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I had a Time Traveling Experience (Time Slip Phenomenon)

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What you describe is not too far removed from what a lot of folks experience when subjected to a heavy magnetic field.

In a lot of cases, people lose consciousness, and feel like there's people around them that aren't. Magnetism does some amazing things, and some pretty heinous things to people who are sensitive to it.

I don't discount your experiences, I think there might be a more scientific explanation than just your testimony.

I know one way you can recreate it. What you want to do, is take a drive to your local power station, or large power pole. Find one that has either a node, or transfer box on it. Stand under it. They give off a magnetic field like a big battery does.

If you feel nauseous, or light headed, that's a sure sign you're sensitive to magnetism. If you have one of your time slips, that might be the trigger.
What you describe is not too far removed from what a lot of folks experience when subjected to a heavy magnetic field.

In a lot of cases, people lose consciousness, and feel like there's people around them that aren't. Magnetism does some amazing things, and some pretty heinous things to people who are sensitive to it.

I don't discount your experiences, I think there might be a more scientific explanation than just your testimony.

I know one way you can recreate it. What you want to do, is take a drive to your local power station, or large power pole. Find one that has either a node, or transfer box on it. Stand under it. They give off a magnetic field like a big battery does.

If you feel nauseous, or light headed, that's a sure sign you're sensitive to magnetism. If you have one of your time slips, that might be the trigger.

When my case were being investigated.. they never mentioned to me about a magnetic field around the area.. i was fully awake and there were no people around me and i never felt nauseous or light headed while i was taking a walk. But i will stand underneath a transfer box and see what happens..If it doesnt work then what? Where does this magnetic field come from?
Keep this in mind..I had 2 time slip experiences in my life time, One ( While I was taking a walk into the woods) Two ( While I was driving ) You say it might be a magnetic field that would make you sick, light headed, see things and loss of consciousness,..If that was really the case..Dont you think I would be in a car accident if this ever happened to me while i was driving? That is something you need to explain to other people who experience a time slip while a person or persons driving...What about the second person or the third person or a group of people that was in the car..Were they all seeing things or loss of consciousness when this Time slip occured? There are alot of questions that needs to be answered.
I'm not sure if you covered this, but when you had your Time slip event, did anyone else have the same sort of event, or have any kind of possible change in their coherence?

The driving thing, Could have been a low level tremor, but I would have to probably do some research into the local geology on the day it occured.

If I lived nearby, I'd probably be able to investigate a little further. You might want to pick up a magnetometer. They can detect heavy magnetic fields, and so can a gauss meter.
I'm not sure if you covered this, but when you had your Time slip event, did anyone else have the same sort of event, or have any kind of possible change in their coherence?

The driving thing, Could have been a low level tremor, but I would have to probably do some research into the local geology on the day it occured.

If I lived nearby, I'd probably be able to investigate a little further. You might want to pick up a magnetometer. They can detect heavy magnetic fields, and so can a gauss meter.

During my 2 time slips events I was alone ( taking a walk into the woods and driving) To the best of my knowledge during that time I did not hear anyone else experienced it.. If your talking about Lucas a beginner paranormal investigator and his team that investigated the area recently did not experience such event (Time Slip) go to Post 11 and read what he had said.. there are other people such as the video i display here " Strange but true? Time slips 1/2" a couple who were driving back to their hotel in a town of Dunsta who got lost and came upon an unfamiliar place who saw colorful bed of flowers, hanging flower baskets, polished sign that said village of Bampton 1976 and so on. They did not see any ghosts from the past..They were just staring of what they are seeing at that moment..When the couple went back the next day to take photos of flowers..everything is GONE..When you compare their experience to mine..Do you see any similiarities? Being lost..They see something not from their time and the next day or so it is gone..They saw a polish sign and a whole load of flowers..I saw alot of future houses and modern road.. the next day everything is gone.. Would you call this story Bizzare? Had anyone ever experience the same event as this old couple did in that same area? I dont know and i highly doubt it. I am not saying that Magnetic field is totally ruled out in these type of events and when it comes to ghosts..but in other cases it is not and of course more research needs to be done...Some one told me on youtube that time is a funny thing and it doesnt flow in a straight line that it should..Sometimes.. Time of the past or future overlapse itself into the present time that creates a glimpse in vary locations...This person said for an example it is like blowing bubbles..if you blow bubbles in the air you will see single ones floating.but sometimes you will see 2 bubbles that are attached to each other or 2 bubbles stick to each other..he said Time is like that sometimes..it overlapse...What are you thoughts about this time flow?
Let’s review. What do we have here? (Post #1) We have a description of a forty-year old event. This person went ‘into the woods’ in or near Fitchburg, MA on a hot sunny day. After ten minutes she came out of the woods on ‘the other side.’ She saw:

