Matthew Williams
Skilled Investigator
BOLs (balls of light hovering, moving at speed, and giving indications of intentional activity) have been associated with crop circles in Wiltshire throughout the last four decades. They've been observed by researchers and croppies as well as by hoaxers. Many might be earthlights of the type observed at Hessdalen and other locations on the planet {'Golden Ball Hill' in Wiltshire is in the midst of the crop fields in which many cc have appeared and it's been called by that name since well before the apparent beginnings of the modern cc phenomenon}. Steve Alexander who has captured an enormous number of aerial photographs of cc over the last three decades has also filmed/videotaped BOLs moving at great speed over the crop fields, and over some crop circles. Light phenomena of other sorts (tubes of light, intense flashes of light) have been reported in association with crop circles in England and Holland and probably elsewhere). Re the earthlights explanation, Massimo Teodorani, a scientist who has done considerable research at Hessdalen, has identified some of the light spheres observed and scientifically measured there as not explicable as earthlights. Spherical lights (aka orbs) are increasingly observed and photographed near earth and also pacing (and even examining) aircraft in flight. Something is going on there.
Yes, indeed, why does the hoaxing continue decade after decade, with a new PR program being wheeled out to identify the hoaxers as the special conduit of paranormal forces seeking expression? This makes no rational sense to me, sounds like obsessive behavior. Who cares if some people don't accept the 'all-manmade' claim? Why do these folks care?
I agree we have seen BOLs - I got chased out of a field one night with a team by Balls of Light.
The Golden Ball Hill is sadly not to do with lights though, its a type of flower which grows there. So I am told.
Circlemaking continues because old school circlemakers move on and newcomers come along and learn off the old schoolers and then get very excited make many circles in a season. Theres always new people on the scene as well as a few veterans.