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John Lear calls out Biedny and Ritzman

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Wouldn't it be nice if the news media just reported the facts and said "there you go, make of it what you will" rather than 'shaping' the facts to support an agenda?

I don't read the stories any more - just the headlines.

24-hour news channels - what a waste of time.

Yep, there's a war in Iraq. Fine, that's important to know. But do I need a minute-by-minute progress report from 'embedded' (read censored) journalists who gleefully report the body count? IMO, no.

Hey, I'm the new king of off-topic threads - that's bad form for a 'moderator'. Oh, well...;)
David Biedny said:
By looking at the list of interviews that the the projecto spamalot kids have produced, you can either assume that they're not too bright, or involved in spreading disinformation, perhaps both.


Yeh, Dan Crain/Burisch, and I think they did Clifford Stone too.
So Lear has been banned from ATS? When did this happen and what for?

If this is true I will go back there and start reading again. I refused to look at their site and they lost all credibility with me when they gave nutjob Lear his own section.
Lear got banned at ATS for "bad behavoir". Sorry, don't know the details yet. His conspiracy "theories" now include ATS I hear. There's some 4 hour interview (I'm guessing part of it was posted here) with him where he is talking about censorship, or big brother's involvement with ATS I hear. I don't care to watch the interview.

Lets all cross our fingers and hope he joins the Paracast forums :eek:
Oh please NOOOO don't let him join here.

If you are reading this John Lear, please join the nutters at the Fantastic Forum or maybe dickhead Richard C Hoagland has a forum you can join.
Aspie said:
Oh please NOOOO don't let him join here.

If you are reading this John Lear, please join the nutters at the Fantastic Forum or maybe dickhead Richard C Hoagland has a forum you can join.

Lear joining would be funny for about a day, then old really fast :D It would be funny to get David drunk and into a discussion with him. As long as David isn't a gun owner, he might blow his head off. I don't think he is.

I forget, you deal with any Lear predictions at your site? I'll have to revisit and look. Nice to see your site is still up btw.
It's still up but I have stopped updating it. I can't stand listening to the charlatans any more, and after over 3 years of collecting their predictions I think there is enough evidence there to prove not one of them has any psychic ability.
Aspie said:
It's still up but I have stopped updating it. I can't stand listening to the charlatans any more, and after over 3 years of collecting their predictions I think there is enough evidence there to prove not one of them has any psychic ability.

I agree. Royce hung things up too awhile back. Thanks for suffering through what you have, I reference your site at times for people who are ignorant about certain "psychics".
John Lear has discredited himself in the time since he came back onto the UFO scene, if he hadn't before.

Back in the day when he came out with his "John Lear briefing", he wanted everybody in the UFO community to think he knew everything there was to know. Why? He never gave any sources or showed his work. But the claims he made were exacting, and fooled the uninformed and ignorant.

I personally didn't know where his information came from, so I took it with a salt mine.

For instance, from Art Bell's old show:

"So here's what happened, Art. We'll use some videos and stills. Our first UFO recoveries were in the late '30s. We made a couple in the beginning of the '40s and then came Roswell, which the public found out about. We got 2 live aliens from Roswell. One died shortly there after and one lived till 1956. And we found out so far there are 18 different alien species that we know about monitoring Earth. Some are good and some are hostile, most are indifferent. We found out that we are the experimental product, if you will, of an alien race who we never met and we don't know who they are. All we know is that the Greys are cybernetic organisms, glorified robots if you will, who work here at the behest of their employers monitoring us through abductions. We were never able to find out what the experiment is all about except that we have been externally corrected about 65 times. And they, the aliens, refer to us as "Containers." There's been speculation that the souls our bodies contain is the reason for the experiments. But nothing's been proven or determined."

Sounds authoritative, doesn't it?

Well, it's not. It's vauge, unconfirmed nonsense. He's full of hot air, just like many other "UFO experts" and "researchers" were. It's just that he stumbled onto the scene earlier than most, and so he seemed authoritative to those that came after. He's admitted that he got a modem early on and hooked up to a BBS, and absorbed as much as he could about UFOs. He stole everything he's ever said from those that came before. He claims to have heard and seen information from films that had his father in them.


Oh, wow, his father invented a jet plane, must have been in on building Area 51.

Lear even admits that he heard Bob Lazar's story, and merely took it at face value.

He thinks LMH is spot on, and she's never been wrong about anything.

He believes everything Corso has written about the back engineering of alien tech into the private sector, which now, even Bill Birnes, Corso's co-author admits, he got wrong, and has claimed responsibility for.

Project Serpo? Not only does Lear believe it, but claims to know about it via inside info.

The drones? Absolutely real. He feels it in his bones.

From Here to Andromeda? Yup, hook, line and sinker.

