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I, Global Warming Skeptic

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Mike... we ARE carbon. "carbon footprint" is a stupid phrase created to make you think you are sh!t and should die.

I remember in the early 70's the threat was a looming ice age. they wanted to paint large areas of ice black to absorb more heat... our current science czar john holdren warned us of it back in the early 70's.... now this same science czar is warning us of global warming.

read EcoScience and learn more of what this eugenicist, POS "science" czar" thinks.
Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment [1649.Pgs.] John.holdren

You seem to mention this every time CO2 emissions are brought up, and although you would think more CO2 would be better for plants, you disregard the other effects of CO2. It will trap the heat from the Sun and kill the plants, meaning that they won't be there to take care of the CO2. That's a simple explanation, but it's quite clear.

Your comments about a specific scientist do not change the actual science. Again, the science shows that we are having an effect on the climate - that's what's important. Keep the politics out of it.
Stuff like carbon credits, buzz words like "going green," and any of the other general marketing associated with the environmental movement are covered in a lot of BS. That Pixelsmith, I'm sure we can agree on. However, the hard science provided by the VAST MAJORITY of climate scientists is clear. We have had an effect on the environment and it has become clear by looking at the statistics. The top two warmest years globally have been 2010, followed by 2005 (2010 record temperature).
We don't know how bad this will be. In the end, I would prefer that we use energy that does not pollute the air. As much as you think CO2 is great for everyone, I doubt you would put your mouth on a car's tail pipe.
There is an elephant in the room..............


Unless this is addressed, nothing will change.

People need stuff, stuff pollutes, more people ,more stuff, more pollution.

Life on Earth is dependent on carbon dioxide (CO2) to regulate the temperature of our planet, but too much can create a heat-trapping blanket over our atmosphere. In the last century, unsustainable population growth and excessive consumption have raised levels of CO2 so dramatically that the earth's climate has been altered in ways never experienced before. Agricultural expansion and forest depletion have multiplied emissions of greenhouse gases like CO2, but it is our dependence on fossil fuels that propels monumental atmospheric change. When we burn fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas, we release unsustainable levels of CO2—the primary global warming culprit. Those of us living in the developed world bear a majority of the responsibility for reversing this disturbing trend.

The vast majority of so called solutions, are addressing the symptom and not the cause.
You seem to mention this every time CO2 emissions are brought up, and although you would think more CO2 would be better for plants, you disregard the other effects of CO2. It will trap the heat from the Sun and kill the plants, meaning that they won't be there to take care of the CO2. That's a simple explanation, but it's quite clear.

Your comments about a specific scientist do not change the actual science. Again, the science shows that we are having an effect on the climate - that's what's important. Keep the politics out of it.
Stuff like carbon credits, buzz words like "going green," and any of the other general marketing associated with the environmental movement are covered in a lot of BS. That Pixelsmith, I'm sure we can agree on. However, the hard science provided by the VAST MAJORITY of climate scientists is clear. We have had an effect on the environment and it has become clear by looking at the statistics. The top two warmest years globally have been 2010, followed by 2005 (2010 record temperature).
We don't know how bad this will be. In the end, I would prefer that we use energy that does not pollute the air. As much as you think CO2 is great for everyone, I doubt you would put your mouth on a car's tail pipe.

Angelo, your ignorance on the subject is shocking and laughable at the same time.

What "actual science" do you refer to?

---------- Post added at 02:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:19 AM ----------

you can never win this debate. There is no credible science that proves human caused CO2 is causing any significant rise in CO2 levels that will cause any significant warming. period.

this scam was never based on science, it was based on human emotion. the polar bears are drowning because of humans... bullshit. pure bullshit.
I think this issue is not whether Global warming is man made or natural but WTF are we doing about it. If GW is man made, how serious are we really about man polluting the environment? What are we really doing about developing alternative power sources? What is your government (and mine) doing about changing any of the former (besides arguing and deflecting)?
The answer is "FUCK ALL!"
All we seem to do is argue about who or what is responsible for it. The real topic is being obscured. The methods we use for power and fuel are poisoning us and the planet. We need to change THAT!
Even if man is not poisoning the planet we need to break free from the reliance on fossil fuels and develop free energy. Every second of the day we are filling the pockets of very rich men because we let them.
"WTF are we doing about it"

Well, last time I checked, nations with land bordering the Arctic Ocean are moving as fast as they can to solidify their claims in anticipation that the polar ice melting will open up new shipping routes. Greenland is trying to increase its independence from Denmark so it'll be better positioned to exploit the mineral resources that will be exposed when the glacier recedes.

That's all that comes to mind at the moment, but I'm sure there's much more being done.
"WTF are we doing about it"

Well, last time I checked, nations with land bordering the Arctic Ocean are moving as fast as they can to solidify their claims in anticipation that the polar ice melting will open up new shipping routes. Greenland is trying to increase its independence from Denmark so it'll be better positioned to exploit the mineral resources that will be exposed when the glacier recedes.

