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I had a Time Traveling Experience (Time Slip Phenomenon)

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And that case took place where? It's not about being fashionable. It's about being intellectually honest. There is a big difference. Hypnotic regression works on a minority of people whose minds are suggestible.

Watch the documentary, it's BBC and it's really easy to find.

Can you remember what you did for your birthday last year?

In an ordinary state, you remember something that actually happened 3 years ago, and that means your mind is strong. In another state, you remember something that actually happened 3 years ago, and that means your mind is weak.

If you want to be intellectually honest, then consider the possibility that you may be pretending to know more about hypnosis than you actually do.
In Australia, legal evidence obtained from hypnosis is not ruled out, however it is subject to very strict admissibility tests. You can never be 100% sure what you retrieve in hypnosis is 'factual', unless there is a bunch of corroborating evidence. Also hypnosis is not professionally regulated in Australia yet, which causes problems.

Memory is a slippery topic. I think the most accurate way of stating it would be that it is 'constructed' rather than caught on tape like a camera. There is a great paper by an 'out there' but very respected neuroscientist called Walter J Freeman. He conducted EEG studies on rabbits exposed to certain smells. He found that a certain EEG profile was generated in response to the smell of sawdust each time the smell was presented. He then trained the rabbit to perceive the smell of banana. Following this, when sawdust was reintroduced as the stimulus, the EEG profile of sawdust was different. He concluded that the EEG brain patters were dominated more by experience than by the actual stimuli.

It makes you question what exactly the reality that we perceive is.

Here is a link to the article, the rabbit experiment is near the end.

The Physiology of Perception
If this happened to me, I'd be forced to choose:

1) Discard my narrative and replace it with a new nonsensical one that easily accomodates supermarket-dwelling elephants.
2) Deny the reality of the elephant and thus keep my narrative intact.
3) Try to ignore the elephant as if it didn't happen and thus keep my narrative intact.

I suspect most experiencers choose 3) or oscillate miserably between 1) and 2) while seeking validation for either option. Perhaps you're seeking validation here, perhaps not.

I'm not in a position to doubt or believe what you say you saw. I'm only wondering if perhaps your mind saw something quite different than what was physically there. It might have been even stranger than a futuristic neighborhood.

Applying this view to the elephant, perhaps I really encountered a incomprehensible glitch in the virtual reality I inhabit, and my imagination covered it up with an elephant to keep me from going completely insane.

LOLOL!! it is only an example how i felt during the Time Slip..:D silly...I was shocked, stunned, afraid and alone...Thats all
Watch the documentary, it's BBC and it's really easy to find.

Can you remember what you did for your birthday last year?

In an ordinary state, you remember something that actually happened 3 years ago, and that means your mind is strong. In another state, you remember something that actually happened 3 years ago, and that means your mind is weak.

If you want to be intellectually honest, then consider the possibility that you may be pretending to know more about hypnosis than you actually do.

I can tell you exactly what I did on my birthday every year for the last 10. My mind is indeed strong. Now if YOU want to be intellectually honest, You ARE pretending to know more about me, and Hypnosis than you actually do.
Hi there Irishseeker,
1. Because my mom wanted me to stay near the house to play and i did not want to do that so i had to stay in the house on that day. I was not able go back into the woods.
2. Same Patch of land only few 1960 houses there.. exactly How many? I dont know..it was much less of what i saw during the time slip plus The road did not look smooth, modern, brand new and white/silvery cement light colored. it appeared to be regular old tar road with cracks in them..
3. If your talking about cars driving on the road..NO There were nothing on the road, there were no people around..it was actionless. Same goes with (my second slip) while i was driving..There were no people around, no other cars on the road except for me, it was actionless and a little bit dark.

4. I never suffer any blackouts, illnesses, or sleeping disorders in any kind, I am not handicapped and i dont wear glasses if that helps...Thats Ok I dont have a problem answering questions.