And let's not forget Dr. Dan Burisch. Lear says "His story rings true".

There has not been such a steaming load as John Lear since William Cooper served up The Protocols of the Elders of Zion for his book, a known fake and hoax when the Nazis tried to pass off in WWII.

I don't think John Lear has had an original thought in his life. Talk about an armchair researcher.

Lear knows nothing, never has--the guy's just been a pilot for a living, and a rich kid all his life. He has no special inside information, no more than you or I do. Where would he have gotten it? Why has he never shown his work, brought out any witnesses, or been able to demonstrate any real paper trail to anything?

And why does he agree with everyone about everything? As I recall, he even agreed with the John Titor story. The only things he denies are known proven fakes, like Ray Santilli and his "Alien Autopsy" hoax.

And those are only after the fact.

John Lear was a sensationalist, and was good for ratings on Art Bell's show. People love a controversy, and the Coast audience is about as naive as they come.

John Lear, we can close the book on. He's a charlatan, and he doesn't even work very hard at it. He doesn't care if people know he's lying or not. He's the George W. Bush of the UFO community.

I don't know much about Ritzman, but If John Lear has "called out" David and/or Gene, it's PROOF that he doesn't know what he's talking about.

Yeah, these two well-off, busy guys that do the Paracast as a hobby have time to be shills for the CIA . Everyone knows the CIA pays big bucks. They used to say the same thing about Stanton Friedman. I've had lunch with Stanton Friedman. I know Stanton Friedman. And John Lear is no Stanton Friedman.

Give me a break. There's one sure way you can tell if John Lear is lying.

His lips will be moving.
Good post and I agree with every word you say.

I've always thought of Lear as a disinformation agent, in league with his good buddy Art Bell.

I did watch the Project Camelot interview with him though, only for comedy value. The only point I agreed with Lear is when he says global warming is a scam.
I think Fart Smell and Lear are just plain attention seeking dumbasses. I am the troo disinfo agent.

I must admit. The older Lear gets, the more I want him to sign my nipple.
This thread is a good example of a lot of the mentality that permeates many message boards; from esoteric to any-old-discussion-forum.

Lots of ass-suckling here towards this website's top-dogs. I have nothing against any of the mods or admin of this website. The Paracast is one of my favorite freebie forms of entertainment and I look forward eagerly to each new episode every week. But there's so many stupid and immature comments in this and many threads which only serve to the detriment of any serious discussion. Maybe I'm taking a webforum, The Paracast, and these issues too seriously?

Yeah so Lear is full of wacky tales. Big shocker here? Uh, no. I'm only 26 years old and not much more than an armchair researcher in these matters, but I've read enough to know that Lear is someone whose credibility has always been suspect.

Let's see, isn't it often claimed that Lear was a former CIA pilot? Does someone who has worked for an intel agency call out other people for working for an intel agency? Isn't exposing agents a highly treasonous crime? And here (and for years) Lear does it casually and without repercussions? It's curious and telling, but not even the point. Lear is just being allotted a forum to speak his mind. Cool beans. Maybe HE believes everything he says. Maybe he's even right about it all! But look at his outlet: a FOUR HOUR interview with Project Camelot?

The biggest question is why and how a website like Project Camelot can exist, not why John Lear makes these claims. Look at the other interviews on the PC (ha!) website. It's a pretty weird mish-mash of people that have not appeared much elsewhere and others whom it is safe to say any researcher would be skeptical of. Yet the PC people can manage to fly all over the country filming, editing, and hosting these interviews for free downloads. That is a lot of Time and Money, especially considering the multitude of available download formats hosted on their own server. Servers ain't cheap. Neither is bandwidth. There's puts the Paracast's to shame, I'm sure. Follow the moneys, if you can.

But so what that Project Camelot exists? It's pretty solid (in terms of quantity, not necessarily quality) first-person accounts. It's a stack of people willing to put their name and face to some outrageous and unverifiable and extraordinary remarks. Whether it's legit or "disinformation", it is still information to be utilized as one wishes. If one wishes to believe it all as fact, that's their prerogative. If one wishes to see Gene & David as messiahs of skepticism and right-on-ness, also fine. You just need to learn to assimilate the inputs around you. My suggestion is to trust no one and trust nothing unless you've seen or experienced it with your own eyes. The hosts of the Paracast have claimed their own extraordinary experiences, as has John Lear. Perhaps Lear's experiences and tales have been proven to be more easily disproved, and his blatant connections to people like WM Cooper and, especially, Paul Bennewitz should give you enough of an inclination to at least observe him and see where he's trying to take the subject, just as the Paracast hosts should provide you with enough of an inclination to observe them and their interactions with their varied plethora of guests.

