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July 26, 2015 — Don Ecker, Curt Collins and Goggs Mackay

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Another point of view, one from an engineer familiar with the topic:
John Schuessler of NASA and MUFON on Apollo conspiracy theories, secret missions, and aliens on the Moon.

"That's all baloney... I don't think there's any reality to it whatsoever. I'm versed in the extraterrestrial side of things, the UFO side of things, and I can tell you that I've seen no evidence of any kind that there's extraterrestrial life on the Moon."

Popular Mechanics, Sept. 2, 2011:
Why Apollo Really Stopped at 17
So that may well be all baloney, but by chance I picked up Emegger's UFO's Past, Present and Future and was thumbing through the NASA chapter. Some of the really intriguing images and sightings come from the astronauts and their commentary of odd objects tracking them, or suddenly appearing here and there, or even getting tracked by mission control. Certainly nothing definitive is there, or at least that we've heard about, but still the Apollo XI sighting of the L-shaped object, or open suitcase, or hollow cylinders, whatever it was, the object seemed to change or at least presented that classic concept that each witness was seeing something different. I didn't get to hear enough from you, Curt, on this past episode. What do you make of the Apollo XI sighting(s)?
What about the stories re: Ed Mitchell and the lunar glass sphere?
Say what? Do you mean how the earth looked like a glass marble or that he mistakenly identified one of the Ruskies' metal soccer balls?

Geez, with the amount of trash left on the moon you'd have thought the aliens would already have placed recycling stations up there already by now.
Another point of view, one from an engineer familiar with the topic:
John Schuessler of NASA and MUFON on Apollo conspiracy theories, secret missions, and aliens on the Moon.

"That's all baloney... I don't think there's any reality to it whatsoever. I'm versed in the extraterrestrial side of things, the UFO side of things, and I can tell you that I've seen no evidence of any kind that there's extraterrestrial life on the Moon."

Popular Mechanics, Sept. 2, 2011:
Why Apollo Really Stopped at 17

What's more wasn't Apollo 20 cancelled just two months after Apollo 12 ? Basically NASA made only two lunar landings before deciding to throttle it back, if there was anything there on the Moon to create conflict why push it with a half dozen more trips in 3 years just because the money was appropriated ?

It sounds like to me that NASA realized they were overly ambitious and overly optimistic on funding well before the scheduled launch date of mission 20, perhaps 18 and 19 were collateral damage. Being that the Apollo missions weren't black ops under the radar missions and were answerable to congressional oversight I don't see any reason not to think the Vietnam War wasn't eating into the governmental budget.
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I forget exactly who told me (it may have been Ray) that Mitchell allegedly discovered a glass (-like?) sphere on the Moon that appeared to be of unknown origin and that this artifact was quietly brought back to Earth.
One thing I have to say is that I have trouble believing that there is some uberSecret black space program. Having said that I do believe that there have been secret military missions and capabilities we don't know about but I don't believe they are leaps and bounds ahead of NASA unless there has been some kind or ET back engineering or cooperation. To you guys I may sound like a "naïve newbee" in maters UFO/conspiracy but even with some kind of ET knowledge boost I just don't believe all that much in a "Dark NASA" with secret bases and super high speed spacecraft. It just seems like that kind of thing would be too hard to hide. Secret military manned space program? Sure I'll go along with that.
Someone said something about Aurora. Based on everything I have heard and read and a few stories I have heard. "Aurora" was based on the old X-24B. It was launched on top of a modified XB-70. There were several reports of something that looked like an XB-70 flying during late 80s or early 90s. There also was a consept like that proposed, that would launch a lifting body spacecraft. There are also reports of people picking up radio calls out in Navada that were vary similar to Shuttle landing call outs (not during a shuttle mission) also it would explains that ridiculously long runway at the Groom Lake test facility.
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I know this thread's focus has moved on to a more diffuse discussion, which is very interesting, but I just want to circle back and say that I really enjoy the "shop talk" episodes and their variety of guests and topics discussed. They just might be my favorite kind of episodes these days. I would urge Gene and Chris to consider arranging more of them with diverse guests on a more frequent basis. However, they should always involve Goggs Mackay. One can never have enough Goggs Mackay.