5. I dont quite understand the question but, what comes close to my experience are the videos that you see here about Time slips except i never saw people or ghosts..Watch them you will see the similarities.

This will summed it up for now...I will not be on tomorrow to answer more questions because i am going to be very busy..Take Care..Bye :)

Ok thanks for answering those few basic questions. Ok, i still find it hard to believe somebody can travel into the future like that, really i am not kidding.

I cant tell if you story is bullshit or something else entirely, but you seem to be replying to everybodys questions on this thread in a honest way.

I might have missed a post on this so bare with me, have you ever gone back to the woods recently to have a look?
Maybe tommy idea could be the cause for your case have you ever got a professional to investigate the area.It might cost money i no "so that idea might not be plausible.

Some will compare your case to Whitley streiber's, for me at least your case isnt as far fetched what ever that means.
Whitley Streiber to me is a writer with a great imagination for storytelling and i think most of his works are fiction, but that doesnt mean i dont believe he experienced something.
I can tell you exactly what I did on my birthday every year for the last 10. My mind is indeed strong. Now if YOU want to be intellectually honest, You ARE pretending to know more about me, and Hypnosis than you actually do.

Yes, I was working, after work... I went over to my mom's house for awhile...Evening.. My husband took me out for chinese food on my birthday then went home.

Let me tell you something little bit about my mind...My mind does not suffer any mental illness, memory loss, blackouts, seizures, brain damage or any other disorders of any kind..Never been in an accident.
I can remember dates of birthdays/years of my friends, their husbands, wives, and my neighbors. I have witnesses to that one because they come to me and ask...What date is so and so's birthday?

On another note and keep this in mind: When something unusual happen to someone ( like myself) Paranormal, and for people who have been in Criminal trauma: Rape, Sexual abuse, molesting, home invasion and so on are not going to forget what happen to them. Just like 9/11 happened a devastating trauma that America will not forget and i remember clear as day where i was on that day.

I can tell you that my experiences will remain with me for the rest of my life because something very unusual happened ( Traveling through time supernaturally) I am sure that you all had that experience..You will never forget..right :question: Be back later
Ok thanks for answering those few basic questions. Ok, i still find it hard to believe somebody can travel into the future like that, really i am not kidding.

I cant tell if you story is bullshit or something else entirely, but you seem to be replying to everybodys questions on this thread in a honest way.

I might have missed a post on this so bare with me, have you ever gone back to the woods recently to have a look?
Maybe tommy idea could be the cause for your case have you ever got a professional to investigate the area.It might cost money i no "so that idea might not be plausible.

Some will compare your case to Whitley streiber's, for me at least your case isnt as far fetched what ever that means.
Whitley Streiber to me is a writer with a great imagination for storytelling and i think most of his works are fiction, but that doesnt mean i dont believe he experienced something.

Hi Irishseeker...I can understand your skepticism and that is fine..When i tell my true experiences i dont expect all people to believe me and i know there are alot of hoaxes out there that do exist..so that is understandable.

Yes, a paranormal investigator and his team went out there to investigate the area.

I went back into the woods the next day after my experience in 1968 and could not find the future place of almost an hour looking. I felt so disappointed that day i never went back..Answer NO
Yes, I was working, after work... I went over to my mom's house for awhile...Evening.. My husband took me out for chinese food on my birthday then went home.

Let me tell you something little bit about my mind...My mind does not suffer any mental illness, memory loss, blackouts, seizures, brain damage or any other disorders of any kind..Never been in an accident.
I can remember dates of birthdays/years of my friends, their husbands, wives, and my neighbors. I have witnesses to that one because they come to me and ask...What date is so and so's birthday?

On another note and keep this in mind: When something unusual happen to someone ( like myself) Paranormal, and for people who have been in Criminal trauma: Rape, Sexual abuse, molesting, home invasion and so on are not going to forget what happen to them. Just like 9/11 happened a devastating trauma that America will not forget and i remember clear as day where i was on that day.

