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John Lear calls out Biedny and Ritzman

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I listened to the 4 part video presentation. To me it seems you have a guy who just makes up his own stories and conclusions, calls them fact (because HE said so), and that is that. Reminds me of my dad when we used to discuss fundamentalist Christianity. Then there's the bumpersticker "The Bible Said It. I believe it. End of Discussion." Just exchange the word "Bible" for "Lear" and that pretty much sums up everything Lear says. I just wish someone would ask his opinion on mermaids, centaurs and unicorns. I also do wonder if aliens engineered Princess Diana's death, and if Jimmy Hoffa was abducted and is now living on Lear's space city orbitting Saturn.

For what it's worth, the folks on the Fantastic Forum (began as a fan site for Art Bell and now morphed also into a hate-george-noory site) adore John Lear and give him the respect that a devote Catholic gives the Pope. Consequently, John has yet to claim that anyone on the Fantastic Forum is a CIA agent. If you ever question or disagree with him, that's a sure sign you will soon be in Lear's CIA Basket.
Gene Steinberg said:
David Biedny said:
I called Lear a fool on ATS more than a few times, and I stand behind the statements - in that interview, Lear claims that mass and gravity are not related. I suppose water is actually made of chipmunks, for chrissakes.


You mean it's not Swiss cheese?

Water is actually composed of ancient alien nano (not to be confused with anal) technology. With every swallow of water, we reinforce our alien programming. Only Lear has escaped this programming by only consuming straight Vodka.;)
Fastwalker said:
Water is actually composed of ancient alien nano ~ technology.

So its true, Apple back-engineered alien tech and are releasing the results as small mp3 players? er..... or is this a different type of nano?
Chuckleberryfinn said:
Perhaps life on Earth is a cosmic prison sentence. Perhaps the rest of the Universe knows that reincarnation is real. Let's say that you commit a crime on some faraway planet. Then the judge sentences you: "You are guilty and, for your punishment, shall be put immediately to death. Then you will awaken on Planet Earth, where you shall suffer an entire Human Lifetime! HAHA HAHAH AHAHAHAHA!"


Re: Lear...I heard his most recent spiel as an audio program and I was open to it. Not saying I bought it...but like all heresay I took it in with a passive grain of salt.

When I saw the same spiel on VIDEO...I just could not help the feeling that this guy is lying and I was VERY annoyed by the SAME material I casually entertained during the audio version.

Just wanted to comment of that reaction.

~Foo Fighter~
David Biedny said:
If you really want to lose your mind, look at the Open Minds forums.

Brains falling out everywhere... very messy.


ROFL - hey, what you saying..... I go there lol :D

At the end of the day, its all information - there seem to be woowoos (good name for em Packrat :) ) everywhere these days... but im happy to sift through the crap and make my own conclusions.
Has anyone thought that (like many in this field..) that John Lear is a product of the "UFO disease..." , making more things up when you dont have anything etc etc??
Seems like he's actually coined his own phrase and situation for his position.

John Lear.
The human headline.
Now that I've had a chance to listen to all four parts I gotta say the thing that amazes me most is the selective reasoning. In particular Lear's seemingly sole criterion: "Do I know the source?".

Apparently anyone who says something, no matter how outrageous is believable to Lear if he knows them personally. Anything uttered by strangers is bullshit (and so is anything that contradicts the comments made by his friends).

Even simple things. Like at one point he claims (citing more oppression by da man) "You can't find John Lear on wikipedia!" Well it's true that if you search for "John Lear" you get nothing but if you look up the UFO conspiracy theorist page, John Lear is right there, dead center.

With guys like John Lear around it's no wonder these topics aren't taken seriously by the mainstream. The man strikes me as either a gullible dupe, an egotistical fool or a genuine disinfo agent. In all three cases the remedy is the same: ignore him.
CapnG said:
The man strikes me as either a gullible dupe, an egotistical fool or a genuine disinfo agent. In all three cases the remedy is the same: ignore him.

You're exactly correct, anyone paying attention to this shmuck deserves to have the wool pulled over their eyes.

I didn't watch the whole thing, because I didn't feel like sifting through the garbage for any interesting ideas. There seems to be a lot of these guys who are pathological tale spinners, and who I believe accept their own stories as true.

In some ways, I've come to believe that fiction is the only media that can deliver unvarnished truth, because any news story, composed of "fact,' can be interprited and spun in so many directions as to be useless.
I can watch a lot of crap, but when it comes to Lear, I stay clear. Whoa, I got possessed by Johnny Cockroach.

Nah, he's real scary freaky baby flip stuff. :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
Wow. That's some funny stuff. That guy is certified batshit insane. And what's up with these "reporters", Bill and Kara?...Whatever, I love the way she totally agrees with John re: Billy Meier. Project camelot has some pretty nutty interviews. There is one interview where they interview some superman-like-ninja-navajo-mercenary-guy.
By looking at the list of interviews that the the projecto spamalot kids have produced, you can either assume that they're not too bright, or involved in spreading disinformation, perhaps both.

David Biedny said:
By looking at the list of interviews that the the projecto spamalot kids have produced, you can either assume that they're not too bright, or involved in spreading disinformation, perhaps both.


or on some kinda mind altering substances..... ;)
David Biedny said:
By looking at the list of interviews that the the projecto spamalot kids have produced, you can either assume that they're not too bright, or involved in spreading disinformation, perhaps both.

I'm not so sure, David, I don't really get that vibe from them.

To me they seem... how shall I put it... patronizingly indifferent. That is they cut enormous slack to whomever they are interviewing at the time, treating them like they're the "real deal" and mentioning others only in passing. When the current "target" dismisses the claims of others they usually say something like "Really? Okay, that's interesting..." and move on, never challenging, never debating. It's almost as if they were cataloguing these people, making a collection of interviews just for the sake of it, like some demented game of Pokemon. UFO kooks; gotta catch 'em all (on film)!
I think it's also become to trendy to call anyone you don't like a disinfo agent. The idea that that many people are actually on someone's payroll just to muddy the waters seems quite odd to me, especially when people in the 'community' muddy it up quite well on their own with all their little stunts, crazy talk, and mind games.

As someone who has never attended a ufo con, and is unlikely to, it seems that combining the crazies and the serious researchers was an economic move designed to put butts in seats.

I've been to political rallies, and I've seen local alphabet men walk around and take pictures of the crowds. They suck at subtlety.
Scott Story said:
In some ways, I've come to believe that fiction is the only media that can deliver unvarnished truth, because any news story, composed of "fact,' can be interprited and spun in so many directions as to be useless.

Welcome to the world of (corrupt) politics and mainstream media...

...each pedalling their own version of 'the truth'.
So true.

I just watched "Thank You For Smoking," and I had one of those "Wag the Dog" revelations. "Remember, if you argue right, you're never wrong," quoted from Thank You For Smoking.