That's all that comes to mind at the moment, but I'm sure there's much more being done.

More than likely. But you just know that governments around the world will not be changing their ways anytime soon. Even if GW is a natural occurrence they will continue to poison the environment and us. Man made GW vs Natural GW? An irrelevant argument.
More than likely. But you just know that governments around the world will not be changing their ways anytime soon. Even if GW is a natural occurrence they will continue to poison the environment and us. Man made GW vs Natural GW? An irrelevant argument.

I am all for the warming of the planet AND an increase in CO2. We humans can benefit greatly from BOTH. This is historical FACT.
humans die easily when there is a mile of ice covering everything and thrive when the climate is warm. plants die when CO2 levels get down around 200 ppm and thrive at around 1200 ppm.
humans die easily when there is a mile of ice covering everything and thrive when the climate is warm. plants die when CO2 levels get down around 200 ppm and thrive at around 1200 ppm.

You do realize that CO2 is a greenhouse gas and it will trap in the heat, which will kill the plants, right? I think I mentioned that, but you seem to ignore that fact. You need to get the science right before you just say things. Also, we can agree that all the exhaust we're creating is not good for us, right?
You do realize that CO2 is a greenhouse gas and it will trap in the heat, which will kill the plants, right? I think I mentioned that, but you seem to ignore that fact. You need to get the science right before you just say things. Also, we can agree that all the exhaust we're creating is not good for us, right?

you do realize CO2 is trace gas? you do realize nothing "traps" heat? you need to get your science from a place that isnt paid to come up with a desired outcome.

I may not be able to reply for awhile, I am VP of a Blues Festival that is going on this weekend and I have lots to do.
you do realize CO2 is trace gas? you do realize nothing "traps" heat? you need to get your science from a place that isnt paid to come up with a desired outcome.

I may not be able to reply for awhile, I am VP of a Blues Festival that is going on this weekend and I have lots to do.

No one is "paid" to come up with what the properties of CO2 gas are. Also, you don't think the stuff we're spewing out into the atmosphere is not bad for us? Would you inhale car exhaust?
C'mon Pixelsmith, at one point you have to admit that there is merit to NOT burning fossil fuels.

Anyway, enjoy the Blues Festival. Post some pictures if you get the chance.
"Nuclear power has proven a lot safer than organic farming."

What an incredibly asinine and uninformed statement. Whoever would believe such a statement has checked their brains at the door. Whoever wrote that is a utter and complete fool or thinks everyone else is one. My god what ignorance.
What an incredibly asinine and uninformed statement. Whoever would believe such a statement has checked their brains at the door. Whoever wrote that is a utter and complete fool or thinks everyone else is one. My god what ignorance.

That one statement in the article bothered me considering what has recently happened.
That one statement in the article bothered me considering what has recently happened.

It would be nice if this were only a recent problem but it has been going on for decades. Only you don't hear about it just like you're not hearing about Fukushima right now like you should. For someone to make such a statement shows a level of ignorance that makes it hard for me to take their research and conclusions about anything very seriously. What utter trash and intellectual dishonesty. It's a very dangerous lie. A very dangerous lie indeed.

Fuck global warming concerns. What we need to be concerned with the incredible amount of dangerous toxic and radioactive materials being spewed into the environment that our children are growing up in right now. What good will combating global warming through the use of nuclear energy do if the people managing it are too stupid, greedy, or disconnected from reality to safely manage it? What complete horseshit. Nuclear energy is not safe. Not by a long shot. We've been sold a bill of goods by ignorant or dishonest SOBs with some other agenda.
you're not hearing about Fukushima right now like you should.

This just boggles the mind. The American public or should I say the world is just so damn easy to fool. Nothing to see here. Keep moving. In a realted incident did anybody ever decide or even care about the apparent missle that was fired off the coast some months ago? I think we talked about it here for a few days but I don't remember hearing anything else about it.
you're not hearing about Fukushima right now like you should.

This just boggles the mind. The American public or should I say the world is just so damn easy to fool. Nothing to see here. Keep moving. In a realted incident did anybody ever decide or even care about the apparent missle that was fired off the coast some months ago? I think we talked about it here for a few days but I don't remember hearing anything else about it.

That's because it was not a missile, it was an airplane contrail. I actually saw a similar one the other day.
I should have taken a picture of it actually, but I was on a crowded train. It was really cool though. I saw the airplane, but the way it looked, it seemed as though the airplane was going vertical. Very interesting and it shows how easily things can be what they seem.
Angelo, your ignorance on the subject is shocking and laughable at the same time.

What "actual science" do you refer to?

---------- Post added at 02:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:19 AM ----------

you can never win this debate. There is no credible science that proves human caused CO2 is causing any significant rise in CO2 levels that will cause any significant warming. period.

this scam was never based on science, it was based on human emotion. the polar bears are drowning because of humans... bullshit. pure bullshit.

I thought you said to move on and there was nothing to see here. So why do you continue to comment??