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Kerry set to calm us about Syria ? Or ?...

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Al-Qaeda's air force still on stand-by.
From the article:
So, essentially, it's this "axis" - Damascus, Tehran and Moscow - that is helping Obama to crawl out of his self-inflicted abyss. Needless to say, that is absolutely unbearable for the plutocrats in charge of unleashing the new Syria (lethal) production. A brand new propaganda/manufactured hysteria campaign must be unfurled to justify war. And that's exactly what the Anglo-French-American axis is working on.
Asia Times Online :: Al-Qaeda's air force still on stand-by
Tiny wars still don't work
By Tom Engelhardt
So something is indeed changing in response to military failure, but what's not changing is Washington's preference for war as the option of choice, often of first resort. What's not changing is the thought that, if you can just get your strategy and tactics readjusted correctly, force will work. (Recently, Washington was only saved from plunging into another predictable military disaster in Syria by an offhand comment of Secretary of State John Kerry and the timely intervention of Russian President Vladimir Putin.)
Asia Times Online :: Tiny wars still don't work
Australian PM visits Afghanistan to mark troop withdrawal
Abbott’s claim that Australian forces were leaving Afghanistan better off is absurd. Uruzgan province is under the control of Matiullah Khan, a powerbroker of Karzai’s Popolzai tribe and an alleged drug trafficker and extortionist. Khan was paid tens of millions of dollars to convert his private militia into the provincial “police force” and keep the main road from Tarin Kowt to Kandahar open. In exchange, the Australian military turned a blind eye to his other activities. Large quantities of opium, including from areas held by the Taliban, are exported from Uruzgan along the roads he controls. Vehicles using the roads—which have been upgraded by Australian military engineers—are charged “tolls” by Khan’s forces.

Australian PM visits Afghanistan to mark troop withdrawal - World Socialist Web Site

Eisenhower's Drones

President Dwight Eisenhower is often admired for having avoided huge wars, having declared that every dollar wasted on militarism was food taken out of the mouths of children, and having warned -- albeit on his way out the door -- of the toxic influence of the military industrial complex (albeit in a speech of much more mixed messages than we tend to recall).

But when you oppose war, not because it murders, and not because it assaults the rights of the foreign places attacked, but because it costs too much in U.S. lives and dollars, then your steps tend in the direction of quick and easy warfare -- usually deceptively cheap and easy warfare.
Let's Try Democracy | Writings by David Swanson.
Now the White House wants to send shoulder-fired missiles to Al Qaeda in Syria.

Syria Civil War: Obama Mulls Anti-Aircraft Missiles for Assad Foes - TIME

Sending U.S. sarin gas manufactured in Georgia to Al Qaeda in Syria wasn't enough. Obomber and McCain are willing to sacrifice a few hundred people flying on airliners as well....

McCain said. “To stop these atrocities, I’m willing to take the risk of a manpad … falling into the wrong hands, because we’ve got to stop it.”

In this video American mercinaries walk among the bodies of Syrian soldiers.

Notice how most of the dead Syrians have no wounds. That's a gas attack.

My bet is Sarin.

Problem is, Sarin only has a shelf life of a few weeks. Saddam Hussein had to manufacture it right before using it. They are probably making it nearby.

IG Farben was the original patent holder. I think Monsanto bought the the patent on isopropyl methylphosphonofluoridate (Sarin) from one of their subsidiaries, but I'm not sure. To avoid copyright lawsuits, somebody has to be paying them.
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Here is another, shorter video of the gas attack last Thursday on Syrian soldiers by American mercenaries.

I suspect it has to be Sarin because of the evidence in this video...

I don't know of any other chemical weapon which acts that fast.

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