I can tell you that my experiences will remain with me for the rest of my life because something very unusual happened ( Traveling through time supernaturally) I am sure that you all had that experience..You will never forget..right :question: Be back later

Sorry, but your mind might be strong, but it obviously isn't all that smart, as I was responding to BrandonD. My previous comment was NOT for you.
The only thing i can tell you ALL about my Time Travel experiences that the phenomenon is REAL..There are alot of Unexplained events or strange paranormal happenings that are being reported by people all over the world. A smartest scientist could not even give any full explanations or answers to our phenonmenon experiences. There are alot of over- powered questions with few answers to go by on which is based on speculation, theories and think what may really happen. In my opinion those are not really true answers.. No body knows for sure except for the experiencer herself who experienced a Time Slip Phenomenon. Take Care!
I think we need to take a step back here. These kinds of personal experiences can NEVER be adequately verified. They are inherently subjective. The Scientific Method cannot be applied because there's nothing to apply it to. When someone relates this kind of experience we try to find an explanation, but the explanations we come up with are sometimes more bizarre than the experience itself. The only thing we have to work with is psychology. Frankly, I believe psychology as a discipline is dubious in itself. It's not a hard science, just one of the liberal arts masquerading as one. Explaining a 'time slip' as a 'screen memory' is a case in point. Screen memories are as dubious as time slips. Who made that one up? Budd Hopkins? In any case, one does not explain the other. Hypnotism and regression, also, are fraught with deception and fanciful imaginations. Just because you say something under hypnosis does not make it real. However, the fact of the matter is hypnosis in this case is a moot point. The experiencer was NOT hypnotized. It isn't part of her experience. Arguing about whether hynosis is valid or not is irrelevant.

To the experiencer of this kind of phenomenon I say, “Thank you for sharing your story.” It is, indeed, interesting, but you should not expect anyone else to ‘believe’ it the same way or to the same extent you do. There is no way anyone else can verify your story. It is, I am certain, a Truth for you. If it is absolutely 100% true just the way you said it happened, we cannot distinguish that from a situation where someone made it up entirely. Please don’t ask us to fall in line behind your story. If you do, you’re asking us to pander to you. I doubt anyone wants to do that; and you should not expect it. It’s an unreasonable demand and it is hurting your credibility.

To the folks attempting to explain this, I think that’s fine to a point, but I’m not sure pointing out that perhaps the experiencer can’t possibly remember what happened is being accusatory on the other side of the spectrum. You don’t know what happened. Just because you can think of a possible reason other than that offered by the experiencer doesn’t make your explanation any more true than the original story. You’re speculating without a shred of evidence wanting to ‘prove’ this could not have happened. The explanations are as fanciful as the original experience.

It’s not necessary to take a stance here. It’s not necessary for anyone to ‘believe’ this story, so quit asking. It’s not necessary to prove it did not happen, so quit trying.

The phenomenon itself is not new. The same sort of thing has happened before. I think it would be interesting to chronicle the stories. They are interesting, and anecdotal, and that’s just about as far as you can go with them.
I think we need to take a step back here. These kinds of personal experiences can NEVER be adequately verified. They are inherently subjective. The Scientific Method cannot be applied because there's nothing to apply it to. When someone relates this kind of experience we try to find an explanation, but the explanations we come up with are sometimes more bizarre than the experience itself. The only thing we have to work with is psychology. Frankly, I believe psychology as a discipline is dubious in itself. It's not a hard science, just one of the liberal arts masquerading as one. Explaining a 'time slip' as a 'screen memory' is a case in point. Screen memories are as dubious as time slips. Who made that one up? Budd Hopkins? In any case, one does not explain the other. Hypnotism and regression, also, are fraught with deception and fanciful imaginations. Just because you say something under hypnosis does not make it real.