At least with people like Biedny and Steinberg you can see that the Paracasts' oeuvre is a "free time" "hobby", a labor of love, whereas I can't figure for the life of me what Cassidy or Ryan's or even Lear's agenda is. Can't really find much evidence of them in the "real world" beyond their self-penned bios, which always makes me skeptical. You'd figure with the resources they obviously have, and in trying to expose whistleblowers than they themselves would be more transparent, as they're relatively new to the overall "scene." Someone like Lear already has an established reputation, and he doesn't come off as trying to save the world like the Project Camelot people do. He's like David Icke in that he has his shtick down, as unbelievable as it may sound, and a core following in place. Lear is to the point where he's put out so much BS that one might wonder if he's trying to save face and intentionally make himself appear nuts as if to make amends for exposing something legit in the 1980's?

In short, nothing new to Lear here, and don't knock him when you can just observe him doing his thing. And some of you could afford to stop acting like jackasses and patting each other on the ass in this forum with juvenile comments. "LeAr is dOOsh, Genie St. Einburg rUlez LOLZ!" yawn...
I'll be short: I have no problems with having wacky ideas. I have a problem when someone makes unprincipled and false attacks against my friends and colleagues. As someone once said, "them's fightin' words."

So at the very least, Lear can hold whatever viewpoint he wants, but owes David and Jeff an apology for his outrageous claims.
Gene Steinberg said:
So at the very least, Lear can hold whatever viewpoint he wants, but owes David and Jeff an apology for his outrageous claims.

Sadly, there's probably as much chance of that happening as there is of finding a genuine beamship hovering over a certain Swiss farm. It's idiots like Lear that drove me away from the UFO scene a few years ago, because I didn't want to be associated in any way with such ridiculous beliefs. Unfortunately, for every David and Jeff we have examining the UFO phenomenon, we probably have a hundred or more Lears. Not that I'm in a jaded mood or anything ;).
John Lear's only claim to fame is that he is a pilot. As far as I can tell he is otherwise uneducated. Of course, our hosts are quite certain that "pilots are more observant" than others, therefore that must apply to Lear as well. Interestingly, when asked about this very point Lear claims pilots are not more observant than others because they are too busy looking at their instruments, or their reflections, or (he said) sleeping. So here we have a person in a very observant class of people claiming his class is not observant at all. Hmmmm. :-) At any rate, he's an ENTERTAINING nut job.
This was the first time I watched a John Lear interview and I got a kick when I heard him mention David and Jeff. The man is deranged. I loved his "evidence" he kept showing. They were copies of pencil drawings that he redrew darker so they were easy to see. Huh? Wha?

When he started going on about his bestest buddy Bob Lazar... I became enlightened.
Lear was on C2C last night. I tuned in for a few minutes, long enough to hear him act a fool and for George Knapp to (sort of) call him out. After a long list of proclamations by Lear, the host asked him about his sources (specifically after the unmanned, remote-control battleship story) and Lear said he couldn't remember! But he quickly came up with some nick names ...you see the sources were people on the "Web" so nicks were all he had. Hmmm.

Consumate said...
This thread is a good example of a lot of the mentality that permeates many message boards; from esoteric to any-old-discussion-forum.

Consumate, what you say is true...but another example of what permeates many message boards is the guy who enters a forum and within a few posts attempts to show everyone else the error of their ways. This was your post. Surely you have seen this pattern many times also.
Seems to me Lear confirmed much of what some of us have said about him in the past. He happens to believe everything he reads. Period. Matters not who says what. Geeze.

Brian, when I see your avatar, my eyes cross. My brain cannot handle four eyes. Truly weird.
It strikes me that Lear, being as credulous as he is, is a perfect conduit for disinformation. He has no particular background in anything but flying, but he has gained a certain notoriety. He repeats anything that is whispered to him in confidence as gospel truth. That makes him a very useful tool.

None of us likely knows the truth about any given secret issue. We hear things from sources we deem reliable and may tend to believe them more than not. But any time one of us says "I know this to be a fact," it's more a measurement of our belief system than anything else. We have to take what Lear says and bounce it off our own experience and 'sure' knowledge to judge his statements. I think it is fair to say most of it is utter nonsense. Much of it violates the Laws of Physics, like the moon having 1/3 the gravity of earth and a breathable atmosphere.

However, some of the stuff Lear says can be corraborated, albeit imperfectly. Though I do not believe for one second that holograms were used in 9/11, what he says about holographic images is, well, interesting. There is a 'school of thought' that would suggest we have the capability of placing a Battle Group off the shores of {nameyourplacehere} so that it shows up but is not really there. This fleet can be generated from equipment fit into the back of a van. I don't know if this is true or not. It could be hyperbole. It could be disinformation. It's interesting, but probably unknowable.

Pehaps Lear is a complete nut case, but we keep talking about him.