So really Matthew the big question here is are all circles man made ?
I dont think we can ever answer this in the affirmative.
You can rightly claim all the circles youve made are man made.
But to the question "have you made all the crop circles ever documented ?" the answer has to be no
I'm not necessarily saying that means some are made by ET,or that some makers are commissioned by intel orgs. But the bottom line is despite all the evidence you or anyone else can provide regarding man made circles, the answer for some people to the first question posed, must always remain "we dont know"
People will look at all the evidence and make their own balance of probability call.
But i doubt either side of the debate will ever convince the other beyond a shadow of a doubt
As ive posted earlier, the reports by human CC makers of paranormal stuff associated with their own works is what makes this subject still interesting for me.
Without that aspect it might well be an open and shut scenario. but its inclusion in the story is what stops me from calling "case closed" on the CC enigma
Even Lundberg hasnt got the whole picture yet
Statements like this from human circlemakers leave me with questions, not answers
Are all the circles man made - the simple swirl damage circles are probably not man made. Also prior to Doug and Daves starting to do them on a major scale who can say from the past. It is most likely though that people have made circles for fun for a very long time and this would be the most obvious and simple answer.
Obviously I have not made every single circle. Correct.
I think one can apply some general tests to show if a circle is likely to be made by people by the levels of crop damage present and visible artifacts such as "combing", which shows that a tool like a plant was used. Also construction lines which are made by a persons feet walking around to do the initial lines are a dead give away. Why would aliens use planks 1 metre wide and foot marks 1 foot width wide. So you could use this method to discount most of the circles out there. What would you be left with... not a lot.
I think people should not overlook the possibility that humans have felt drawn to create these circles by some form of internal dialogue with either a gaia mind - a group mind or perhaps an outside intelligence which wants certain shape to be made. So this could mean that Colin asking for the celtic cross was either his idea picked up by a circlemaker direct from Colins mind to that circlemaker. Or perhaps the more exciting idea would be that Coin picked up an idea from a group mind that was transmitting "Celtic cross" - and a circlemaker also picked up the idea and went out and did it. This is the piece we don't know - how is the transmission of the idea given. What is the direction of transmission - person to person... or from some "other" mind to all people who pick these things up.
As you mention, John Lundberg. One has to be a little bit careful with John as he does openly state that he wants to keep the mystery alive by injecting stories into the mix. He thinks that circles as an artform require mystery to be added and the truth to be witheld. This can apply then to much of what is said. You have to decide if you want to believe him. Whereas I am stating that I will not create stories to excite people in this manner and the things you hear from me are real experiences.
To give one example - John stated that his team couldnt have created the Milk Hill Galaxy formation because it was just too complex and they wouldn't have enough time. This is an example of John wanting to promote the mystery of this and a few other circles in order to give an air of mystery back to some formations out there and also so people would like to doubt Johns teams ability to make complex circles. John likes this position as he feels it serves the subject well to cloud over can humans make all the circles or not. This is not a game of truths I like to play. To that end I have even admitted to all my circles that I have created with my team. I cannot admit to ones I have worked on whilst helping other teams as this would break my oath of secrecy whilst helping these other teams with their designs which would be rude of me to do so... I am one circlemaker who is trying to build bridges and not apply the smoke machine.
John also liked to post a Mi5 application form on his website because it would feed into this argument about are Mi5 involved in crop circles. I have tried to dispel this one and steer people towards truth.
John thinks adding some confusion is a good thing. I am very much against this.
I do hope therefore that John and his teams stories about their own wierd experiences are not part of the myth generation again. I can assure you that my experiences are truthful, and not to add myth to the subject. I want also to think that the circlemakers who have appeared on CirclemakersTV are being honest with their experiences - and I hope that seeing these people interviewed for the very first time ever on our shows would give people a real opportunity to judge if they feel they telling the truth.