John Lear has discredited himself in the time since he came back onto the UFO scene, if he hadn't before.
Back in the day when he came out with his "John Lear briefing", he wanted everybody in the UFO community to think he knew everything there was to know. Why? He never gave any sources or showed his work. But the claims he made were exacting, and fooled the uninformed and ignorant.
I personally didn't know where his information came from, so I took it with a salt mine.
For instance, from Art Bell's old show:
"So here's what happened, Art. We'll use some videos and stills. Our first UFO recoveries were in the late '30s. We made a couple in the beginning of the '40s and then came Roswell, which the public found out about. We got 2 live aliens from Roswell. One died shortly there after and one lived till 1956. And we found out so far there are 18 different alien species that we know about monitoring Earth. Some are good and some are hostile, most are indifferent. We found out that we are the experimental product, if you will, of an alien race who we never met and we don't know who they are. All we know is that the Greys are cybernetic organisms, glorified robots if you will, who work here at the behest of their employers monitoring us through abductions. We were never able to find out what the experiment is all about except that we have been externally corrected about 65 times. And they, the aliens, refer to us as "Containers." There's been speculation that the souls our bodies contain is the reason for the experiments. But nothing's been proven or determined."
Sounds authoritative, doesn't it?
Well, it's not. It's vauge, unconfirmed nonsense. He's full of hot air, just like many other "UFO experts" and "researchers" were. It's just that he stumbled onto the scene earlier than most, and so he seemed authoritative to those that came after. He's admitted that he got a modem early on and hooked up to a BBS, and absorbed as much as he could about UFOs. He stole everything he's ever said from those that came before. He claims to have heard and seen information from films that had his father in them.
Oh, wow, his father invented a jet plane, must have been in on building Area 51.
Lear even admits that he heard Bob Lazar's story, and merely took it at face value.
He thinks LMH is spot on, and she's never been wrong about anything.
He believes everything Corso has written about the back engineering of alien tech into the private sector, which now, even Bill Birnes, Corso's co-author admits, he got wrong, and has claimed responsibility for.
Project Serpo? Not only does Lear believe it, but claims to know about it via inside info.
The drones? Absolutely real. He feels it in his bones.
From Here to Andromeda? Yup, hook, line and sinker.
And let's not forget Dr. Dan Burisch. Lear says "His story rings true".
There has not been such a steaming load as John Lear since William Cooper served up The Protocols of the Elders of Zion for his book, a known fake and hoax when the Nazis tried to pass off in WWII.
I don't think John Lear has had an original thought in his life. Talk about an armchair researcher.
Lear knows nothing, never has--the guy's just been a pilot for a living, and a rich kid all his life. He has no special inside information, no more than you or I do. Where would he have gotten it? Why has he never shown his work, brought out any witnesses, or been able to demonstrate any real paper trail to anything?
And why does he agree with everyone about everything? As I recall, he even agreed with the John Titor story. The only things he denies are known proven fakes, like Ray Santilli and his "Alien Autopsy" hoax.
And those are only after the fact.
John Lear was a sensationalist, and was good for ratings on Art Bell's show. People love a controversy, and the Coast audience is about as naive as they come.
John Lear, we can close the book on. He's a charlatan, and he doesn't even work very hard at it. He doesn't care if people know he's lying or not. He's the George W. Bush of the UFO community.
I don't know much about Ritzman, but If John Lear has "called out" David and/or Gene, it's PROOF that he doesn't know what he's talking about.
Yeah, these two well-off, busy guys that do the Paracast as a hobby have time to be shills for the CIA . Everyone knows the CIA pays big bucks. They used to say the same thing about Stanton Friedman. I've had lunch with Stanton Friedman. I know Stanton Friedman. And John Lear is no Stanton Friedman.
Give me a break. There's one sure way you can tell if John Lear is lying.
His lips will be moving.