1. ‘a futuristic neighborhood’
2. the houses and roads look ‘well advanced’
3. they are extremely clean, colorful, and beautiful
4. The roads were made of metallic cement and reflected sunlight
5. the houses had huge windows and colorful rooftops.
6. the street lights looked ‘different.’
7. She was there precisely six minutes and no one else was there.
8. There is a deep humming sound.
9. The next day on a return visit, the scene wasn’t there.

That’s all we’ve got for Post #1. There IS no more detail. For ‘value’ words we have ‘futuristic,’ and ‘well advanced,’ which are very subjective. The other descriptors don’t tell us anything differently. There’s not really anything in that description that proves ‘time slip.’ What is ‘futuristic’? Stuff built in the 1930s looks futuristic today. They had a vision of the future that looked streamlined, so they built stuff that looked like it. But it’s old. This same post, by the way, was posted on ATS in May in a timeslip thread anonymously. It received no feedback whatsoever: http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread348068/pg2

Post #3 gives us a different experience 30 seconds in duration. What do we have there?

1. an ‘unfamiliar’ place ‘in the past’ this time.
2. There was an old gas station with a round white sign trimmed in black lettering

That’s it. Post #7: She had flashbacks of the event since 1971 when she moved away, but the memory is very clear. Post #8: She remembers it very clearly and she was in the woods because she had scratches from the underbrush. Post #11. She has never seen a UFO. A ‘beginning’ paranormal investigator named Lucas asked her questions. Be sure to read what Lucas has to say here and pay attention to his language. We do learn here that she must have posted this somewhere else. Lucas apparently does NOT follow through with a more intensive investigation. In posts 13 & 14 she seems to misunderstand Mike when he suggests hypnosis by wondering if hypnosis is common in time slip cases (Post #13) then suggest she could not have been hypnotized AT THE TIME because she has physical evidence in the form of scratches. She clearly does not understand that Mike is suggesting that hypnosis AFTER THE FACT might help her recall the event. He was not suggesting she was hypnotized at the time of the event. She does not understand the exchange until Mike clarifies. Then she seems quite aware of UFO hypnosis cases and posts several videos. LeClair points out the first two are completely bogus.
At this point several people weigh in on possibilities. In Post #21 we learn a few more details and a little more about the paranormal investigator.

1. She was on a hill when she saw all this. She was standing in grass with woods behind and to the side.
2. A road was in front of her and she stepped slightly on it.
3. She saw several rows of houses. It was not holographic or transparent

Post #30 is where she says she uses cut and paste to share the ‘paranormal researcher’s’ ideas on the subject. Here it gets interesting because the pasted information is written in the same idiolect as TimeExperiencer uses. This is characterized by run-on sentences with a lack of commas, a confusion between ‘your’ and ‘you’re’ as well as ‘its’ and ‘it’s,’ and a tendency to misuse tenses or eliminate them altogether. Below are a couple of examples from posts 21, 23 and 30. Remember this is supposed to be cut & paste, not a paraphrase.

