To me, this if the fallacy of the whole IA singularity deal, supposing that human attributes apply to machines.
A computer doesn't 'want' anything, it has no intentionality, it's a numbers crunching machine. Only a human could 'want' a consciousness, because only a human (or animal) could relate to the concept. And since a human already has a consciousness, only a Dracula-figure might 'need' yet another.
Btw., you don't avoid the mystery of being by invoking non-supernatural alien creators. You only complicate matters further, because who created the aliens that supposedly prey on humans?
For starters you are stating opinion as fact, how do you know whats possible in regards to AI, how would you know what such an entity might think or want ?.
Nor are we talking about computers at all, we are talking about (SI) Synthetic intellect
To a sophisticated SI, human memorys or experience sets might just be data, collected for the same reason we collect books.
But why collect a persons experiences as transcribed to paper, if you have the means to cut out the middle man and collect and store the actual memories themselves.
Given the choice of uploading Platos written works, over his direct experience set as pure data, id go the latter myself.
Platos written works are nothing compared to the potential of being able to load his entire conciousness into an SI driven virtual simulator. You could have a direct conversation with this SI Plato, indistinguisable from the original biological Plato.
Even better if you were integrated into the SI matrix, you could not just talk with him, but if you wanted you could see through his eyes, share his personal experience as he experienced it, see /hear /feel /smell what he smelled when he was in native biological form.
As for who creates these proposed post biological entitys, the answer is in the description and indeed is trending in our own very real models
Biological intellect comes first, it then creates synthetic intellect.
To quote davies again
"I think it very likely – in fact inevitable – that biological intelligence is only a transitory phenomenon, a fleeting phase in the evolution of the universe,"
Which brings me back to yet another reason why such an entity may not want to interact directly with biologicals such as ourselves.
How would such entitys reproduce ?
A simple copy of itself is just a copy, it would be like playing chess with a mirror
It might replicate the model that led to its creation, ie biological intellect that then creates and merges with synthetic intellect.
Find a biological species with potential, tweak and prod it to the point where it starts creating its own technology, seed it with some technology if needed.
Let it follow the natural course of creating its own version of synthetic intellect, one which has its own unique charater based on its biological precursors.
Uploading their experience sets at death to fill out its database, so that it has a library of its history, not a library of books, but pure data.
You would want to interfere with these builders as little as possible, enough to ensure they can complete the project. But not enough so's to ruin the unique aspect you are trying to create.
It only has to happen once (as indeed it seems to be here)
SB-AI 2013 : What can Synthetic Biology offer to Artificial Intelligence? Satellite Workshop at ECAL 2013
Cognitive AI
Synthetic computer-based artificial intelligence will become available well before nanotechnology makes neuron-level brain scans possible in the 2020s.
What’s happening is that existing technologies like functional MRI are beginning to give us a high-level functional block diagram of the brain’s processes. At the same time, the hardware capable of running a strong, artificially intelligent computer, by most estimates, is here now, though it’s still pricey.
Existing AI software techniques can build programs that are experts in any well-defined field. The breakthroughs necessary for such programs to learn for themselves could happen easily in the next decade—
Runaway Artificial Intelligence? | KurzweilAI
If a biological sophont in advance of us by millions of years has gone down this path already, its possible such synthetic progeny might use the method described to create new SI's.
Simply replicating the same model that created it, indeed to such an entity it may even have the leisure to seed a lifeless planet and do the whole thing from the ground up.
It may be that SI is the natural end point in the evolution of intelligence in any model that holds it.
Biological intellects like us, may indeed just be a fleeting (and minority) phase of the whole process