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What is there to tether the objects seen in space to those seen here on earth? They really are two different contexts are they not? Belief would be seeing these two sets of objects as having a similar origin for no apparent reason. This does go back to the simplistic notion that the ETH answers all, and look at where that limited perspective has got ufology so far.Was anything offered to back up that claim? Sounds like an untethered belief to me.
Constance, I made the observation (not claim), and no, I didn't provide anything to back it up.
Someone recently astutely pointed out to me that the things astronauts saw and photographed that were anomalous really have absolutely nothing verifiably to do with the UAP's seen and photographed here on earth. An episode distinguishing and/or comparing these two types of UAP's, the outerspace and terrestrial kinds, would make for an excellent show.
What is there to tether the objects seen in space to those seen here on earth? They really are two different contexts are they not?
Belief would be seeing these two sets of objects as having a similar origin for no apparent reason.
This does go back to the simplistic notion that the ETH answers all, and look at where that limited perspective has got ufology so far.
This Popular Mechanics article states that after we went to the Moon, all the goals had been accomplished, so we stopped right there. That sounds like so much hogwash to me.
You've just managed the greatest technological feat up to that point and now you just stop? Mankind has always been about establishing outposts wherever possible. The idea that we took our sand bucket and shovel and went home is ludicrous at best.
It's one thing to do a drive-by past Pluto. China and India are planning missions to the Moon and Mars. I will bet you that establishing bases is part of their long term goals. Unless you believe that the US has bases there already, we better get off our fannys and get moving.
I would bet that plenty of countries already have robotic weapons in space. That isn't the issue. Staking out claims for the Moon and Mars will call for manpower on those celestial spheres. I would also suspect that we have a two stage space program. A show-and-tell NASA led program and then everything else that the US government doesn't want our citizens and other countries to know about.We have successfully soft landed on several extra-terrestrial bodies including a speeding asteroid. We're not limited to flyovers.
My question is this: even if we're in a race to establish weaponized military bases in space, what specifically could human personnel accomplish that robotics could not?
Aside from my 'paranoid fantasy' and 'retrograde fantasy', I will ignore your bullshit reply. You somehow think that countries from Earth that arrive on the Moon or Mars with all their robotic toys will all be good buddies. I don't see it that way. Perhaps in your naivete you do. I guess we will have to agree to disagree.Paranoid fantasies aside, what shred of hard evidence exists that there are robotic weapons in space? Anything?
Furthermore, why would "staking out claims for the Moon and Mars" require "manpower?" Flesh-and-blood prospectors on other moons and planets would be exponentially less effective than a herd of robots, wouldn't they?
The retrograde fantasy of shoot-em-up cowboys staking claims to the Moon and Mars lacks awareness of new developments in robotic technology. Sorry, but gunslingers are not the wave of the future.
Aside from my 'paranoid fantasy' and 'retrograde fantasy', I will ignore your bullshit reply. You somehow think that countries from Earth that arrive on the Moon or Mars with all their robotic toys will all be good buddies. I don't see it that way. Perhaps in your naivete you do. I guess we will have to agree to disagree.
"Good buddies"? You totally made that up. I only suggested that anything "manpower" can do in an alien environment robotics can do better.
I realize that the hero gunslinger is an icon for boys, but maybe it's naive to perpetuate an outworn archetype.
Yes, 'good buddies', somewhat like your 'paranoid fantasy' quote. Totally made up.
It might already be crowded by the time China and India show up.Folks do you really think the most wealthiest families on this planet have not thought of getting off this marble? Speculating some would already have escape plan already bottom of the ocean, in mountain side or another place maybe behind the moon who knows! As much as we are taught and taxation's those folks don't care about the bottom feeders and not talking about the every day families on the daily media of the wealthy and famous the one who stay silent. The movie 2012 hit on the head and Governments would tell the top first (lobby groups) then filter to the bottom. Wonder if China and Russian exploration to Mars and Pluto get there?