"If it's not Scottish, it's crap!"
I know this thread's focus has moved on to a more diffuse discussion, which is very interesting, but I just want to circle back and say that I really enjoy the "shop talk" episodes and their variety of guests and topics discussed. They just might be my favorite kind of episodes these days. I would urge Gene and Chris to consider arranging more of them with diverse guests on a more frequent basis. However, they should always involve Goggs Mackay. One can never have enough Goggs Mackay.

"If it's not Scottish, it's crap!"

Thanks for the kind words Chris, it seems a strange accent really is a help! When I worked in West Texas, the ladies would ask us just to speak, to say anything because they loved the difference.

But it's not a one-way thing; come here with an American accent and people will automatically be interested in you.

And I agree also about shop talk episodes, I like the variety of opinions and topics covered and I know we have lots of as-yet untapped talent in the forum. Angelo, our friendly Canadian skeptical moderator has been asked on to the show many times but has not been able to take part due to work and family commitments. We need Gene to arrange a fair advance notice for such a show so Angelo can finally be heard on the show he has been part of for a long time!

Also, if any forum member feels he or she has plenty to say on a show, there is nothing stopping anyone nominating themselves as a guest. We want variety! If you feel you can contribute, don't be shy and go ahead and ask Gene or Chris, who are the final arbiters in such matters.

Oh, and Don, how about that update to '20 years in the UFO Fog'? :)
One thing I have to say is that I have trouble believing that there is some uberSecret black space program. Having said that I do believe that there have been secret military missions and capabilities we don't know about but I don't believe they are leaps and bounds ahead of NASA unless there has been some kind or ET back engineering or cooperation. To you guys I may sound like a "naïve newbee" in maters UFO/conspiracy but even with some kind of ET knowledge boost I just don't believe all that much in a "Dark NASA" with secret bases and super high speed spacecraft. It just seems like that kind of thing would be too hard to hide. Secret military manned space program? Sure I'll go along with that.
Someone said something about Aurora. Based on everything I have heard and read and a few stories I have heard. "Aurora" was based on the old X-24B. It was launched on top of a modified XB-70. There were several reports of something that looked like an XB-70 flying during late 80s or early 90s. There also was a consept like that proposed, that would launch a lifting body spacecraft. There are also reports of people picking up radio calls out in Navada that were vary similar to Shuttle landing call outs (not during a shuttle mission) also it would explains that ridiculously long runway at the Groom Lake test facility.

Trust Don he knows and it would most likely take a all out nuclear war to see it maybe. Great show and Col (rtd) Mitchell on the paracast?
I forget exactly who told me (it may have been Ray) that Mitchell allegedly discovered a glass (-like?) sphere on the Moon that appeared to be of unknown origin and that this artifact was quietly brought back to Earth.
I can't find a reference to that one anywhere. But most of Mitchell and Cooper's claims appear to demonstrate how even the astronauts can be touched by believerdom. Some of their outlandish statements are difficult to take as they stretch more than credulity. All this talk of aliens on the moon and that our fear is stopping us from going back is exactly what FEAR is: False Evidence Appearing Real. Is there any real evidence of physical alien anomalies there or is it nothing but speculation about unique objects and rumour? Someone recently astutely pointed out to me that the things astronauts saw and photographed that were anomalous really have absolutely nothing verifiably to do with the UAP's seen and photographed here on earth. An episode distinguishing and/or comparing these two types of UAP's, the outerspace and terrestrial kinds, would make for an excellent show.
If You can't get Edgar Mitchell try Story Musgrave he is former shuttle astronaut and very open to UFO discussion, at least from what I understand.
Someone recently astutely pointed out to me that the things astronauts saw and photographed that were anomalous really have absolutely nothing verifiably to do with the UAP's seen and photographed here on earth.

Was anything offered to back up that claim? Sounds like an untethered belief to me.