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I had a Time Traveling Experience (Time Slip Phenomenon)

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Hey TimeExplorer,

That is definitely a "Classic time slip" that you experience. I have a few questions to ask you about your first slip in 1968 if you dont mind.

1. Do you remember or approximately what time a day was it?
2. Do you know exact date or a close approximation?
3. What was the weather like that day and a few days before and afterwards?
4. what were you doing in the woods?

No, I dont mind...1. During my experience I am going by the positioning of the sun approximately 1:15pm. 2. approximately July 24th,1968. 3. Hot and Sunny before... Clear blue sky, little bit nippy and Sunny during...Hot and Sunny after. 4. I was walking obviously pulling off branches, sticks..so on away from body, hair and face...Picking up some colorful leaves off the ground on my way and putting some acorns in my pocket.
No, I dont mind...1. During my experience I am going by the positioning of the sun approximately 1:15pm. 2. approximately July 24th,1968. 3. Hot and Sunny before... Clear blue sky, little bit nippy and Sunny during...Hot and Sunny after. 4. I was walking obviously pulling off branches, sticks..so on away from body, hair and face...Picking up some colorful leaves off the ground on my way and putting some acorns in my pocket.

Your answer to the 4th question is quite odd. Acorns and picking up colorful leaves in July? 1. During your time slip "the weather nippy" is enough to give you goosebumps? 2. When you first went into the woods
was it a compulsion or a random act? 3. Did you do this often? "take a walk into the woods" and have you done this before as a child? I am sending you a private message to give you my email address. There is alot more to talk about including time travel. Keep in touch, MrQ
Your answer to the 4th question is quite odd. Acorns and picking up colorful leaves in July? 1. During your time slip "the weather nippy" is enough to give you goosebumps? 2. When you first went into the woods
was it a compulsion or a random act? 3. Did you do this often? "take a walk into the woods" and have you done this before as a child? I am sending you a private message to give you my email address. There is alot more to talk about including time travel. Keep in touch, MrQ

Yes, I picked up acorns but the acorns could have been in the woods from last season...Right? The weather during my experience to me was a bit nippy..I did had goosebumps but it could have been in the shade I was standing in...it was a compulsion and no i dont do this often..yes i done this before as a child a few times but it was my first time going deeper into the woods..When i went into the woods i came upon this huge empty circle space which had nothing growing..no sticks, no twigs, no leaves..nothing...sometimes me and some other kids would play, sit and tell stories or make the space out of a kids clubhouse or something..behind the space were deeper woods.
sometimes when people have an event that doesnt quite make sense or seems strange, they go to a hypnotherapist who regress's them back to that event under hypnosis, sometimes during these sessions with the hypnotherapist a different set of memorys other than the one you remember , will surface.

Budd Hopkins for example, does this to ppl who have had strange thing happening to them.

does anyone recall which of Mr Streibers books deals with the turning a busy street corner and finding himself in the wild west ?

This where he was with his son's friend? I can narrow it down a little. I think it's in either Transformation or Breakthrough. Just maybe Secret School, but I have doubts about that.
it was a compulsion and no i dont do this often..yes i done this before as a child a few times but it was my first time going deeper into the woods

TimeExplorer, how much do you think this experience had to do with you personally? In other words, do you feel the "futuristic neighborhood" would have manifested had you not been there to observe it?
TimeExplorer, how much do you think this experience had to do with you personally? In other words, do you feel the "futuristic neighborhood" would have manifested had you not been there to observe it?