To the experiencer of this kind of phenomenon I say, “Thank you for sharing your story.” It is, indeed, interesting, but you should not expect anyone else to ‘believe’ it the same way or to the same extent you do. There is no way anyone else can verify your story. It is, I am certain, a Truth for you. If it is absolutely 100% true just the way you said it happened, we cannot distinguish that from a situation where someone made it up entirely. Please don’t ask us to fall in line behind your story. If you do, you’re asking us to pander to you. I doubt anyone wants to do that; and you should not expect it. It’s an unreasonable demand and it is hurting your credibility.

To the folks attempting to explain this, I think that’s fine to a point, but I’m not sure pointing out that perhaps the experiencer can’t possibly remember what happened is being accusatory on the other side of the spectrum. You don’t know what happened. Just because you can think of a possible reason other than that offered by the experiencer doesn’t make your explanation any more true than the original story. You’re speculating without a shred of evidence wanting to ‘prove’ this could not have happened. The explanations are as fanciful as the original experience.

It’s not necessary to take a stance here. It’s not necessary for anyone to ‘believe’ this story, so quit asking. It’s not necessary to prove it did not happen, so quit trying.

The phenomenon itself is not new. The same sort of thing has happened before. I think it would be interesting to chronicle the stories. They are interesting, and anecdotal, and that’s just about as far as you can go with them.

I have answered all questions truthfully that had been thrown to me. I as an experiencer NEVER said I was under hypnosis..Please dont put words in my mouth that i did not say..I was never hypnotized and never went to a hypnotist-therapist in my life time.. That is what you assumed to be and call it what you will..I as an experiencer is telling you thats not what it is. You did not experienced it.. I did!! I am telling you my true story, giving you information to study and to learn from me of what i experience by asking me questions..I may not have any evidence but it is an unexplained phenomenon that needs to be search or looked into.I am not the only one who experience these type of Time anomalies or Time/Dimensional Slip..There are others out there..I am not hurting my credibility..all im doing is telling my true experiences and answering every question that people have asked me truthfully. "The Scientific Method cannot be applied because there's nothing to apply it to". Answer: This is why it is called an unexplained phenonmenon..Scroll back and read my comments once again PLEASE!! I said, " I dont expect all people to believe me" I am not demanding people to believe me this is what your saying...I as an experiencer do not speculate anything..I am only telling my true story of what happened on that day..that is what you seem to think and it doesnt help you in any way.. People who experience an unexplained event or Criminal trauma remember of being raped, molested, 9/11 and so on ..Does not forget what happen to them even if years and years go by..They will always remember. Take Care
I also like to add before i go..."WE tell our true story experiences, Its well documented and it is up to the scientists or paranormal experts to figure this all out. Maybe one day we will have a full explanation and answers to ALL of our phenomenon experiences" until then keep on searching.. Take Care...OFFLINE!
I have answered all questions truthfully that had been thrown to me. I as an experiencer NEVER said I was under hypnosis..Please dont put words in my mouth that i did not say

No one said you were and no one is putting words in your mouth. You need to read more carefully. The hypnosis issue was brought up by OTHERS and I was commenting on their comments. In fact, I SPECFICALLY SAID hypnosis wasn't an issue because you had not been. This is the second time you have done this, the last time with tom allison. You are not comprehending what we are saying here. You are simply being reactive and defensive.

I was attempting to take a middle ground and point out you can't prove your experience was true and no one else can prove it was false. You ARE insisting we believe you here--as this last post indicates.

Now, I've said that it's difficult to pin down because it is a subjective experience. However, having read all TimeExplorer's posts twice, I have grown even more suspicious. I direct your attention to post #30 in this thread where she says she has pasted in what a 'paranormal investigator' said.

