals into this and then accuse us of trying to politicize the debate? Are you truly that stupid? Silly question, you're a gun toting, conservative redneck, of course you're stupid, or just perhaps delusional.

Either way, why would anyone bother discussing anything with someone who can't understand the subtleties of anything past "derp Co2 is good for plants in certain amounts, so having a veritable shit ton in the atmosphere must be good too!" or "duhhhh you exhale Co2, therefore suicide is the only viable option if you think Co2 is affecting the climate".

This is the kind of brain dead nonsense that you think makes a good point.

In short, nobody is running from you, of all people. You just aren't worth engaging on any topic, but especially not this one.