Time Experiencer: “What happen was I walk into another time and place.”
Lucas: “I wonder if there was any special about that spot?”
Time Experiencer: “I told Lucas about the fire that happen there before my experience.”
Lucas: “you on some of the very same geographical minerals”
Time Experiencer: “but, if your saying all memories are screen memories..”
Lucas: “But Yes your home is very important…”

An ‘idiolect’ is a personal way of speaking or writing. It has nothing to do with grammar per se. I am not complaining about the grammar. That’s not the point. But grammar, good or bad, can be used as a ‘marker.’ The point is that Lucas and TimeExperiencer appear to use exactly the same manner of writing. They were written by the same person. If Lucas does exist, then we ought to be able to write to him independently. TimeExperiencer ought to be able to provide the original emails, complete with headers. That would be ‘documentation’ which TimeExperiencer has not seen fit to provide us. That wouldn’t prove her experience, of course, but it would prove she had talked to Lucas about it. Right now I see no evidence Lucas exists at all.

After post #30 many of us, including myself, got a little off-topic. I was dissing psychology and a psychologist decided to take umbrage. I’d be happy to discuss that on a relevant thread. Sorry it got out of hand. TimeExperiencer has NOT been hypnotized, so in reference to her experience, psychology as such is kind of a side topic. Of course, she accuses me of putting words in her mouth, but she clearly misunderstands the entire issue. In fact, she clearly misunderstands much of what several posters are trying to say. She does not track well, and that has the effect of making her an elusive subject, if not intentionally evasive.

By this time, also, TimeExperiencer is defensive, and most of her answers are in defense of her experience rather than adding more information about it. She has insisted from the very first post that she is, ‘a real time traveler’ period, end of story. She didn’t come on here and say, “I had this weird experience and don’t know what to make of it. Let me tell you about it.” Instead, she said, “Hello, I am a real time traveler who travel thru time in real life…” and insists that is the only possible explanation.

She also says her story is ‘well documented.” What is the documentation, pray tell? That she had scratches from the branches left from walking in the woods. That’s it. That’s the sum total of the ‘documentation.’ She insists she was ‘there’ for precisely six minutes, but studiously avoids the question of how can she tell this. I maintain that if she walked in the woods, it is VERY LIKELY she DID have scratches from that experience, but that fact has absolutely nothing to do with what she allegedly saw. It just proves she had been walking in the woods.

We have a very vague story here with very few data elements to go on, listed at the beginning of this post. Is that such a bad thing? Not really. The only bad thing is that TimeExperiencer insists that we believe her and insists she is a real time traveler. She’s getting a lot of attention here and I think this is the real point. As for the veracity of the story itself, if you multiplied it by infinity and stuck it in an ant’s mouth it would roll around like a BB in a boxcar.
Let’s review. What do we have here? (Post #1) We have a description of a forty-year old event. This person went ‘into the woods’ in or near Fitchburg, MA on a hot sunny day. After ten minutes she came out of the woods on ‘the other side.’ She saw:

1. ‘a futuristic neighborhood’
2. the houses and roads look ‘well advanced’
3. they are extremely clean, colorful, and beautiful
4. The roads were made of metallic cement and reflected sunlight
5. the houses had huge windows and colorful rooftops.
6. the street lights looked ‘different.’
7. She was there precisely six minutes and no one else was there.
8. There is a deep humming sound.
9. The next day on a return visit, the scene wasn’t there.

That’s all we’ve got for Post #1. There IS no more detail. For ‘value’ words we have ‘futuristic,’ and ‘well advanced,’ which are very subjective. The other descriptors don’t tell us anything differently. There’s not really anything in that description that proves ‘time slip.’ What is ‘futuristic’? Stuff built in the 1930s looks futuristic today. They had a vision of the future that looked streamlined, so they built stuff that looked like it. But it’s old. This same post, by the way, was posted on ATS in May in a timeslip thread anonymously. It received no feedback whatsoever: http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread348068/pg2

Post #3 gives us a different experience 30 seconds in duration. What do we have there?

