Oh, that's right I totally forgot about the whole rhetorical "where is the warming" pat response to any specific challenge that greets you. But this issue of where's the warming is really a silly piece on its own. The one thing I've personally learned in exploring this topic is that no one really agrees on this issue of warming per se or as Mike put it, changing climate vs. climate change. Any piece of reputable science that highlights warming trends you respond by mocking those scientists - it's a circular event that goes nowhere really. Also, another feature of climate that has shaken loose for me is that climate is exceptionally complicated and can not be simplified at all. How heat disperses & is absorbed across the globe, is not a simplistic question nor does it have simle asnwers as you claim.
For example the mystery of Anarctic sea ice growth is unique as it is a sea surrounded pole, and going theories suggest that warming oceans (could the warming be found there? If not check your socks next time Santa swings by - I'm betting he's dropping you off some coal again this year) create polar vortexes that cause low water surface temperatures creating sea ice, but still the total volume is decreasing - so yes you can look to the warming by looking at the shrinking volume of total ice and extreme weather which has been a recent trend no?
These are not isolated points to be hammered at with ignorant, bulldozing one liners. It requires some real consideration of the intricacies of the situation. This is what Muadib has been trying to get across to you. It's simply not about simple answers at all, but there are shifts, and these have been documented across this thread and previous ones. Maybe it's best to find a new topic that isn't built upon conspiracist thought or sponsored by the Koch Brothers. I hate to keep saying that but then your record player is also on repeat. At least I'm offering something new to respond to.
For all the big talk and commentary of your fleeing opponents (again, it's not a game that has winners, this discussion of human impact on the planet) it would be nice for you to present something new to digest for once that follows the same challenges you ask others to meet. The glove is on the floor. Your turn.