Personally?? well, starting from childhood at the age of 7 thru 12.. Every single night (gradually) when time went on to 4 times a month.. I had nightmares that i can not understand about me walking into the dark woods alone and suddenly i saw a bunch of whitish blue light glowing hands hovering or floating above me coming towards me in the woods..I was very scared kneeling down hiding behind a bush or behind a tree so they dont find me..Then i was surrounded by these glowing bunch of hands and then it captured me or got me..I woke up from my sleep terrified screaming and crying from my bed feeling a sensation of being touched I said, " Mommy Im scared the beeps are after me" I call the glowing light hands (beeps)..I dont know why..I always slept in my parents bed when i was small.. My childhood fears were going to bed ( nightmares) and fireworks( I felt the lights were going to get me and hurt me)..When time went on and i moved to another town in 1971..I had On and Off flashbacks for decades of what i saw beyond (The woods) that i can not understand and can not explain why i travel thru time to an unfamiliar place ( Time Slip) including what i saw in my bedroom (1 time) in human form and flashbacks of me walking home from the middle of town down feeling lost and crying that i miss my mother but I dont remember why i was down town in the first place. Age 12 and beyond.. I suffer in fear with anxiety attacks during my sleep waking up grasping for air while my heart pounding against my chest, and while im driving a car or anywhere with out no warning, I suffer a phobia ( fear of open or unfamiliar places such as airports, taking a detour while driving so on (fear of being lost) fear of certain lights, Fireworks, lighters, matches, flashlights and flashes of a camera..I dont know what is happening to me and nothing makes any damn sense. . I am not lying about the paranormal investigator and his team investigating the area. That did happen and i do have proof and emails..perhaps i may take this to a hypno-therapist and see if they can figure it out why i am having these flashbacks and such..What do you think?
Some people would say to me that it could be a possible alien abduction which is mindboggling even though i did not see any aliens or a UFO and on the other hand I have a paranormal investigator and other people would say that it is a classic time slip or i went thru a time energy portal (posted 11). Can people prove their experiences such as UFO's, Time slips etc?...Not really there is no solid evidence yet.. Only unexplained photos.
perhaps i may take this to a hypno-therapist and see if they can figure it out why i am having these flashbacks and such..What do you think?

Are the flashbacks interfering with your work or your relationships? How would knowing the cause of the flashbacks help you? I'm not an experiencer, but perhaps Ally or Mike C could share the pros & cons of hypnotherapy. My own thought (since you ask) is that you should approach with caution, and with a clear objective in mind.
Are the flashbacks interfering with your work or your relationships? How would knowing the cause of the flashbacks help you? I'm not an experiencer, but perhaps Ally or Mike C could share the pros & cons of hypnotherapy. My own thought (since you ask) is that you should approach with caution, and with a clear objective in mind.

Yes, The flashbacks are interfering with my work, my life and my marriage.
I can not concentrate on my work and sometimes my work is not done, My marriage to my husband is full of arguements and he yells at me saying, "I told you to take me to the post office and you drive right by it...Where is your mind today?" The flashbacks are so strong it is keeping me up all night( lacking of sleep)..I feel tired when i go back to work the next day. This has been happening thru out my whole life ON and OFF..Now, it is starting all over again. My husband knows that something is wrong but i would not tell him because he would not fully understand what im going thru when i dont really fully understand it myself.

I never been to a hypno-therapist before and i am not really sure if this would really help me in a way..hmmmmm Pros and Cons?? Should i trust a hypno-therapist? Are there any good ones out there? or are they into just for the money to take from your pocket and make you crazier sort of speak?
i am not really sure if this would really help me in a way

Not telling you what to do here, but you might find it helpful to take a moment to reflect on your situation, and try to discern what your true desired outcome is. How do you want this to end?

Until you determine your objective, reading this forum and posting here won't be very worthwhile for you or the forum.

Good luck.
Not telling you what to do here, but you might find it helpful to take a moment to reflect on your situation, and try to discern what your true desired outcome is. How do you want this to end?

Until you determine your objective, reading this forum and posting here won't be very worthwhile for you or the forum.

Good luck.

Thank you, All i want to know is ( Why?) Why am i having on and off flashbacks of the event that is taking over my life that i can not explain and fully understand what is going on..Once i get that answer i will take it from there and hopefully down the road i will have a peace of mind to rest.. Happy New Year!!!
Your answer to the 4th question is quite odd. Acorns and picking up colorful leaves in July? 1. During your time slip "the weather nippy" is enough to give you goosebumps? 2. When you first went into the woods
was it a compulsion or a random act? 3. Did you do this often? "take a walk into the woods" and have you done this before as a child? I am sending you a private message to give you my email address. There is alot more to talk about including time travel. Keep in touch, MrQ

Mr Quantum..Could it be possible that the autumn season could start early in July? Just like the snow falling in the month of May..Could that be possible?
Mr Quantum..Could it be possible that the autumn season could start early in July? Just like the snow falling in the month of May..Could that be possible?