1. an ‘unfamiliar’ place ‘in the past’ this time.
2. There was an old gas station with a round white sign trimmed in black lettering

That’s it. Post #7: She had flashbacks of the event since 1971 when she moved away, but the memory is very clear. Post #8: She remembers it very clearly and she was in the woods because she had scratches from the underbrush. Post #11. She has never seen a UFO. A ‘beginning’ paranormal investigator named Lucas asked her questions. Be sure to read what Lucas has to say here and pay attention to his language. We do learn here that she must have posted this somewhere else. Lucas apparently does NOT follow through with a more intensive investigation. In posts 13 & 14 she seems to misunderstand Mike when he suggests hypnosis by wondering if hypnosis is common in time slip cases (Post #13) then suggest she could not have been hypnotized AT THE TIME because she has physical evidence in the form of scratches. She clearly does not understand that Mike is suggesting that hypnosis AFTER THE FACT might help her recall the event. He was not suggesting she was hypnotized at the time of the event. She does not understand the exchange until Mike clarifies. Then she seems quite aware of UFO hypnosis cases and posts several videos. LeClair points out the first two are completely bogus.
At this point several people weigh in on possibilities. In Post #21 we learn a few more details and a little more about the paranormal investigator.

1. She was on a hill when she saw all this. She was standing in grass with woods behind and to the side.
2. A road was in front of her and she stepped slightly on it.
3. She saw several rows of houses. It was not holographic or transparent

Post #30 is where she says she uses cut and paste to share the ‘paranormal researcher’s’ ideas on the subject. Here it gets interesting because the pasted information is written in the same idiolect as TimeExperiencer uses. This is characterized by run-on sentences with a lack of commas, a confusion between ‘your’ and ‘you’re’ as well as ‘its’ and ‘it’s,’ and a tendency to misuse tenses or eliminate them altogether. Below are a couple of examples from posts 21, 23 and 30. Remember this is supposed to be cut & paste, not a paraphrase.

Time Experiencer: “What happen was I walk into another time and place.”
Lucas: “I wonder if there was any special about that spot?”
Time Experiencer: “I told Lucas about the fire that happen there before my experience.”
Lucas: “you on some of the very same geographical minerals”
Time Experiencer: “but, if your saying all memories are screen memories..”
Lucas: “But Yes your home is very important…”

An ‘idiolect’ is a personal way of speaking or writing. It has nothing to do with grammar per se. I am not complaining about the grammar. That’s not the point. But grammar, good or bad, can be used as a ‘marker.’ The point is that Lucas and TimeExperiencer appear to use exactly the same manner of writing. They were written by the same person. If Lucas does exist, then we ought to be able to write to him independently. TimeExperiencer ought to be able to provide the original emails, complete with headers. That would be ‘documentation’ which TimeExperiencer has not seen fit to provide us. That wouldn’t prove her experience, of course, but it old prove she had talked to Lucas about it. Right now I see no evidence Lucas exists at all.

After post #30 many of us, including myself, got a little off-topic. I was dissing psychology and a psychologist decided to take umbrage. I’d be happy to discuss that on a relevant thread. Sorry it got out of hand. TimeExperiencer has NOT been hypnotized, so in reference to her experience, psychology as such is kind of a side topic. Of course, she accuses me of putting words in her mouth, but she clearly misunderstands the entire issue. In fact, she clearly misunderstands much of what several posters are tying to say. She does not track well, and that has the effect of making her an elusive subject, if not intentionally evasive.

By this time, also, TimeExperiencer is defensive, and most of her answers are in defense of her experience rather than adding more information about it. She has insisted from the very first post that she is, ‘a real time traveler’ period, end of story. She didn’t come on here and say, “I had this weird experience and don’t know what to make of it. Let me tell you about it.” Instead, she said, “Hello, I am a real time traveler who travel thru time in real life…” and insists that is the only possible explanation.

She also says her story is ‘well documented.” What is the documentation, pray tell? That she had scratches from the branches left from walking in the woods. That’s it. That’s the sum total of the ‘documentation.’ She insists she was ‘there’ for precisely six minutes, but studiously avoids the question of how can she tell this. I maintain that if she walked in the woods, it is VERY LIKELY she DID have scratches from that experience, but that fact has absolutely nothing to do with what she allegedly saw. It just proves she had been walking in the woods.