Read TimeExplorer's posts, then read the 'paranormal investigator' paragraphs. Notice anything? I don't claim to be an expert in syntactical analyses, but I notice the investigator uses much of the same syntax as TimeExplorer. Both seem to have the same difficulties with run on sentences and tenses, the same mistakes between 'your' and 'you're'. The two 'different people' sound the same to me. Of course, this could be coincidence. The 'paranormal investigator's' explanation is total gibberish as far as I can tell. I think both were written by the same person myself. I'd love to have an expert take a look and give an opinion.

As for this being 'well documented,' No, it is NOT 'well documented.' It is the lack of any documentation whatsoever that is also a problem with this story. It is an emotional story that is quite vague on details. Other than 'future looking houses' and 'white streets' there's no detail to speak of, nothing to go on.

So, after looking at all the evidence presented here, which is precious little, TimeExplorer's reaction to questions (which is mostly avoidance), and the lack of cohesiveness of the story itself, I've come to the conclusion that it is bull shit and not worth any more time. She should take this to ATS where they will believe anything. That would be a more appropriate venue.

Of course, this is just my opinion. :D
I reread post 30 and I would have to agree with you Schuyler. However Time Explorer IF and that is a big IF you are telling the truth then please listen to what people are trying to convey here.
In my opinion as a biased psychologist, passing off psychology as a 'liberal art' rather than a science undercuts the contributions psychology could make to the paranormal field. Mental illness and malingering are factors that can be screened for through psychological testing. We shouldnt throw the baby out with the bath water but use whatever we can to move toward a better understanding.

Time Explorer, dont get too caught up on other peoples perceptions of what you feel you experienced. Everyone sees a different reality and are going to have different opinions. Take what's useful for you and throw away what isn't. None of us will ever be able to verify for you what you did or didnt experience.
In my opinion as a biased psychologist, passing off psychology as a 'liberal art' rather than a science undercuts the contributions psychology could make to the paranormal field. Mental illness and malingering are factors that can be screened for through psychological testing. We shouldnt throw the baby out with the bath water but use whatever we can to move toward a better understanding.

Time Explorer, dont get too caught up on other peoples perceptions of what you feel you experienced. Everyone sees a different reality and are going to have different opinions. Take what's useful for you and throw away what isn't. None of us will ever be able to verify for you what you did or didnt experience.

A very telling observation. So give her the MMPI. Psychology has had PLENTY of time to 'contribute' to the paranormal field and has done diddly squat. What we have is people like Budd Hopkins masquerading as a hypnotist because he observed some psychologist doing it a few times. He's an artist--not a psychologist. I am biased AGAINST 'psychology' as a science. It isn't. Psychiatry is a science, but psychology is one of those liberal disciplines where opinion matters a great deal more than observation. Ted Bundy was a psychology major. I don't think that was an accident. I have never met a psychology major whom I would consider a sane, disinterested, objective observer. (Except rat psychologists. Now I like rat psychologists.) In Psychology, 'anything goes.' To a psychologist, 'Everyone sees a different reality.' In my opinion, psychology--as a discipline--is sloppy. If 'everyone sees a different reality' there is no objective reality at all--and no progress in determining what is real or not. Psychology offers us a paralytic maze of relativism that offers no solutions or conclusions.

Besides, my major original point is exactly the same as yours. No one can prove or disprove what TimeExplorer has said. THAT'S WHAT I SAID. There's nowhere to go with this.
Anything can be used for a negative or positive end, generalizing across a whole field is not a balanced viewpoint. I agree there are sloppy experiments and practitioners within psychology, but that does not mean the field as a whole is sloppy.

The problem comes with unexperienced practitioners making wild assumptions from their own biased opinions and not conforming to scientific principles. An individual with a 'psychology major' is a world away from a practitioner with higher qualifications and research experience. If psychology has added nothing to the field, look to the weakness of the practitioner not the science. If psychiatry is a science then so is psychology, a court of law does not distinguish between my opinion as to someone's fitness to stand trial and that of a psychiatrist. No one is more annoyed than myself at substandard practitioners who bring the work I do down.