Hi TimeExplorer, Thank you for your email. It is possible that you went forward in time into another season "Autumn" It is very rare that 'Autumn" starts early in July. I never seen that happen the day i was born. You were standing in the hot sunny July shade that does not give you goosebumps unless someone take a piece of chalk and make a bone chilling sound over the chalkboard. My opinion is that i dont believe that you were abducted by aliens. The flashbacks could be coming from something else "Another event" The questions that you answered clearly shows you went forward in time into another season. Would you give your permission for me to include your experience in my book? You were not identifiable, and the location would be generalised so that it was not identifiable. I am hoping that the more reports of these experiences we have, the closer we may come to an explanation.
This where he was with his son's friend? I can narrow it down a little. I think it's in either Transformation or Breakthrough. Just maybe Secret School, but I have doubts about that.
yeah i have all of those, still not sure which one it was

im of the mind that we travel in space and time all the time....

right now we have figured out how to use tools to enhance and control how we move in space, but im certain that in time... lol we will be able to do both.

that "traveling" in the universe naturally involves both principles.

right now we are only able to swim back and forth on the "surface" of the lake we call spacetime, but eventually we will be able to access any part of that body of "water" so to speak, much as we now use submarines to explore the depths of oceans, previously only sailed across....

what i want is a time cabinet to replace the refrigerator downstairs.
the food wont spoil and you can put hot or cold food in it..... and it always comes out in the same state it was put in there in.
Hi TimeExplorer, Thank you for your email. It is possible that you went forward in time into another season "Autumn" It is very rare that 'Autumn" starts early in July. I never seen that happen the day i was born. You were standing in the hot sunny July shade that does not give you goosebumps unless someone take a piece of chalk and make a bone chilling sound over the chalkboard. My opinion is that i dont believe that you were abducted by aliens. The flashbacks could be coming from something else "Another event" The questions that you answered clearly shows you went forward in time into another season. Would you give your permission for me to include your experience in my book? You were not identifiable, and the location would be generalised so that it was not identifiable. I am hoping that the more reports of these experiences we have, the closer we may come to an explanation.

LOL!! I never said i was abducted by aliens silly..That is what some of the would say about my experiences..If i was abducted by aliens in any way shape or form..I would have remember everything that happened to me besides i never saw a UFO or an alien in my life. Yes, sure i give you my permission...What is the name of your book that your writing? Let me guess ::) " Time Travel is part of reality" MrQ.. Time does not flow in a straight line like it should be ( You know the river of Time that flows) Sometimes Time overlapse each other (The Future and Past) into the present Time that creates a glimpse in vary locations unexpectedly that last approximately from seconds to a couple of hours..There are some ripples in the fabric of time that creates a short cut to the past or future with out a help of a time machine..This is called a Time Slip..Time can be funny acting like bubbles.. You see? You blow some bubbles in the air with a plastic tube..You notice there are many single bubbles floating in the air but sometimes you also see 2 bubbles stick or attached to each other that overlapse that creates a glimpse..Sometime Time can be like that when it doesnt flow in a straight line like it should.
This is very interesting because in my childhood I had experience something unusual too by walking into the woods alone (Swear to God) it was a time traveling experience into the future ( Time Slip Phenomenon) what i saw were futuristic houses with big huge windows and colorful roof tops and the road were made out of silvery/white metallic cement..Something that i had never seen in my life thinking this is from another time and it certainly looks like it while i just stare in shock approximately 6 minutes and hearing a humming sound coming from the distance..it was not coming from the woods. Alot of people are saying to me its a screen memory that the aliens implanted in my mind that your seeing and it could be something else that your seeing..You could possibly been immobilized when I was staring in shock for 6 minutes then brought to the space craft with out no memory of it..This is quite shocking to me because I often wonder now if i was abducted back in 1968...I am getting flashbacks of the event ( The woods) also a female human apparition walking thru my wall in my bedroom while i was being punished which i thought it was a ghost...Could this be an alien?..I never knew about this kind of stuff until i join this website and learned about this UFOS and Alien Abduction.. I also have a strange compulsion to walk in to a bookstore read about Quatumn Mechanics and physics that i have no interest in..What does this mean? anyone know? :confused:
so just to clarify your experience took place in 1968 and didnt reserface again until 1971???....Ok I'd like you to clarify what the weather conditions were like at the time you saw the future town before and after the experience. IE was it foggy or clear was it bright or dull and please clarify what your knowledge was of a certain Project pegasus was at that time.
Time slips, missing time, out of body experiences? Ladies and gents I give you;
Amazing haze