We have a very vague story here with very few data elements to go on, listed at the beginning of this post. Is that such a bad thing? Not really. The only bad thing is that TimeExperiencer insists that we believe her and insists she is a real time traveler. She’s getting a lot of attention here and I think this is the real point. As for the veracity of the story itself, if you multiplied it by infinity and stuck it in an ant’s mouth it would roll around like a BB in a boxcar.

Shuyler...I am sorry that you feel that way about me and my experience.. but you can not prove that it did not happen..Only an experiencer like myself knows that it happen and what really happen during the Time Slips. AGAIN I am only here to tell my true story thats it. I am not here to get any attention what so ever that is what you assumed Shuyler. I am only here to tell my true story and hopefully someday I would get a full explanation from the experts, not from skeptics, a psychologist and so on..Like said before..I dont care if you believe me or not and I am sure you are quite capable of thinking for yourself..EX: If your going to tell me( the experiencer ) the apple is BLUE..I will tell you the Apple is RED..You did not experienced it..I did that is the bottomline. You are here to learn from me not me to learn from you who is not an expert. There are other people who experience time slip simuliar to mine...I am not the only one and take a good look at the Time slip video there are others..Obviously something is going on and more research need to be done by looking into investigations, reports, documentation, study, compare it with others and try to get some evidence so on..That will take some time.. I must go Take care ( Offline)
You have people in the time slip video that said, They saw hanging flower baskets and pots with colorful flowers in them, flower beds and a polish sign that said The village of Bampton 1976 and the next day they went back to take some photos and everything is gone..They had a watch on I didnt... but still...Is that alot of detail? Is it Bizzare? Whats the difference? that experience is similiar to mine.. next thing your going to say they made it up..call it what you will...The bottomline is it happened.
Take Care ( Offline) bye
I am back for awhile..then i must get offline in 2 hours..Shuyler Let me ask you this question and i want a direct answer YES or NO?.. no avoidance please..Do you believe in GOD? This conversation may take a whole other direction..it depends what you say.
If you do believe in GOD...GOD has given us all a brain to use ( not to be lazy) to advance our intelligence to come up with full explanations and answers of the unknown..this is why we have scientists to do research..If everything can be explain then the world would not need scientists and God would not exist.
Sorry, but your story has some serious problems. You need to provide better documentation. You have no witnesses; you have no appreciable details. This is not a place to seek positive affirmation for anything you say. This is not a place to seek solace from a skeptical world. This is not a place where your instant new best friends will ‘Oooh!’ and ‘Ahhhh!’ over every word as you hold court over your audience of admirers. If you need ‘help,’ see a shrink. You’ll pay for it, but at least they’ll listen to you.

You have your story, and you also have your interpretation of your story. Both are suspect. But just for the sake of argument, supposing your story itself is absolutely faithful in every detail, you have no idea what ‘really’ happened. You’re insisting you are a time traveler when you could just as easily have had an hallucination. That doesn’t mean you’re ‘crazy’ and no one is accusing you of it, but your dogmatic insistence that your interpretation is correct above any other possibility hurts your credibility. You've rejected everything anyone has said here. You've misinterpreted what several people have said here and flown off the handle about it. You're either careless or willful in your reading comprehension. Unless you change your tune, there is nowhere to go with this story. Take it to CtoC. They'll believe anything.
Sorry, but your story has some serious problems. You need to provide better documentation. You have no witnesses; you have no appreciable details. This is not a place to seek positive affirmation for anything you say. This is not a place to seek solace from a skeptical world. This is not a place where your instant new best friends will ‘Oooh!’ and ‘Ahhhh!’ over every word as you hold court over your audience of admirers. If you need ‘help,’ see a shrink. You’ll pay for it, but at least they’ll listen to you.

You have your story, and you also have your interpretation of your story. Both are suspect. But just for the sake of argument, supposing your story itself is absolutely faithful in every detail, you have no idea what ‘really’ happened. You’re insisting you are a time traveler when you could just as easily have had an hallucination. That doesn’t mean you’re ‘crazy’ and no one is accusing you of it, but your dogmatic insistence that your interpretation is correct above any other possibility hurts your credibility. You've rejected everything anyone has said here. You've misinterpreted what several people have said here and flown off the handle about it. You're either careless or willful in your reading comprehension. Unless you change your tune, there is nowhere to go with this story. Take it to CtoC. They'll believe anything.

