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May 31, 2009

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Hallucinations are not restricted to the mentally ill or those under the influence of psychotropic drugs.

This is true of delusions as well (religious belief, etc...). I think the point at which we draw the line is when it interferes (detrimentally) with functioning and interaction within our society/culture. Then we start calling it mental illness.
This is true of delusions as well (religious belief, etc...). I think the point at which we draw the line is when it interferes (detrimentally) with functioning and interaction within our society/culture. Then we start calling it mental illness.

I agree, like I state in the other thread, Aliens in the Mind in much more detail, people can live full lives with only rare delusions etc. happening. Which again, helps explain Aliens etc. and paranormal.

To your quote on it applying to religious beliefs, according to experiments in the literature religious beliefs are NOT part of this pattern.

"...There is no thematic consistency here either, e.g. religious/archetypal themes are not particularly present, memories are not a substantial source of images, and so on. Rather, it appears that the images are a combination of the purely abstract elements, and random concrete elements as might occur by calling up photo albums online. As with DMT, it appears that the process was driven by events occurring at a deeper level of cognition, and the lack of the emotion of awe demonstrates that this inference is not an emotional artifact."

They are described as seeing lights, remembered images replacing known objects (i.e. a lollipop replacing a stop sign) etc. we can be likened to UFO phenomena where people may see one thing, and their temporary delusion causes it to appear as something from their memory.

This in a way works against a completely psychological explanation to the phenomena, when it comes to the more detailed and religious (new age) beliefs the Aliens seem to promote to abducties. BUT when hypnotism is added in, the likely-hood of false memory's being produced become much higher.
Uberdoink, you're quoting a good source in your last post here but I see that you're cramming it all into your paradigm. You're also twisting my bag.
Just out of curiosity how do you view religions other than your own? Are they benign delusional beliefs, or are they disinformation disseminated by malevolent entities to purposefully mislead people down the wrong spiritual path?
If you need to explain something you must filter it through the lens of your paradigm.

I found this post on Ummah Forum without much digging at all.
Granted it's not as well developed as it's Christian counterpart but they're starting to work up their theories as well...

Re: Islam - UFO's & Aliens
<hr style="color: rgb(209, 209, 225); background-color: rgb(209, 209, 225);" size="1"> <!-- / icon and title --> <!-- message --> Everyone please discuss this deep topic without getting upset if others dont accept your theories and without insulting because ultimately Allah (azza wa jal) is Aalim-al-Ghaib.

80% of Paranormal/UFO related incidents are fake, and the remaining 20% are the monopoly of the Jinn, who are able to...

1. See us from where we cannot see them.
2. Take different shapes including shape of Lizards, Snakes, Aliens or anything else you can imagine
3. Engage in communication with humans who worship them (like the Freemasons, and the Occult practitioners)
4. Travel freely in the lower heaven (our Universe)

In every age, in every culture the Jinn deceived people with the norms of their day.

Many pagan myths from the ancient world talk of "the coming of the Gods" (Jinn), other human cultures that were isolated from others developed similar false beliefs (the Aztecs built pyramids like the Pharoahs and sacrificed to the Shayateen from which their leaders got energy and power), in similar way in todays 21st century world the Jinn take the shape of Aliens because that is what people expect to see, and dont forget the Jinn live for 1000's of years.

Same story, different time, different face.
<!-- / message --> <!-- edit note --> <hr style="color: rgb(209, 209, 225); background-color: rgb(209, 209, 225);" size="1"> Last edited by usman3; 29-09-08 at 11:01 PM.
Uberdoink, you're quoting a good source in your last post here but I see that you're cramming it all into your paradigm. You're also twisting my bag.
Just out of curiosity how do you view religions other than your own? Are they benign delusional beliefs, or are they disinformation disseminated by malevolent entities to purposefully mislead people down the wrong spiritual path?

I believe that the ancient biblical texts, the Jinn as mentioned in your other posts, the Shinning ones as believed by the Maya and Aztec's and really most of the ancient world, DOES talk about the same entities and gives us insight into them.

I believe our modern world has created a new paradigm to explain this phenomenon based on technology. Tech has become the shoehorn we try to fit everything into.

Aliens flying nuts and bolts vehicles to our planet is the new mythology, or fairy tale.

I think there is a very human and possibly spiritual explanation that all our supposed scientific understanding (which when it comes to this matter, fails horribly to explain) is clouding our vision and preventing us from seeing what may actually be the truth.

Your preconceved notions for example would prevent you from excepting any form of supernatural explaination no matter what the evidence for it was. So in the end, most of us will just keep chasing little green men from mars and I think, miss the big picture of what the universe really is comprised of.

my two cents :D
Yeah, manipulation. Then look how they divide and conquer. You get a bunch of people in agreement, and then the religion fractures. That dilutes the power of the group. Keep everyone fighting with each other.

Maybe it's all about our reactions.

My most recent experience was a very clear voice in my head (at 3:47 am... always the same time I wake up for no reason) telling me to write a book based on some information I was being given, while being shown just about all the information in the universe. I was asked to write a book and gather people together as a movement, and it would be helpful to people.

Right away I'm thinking how many times this has happened to people (good thing they don't burn people alive for hearing voices anymore!) and how religions have been started that way.

I didn't really want to do it, and it stopped. I just don't know how sincere the whole thing was.

So how many people does this happen to until they get one that is willing?

I'm sure some other person would have thought it was the voice of God or something. But my brother and I were told by voices like this not to believe certain things when we were quite young, like religion, and the myths about the pyramids. It has really shaped how I see the world today.

But why? What is their plan? So since they don't want me to have a "world view" I have nothing but endless questions. But questions are good, they make you think.

Live in the mystery.