Most psychologists remain hidden in little rooms running their own brand of snake oil therapy. I myself am tested day in day out before a court of law that does not allow me to become lazy enough to begin spouting uninformed opinion that is not backed up by research and data.

Schuyler, I appreciate your opinion because you keep people in my line of work honest. I just believe that there is a contribution to be made through appropriate psychological science.
I still say my money is on the Geological.

Especially if there's more than one person having the same kind of event.
No one said you were and no one is putting words in your mouth. You need to read more carefully. The hypnosis issue was brought up by OTHERS and I was commenting on their comments. In fact, I SPECFICALLY SAID hypnosis wasn't an issue because you had not been. This is the second time you have done this, the last time with tom allison. You are not comprehending what we are saying here. You are simply being reactive and defensive.

I was attempting to take a middle ground and point out you can't prove your experience was true and no one else can prove it was false. You ARE insisting we believe you here--as this last post indicates.

Now, I've said that it's difficult to pin down because it is a subjective experience. However, having read all TimeExplorer's posts twice, I have grown even more suspicious. I direct your attention to post #30 in this thread where she says she has pasted in what a 'paranormal investigator' said.

Read TimeExplorer's posts, then read the 'paranormal investigator' paragraphs. Notice anything? I don't claim to be an expert in syntactical analyses, but I notice the investigator uses much of the same syntax as TimeExplorer. Both seem to have the same difficulties with run on sentences and tenses, the same mistakes between 'your' and 'you're'. The two 'different people' sound the same to me. Of course, this could be coincidence. The 'paranormal investigator's' explanation is total gibberish as far as I can tell. I think both were written by the same person myself. I'd love to have an expert take a look and give an opinion.

As for this being 'well documented,' No, it is NOT 'well documented.' It is the lack of any documentation whatsoever that is also a problem with this story. It is an emotional story that is quite vague on details. Other than 'future looking houses' and 'white streets' there's no detail to speak of, nothing to go on.

So, after looking at all the evidence presented here, which is precious little, TimeExplorer's reaction to questions (which is mostly avoidance), and the lack of cohesiveness of the story itself, I've come to the conclusion that it is bull shit and not worth any more time. She should take this to ATS where they will believe anything. That would be a more appropriate venue.

Of course, this is just my opinion. :D

I am not being defensive here and that is certainly not the case...I need to clarify something here (Post 30) is from a guy who is a paranormal investigator from youtube (one of my friends) I chat with about my experiences..Nickname Paranormal999..he is not the paranormal investigator your thinking of who investigated my case in Massachusetts..sorry for the confusement..You want proof ? Go to http://www.youtube.com/TimeExplorer3 scroll down and click on the number 12 ( Friends 12) you will see his nickname..Furthurmore go and ask him if you dont believe me..I was showing Tommy what he thinks about what this paranormal investigator says. On post 11 when i said " A beginner paranormal investigator name Lucas who is from Massachusett ( My state) and his team is the one who investigated my case and I have proof. I am not a bit worry about my credibility. If you are saying my true story is bullshi* thats fine I dont care if you believe me or not.. but My case is already been investigated and documented.. Sorry but i am not avoiding anything here.. Your opinion is only based what you think, assumed, speculate and so on about my experience. therefore, you are not an expert. Can you PROVE what you say is true? Can you? NO..Well then? There are other people or group of people around the world experience TimeSlips that are similiar to mine who are not kids but adults can you explain that? There is a video of it..Im sure you would agree this is no imaginary, hallucination, made up bullshi* story. Something is going on and It needs to be documented studied and do more research to find some kind of decent answer or explanation not to be based on speculation and such..That is going to take sometime to do...I know there is alot of hoaxes out there but im sure the experts can pinpoint them out...Time Slips and Time anomalies are not the only unexplained phenomenons and there are others and scientists need to do more research when it comes to people's paranormal experiences, investigations, documentation, and studies. There is no problem with my true story its already been investigated and documented...Take Care now :)