I dont need a shrink and that is certainly not the case just because you say so? No your just getting a bit frustrated with me.. I am an experiencer who experience a Time Slip Phenomenon and i am telling my true story..Again i am not hurting my credibility that is what you assumed and im not a bit worried about it..I told you that already..so dont mention this again to me....I am not argueing your just not listening and not excepting what i am saying as an experiencer..I told you it is not a Hallucination..if it was a hallucination my story would be more bizzare...plus i would be in a car accident.. There is no reason for it..Do you think the couple in the Time Slip Video are hallucinating too?.. I am not flying off the handle that is how you feel..Can you actually hear my voice with emotions behind a screen? Answer: NO.. so therefore you have to except what i tell you on the screen which i am not flying off A handle like you say i am....You did not answer my Question..Do you believe in GOD?
I can tell you exactly what I did on my birthday every year for the last 10. My mind is indeed strong. Now if YOU want to be intellectually honest, You ARE pretending to know more about me, and Hypnosis than you actually do.

No, I am placing hypnosis where it belongs, in a place of legitimate mysteries. You are the one speaking about hypnosis as though you understand it.

You also made a false statement. Here is the quote: "If you were to testify in a court of law to something you witnessed, and your testimony consisted of regressed memories, you would be thrown out of court."

I gave you the example that is directly contrary to your statement. Have you watched that BBC documentary yet?

I've never claimed to understand hypnosis. I am simply stating that hypnosis doesn't fit into the convenient box that you're attempting to place it in.

In my opinion you are trying to simplify something that is, in actuality, much more complex.
Hey TimeExplorer!

Your time slip stories are very interesting indeed. You're darn right that time travel can be a reality. I would like to hear more about it please and take an opportunity to speak to you about time travel. I'll send you a personal message if i can. I have been looking into time slip experiences for many years now, as we have an area locally where there have been many reported time slips it is a busy shopping center!. I am currently planning on writing a book about these type of experiences. Waiting for your reply, MrQ
Hey TimeExplorer!

Your time slip stories are very interesting indeed. You're darn right that time travel can be a reality. I would like to hear more about it please and take an opportunity to speak to you about time travel. I'll send you a personal message if i can. I have been looking into time slip experiences for many years now, as we have an area locally where there have been many reported time slips it is a busy shopping center!. I am currently planning on writing a book about these type of experiences. Waiting for your reply, MrQ

Hi MrQuantum, Thank you for reading my true experiences..yes, Time travel is already a reality with me. I had traveled thru time supernaturally twice..matter of fact i had drawn a big picture of my time slip experience 3 years ago when i went in ot the future back in 1968 while i was taking a walk into the woods alone... I must say that the future houses that i saw does not look like the houses of today..I am guessing the year 2025 or a bit later...I am hoping to get a scanner soon for Christmas so i can post my drawing on this forum. In the meantime i would love to talk to you about time travel and my experiences..Ok i will wait for your personal message :)
Hi MrQuantum, Thank you for reading my true experiences..yes, Time travel is already a reality with me. I had traveled thru time supernaturally twice..matter of fact i had drawn a big picture of my time slip experience 3 years ago when i went in ot the future back in 1968 while i was taking a walk into the woods alone... I must say that the future houses that i saw does not look like the houses of today..I am guessing the year 2025 or a bit later...I am hoping to get a scanner soon for Christmas so i can post my drawing on this forum. In the meantime i would love to talk to you about time travel and my experiences..Ok i will wait for your personal message :)

Hey TimeExplorer,

That is definitely a "Classic time slip" that you experience. I have a few questions to ask you about your first slip in 1968 if you dont mind.

1. Do you remember or approximately what time a day was it?
2. Do you know exact date or a close approximation?
3. What was the weather like that day and a few days before and afterwards?
4. what were you doing in the woods?