I don't think you need to have known someone who died in the 9/11 tragedy to understand that Lear is a nutcase. Just some of his stuff: All the 50's contactees had real experiences. All planets are earth-like and have civilizations like ours, including the Moon that has an atmosphere, 1/3 the gravity of earth, and running water and forests. Billy Meier is the real deal. Sleeper is also right on. The sun is not a furnace, but more like a light bulb. The Pacific Ocean extends underground to Nevada. There are vast underground tramways allowing round the world travel in a few minutes. There's a Soul Catcher on the Moon.
The guy is clearly either living in his own strange world, or doesn't believe what he says himself. He does have a good sense of humor. He's approchable even to the point of being needy. I've had several argumentative exchanges with him, and I think he clearly wants to appear superior to everyone else and have youngsters sit adoringly at his feet while he spins his tales. That anyone believes anything he says is unbelievable in itself.
He is, however, a fixture in the UFO field, the same way a lot of the other frauds are, but more so. I think he's an interesting case study especially with reference to his possible involvement in dis-information. Let's say, for example, that the military has a very advanced holographic capability, advanced to the point that they can 'create a reality' that isn't really there. They want to keep this secret, of course, but the nature of the beast is that the public will get wind of this the same way they got wind of the Stealth aircraft. So they feed Lear knowing he will go crazy with it. Lear buys into the holographic 9/11 story and drinks the kool aid.
Next people get emotional and angry about the whole issue and blow Lear off. This also blows the whole idea of advanced holography off. See above. So mission accomplished. You have been manipulated because of your hatred of Lear. I don't KNOW this is true; I'm just suspicious, made so by some information I came across from a completely different direction. The whole idea could be completely false, but I think it's worth considering.
I think you also ought to walk the talk here. If you claim this is serious business, that you are objective, that you are all about being pragmatic and 'getting to the truth' through your incisive and penetrating wit combined with your coldly rational mindset, then let's see that applied. If you claim to want to 'connect the dots' here, well, this is one of the dots. Getting angry, infuriated, and pissed off lashing out at Lear or other posters here is not exactly moving the state of the art forward. Reacting like that may make you feel good as you wallow in your self-righteousness, but it is as irrational an action as many of Lear's pronouncements.