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Michael Horn & The Billy Meier Contacts

Do you believe the Billy Meier Contacts and Evidence Are Real?

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You're not exactly displaying the attitude of either a winner or a courteous host. First, I am unfamiliar with how to do that, I can't even see the photo you said you just posted and, need I remind you, you are both one of the moderators and the person who has made the claims against the photo, the man, the case and me.

Please try to set a courteous example for all of us here.

And yes, I'll do my best to answer those questions. Let me again note that have declined to answer the first, most important answer regarding staking your reputation on your claims. And. as I said, I'm off to work shortly so I'll do my best to compose and post my response later.

In the meantime, if you SHOULD want to reconsider and answer that first question...
Michael812 said:
You're not exactly displaying the attitude of either a winner or a courteous host. First, I am unfamiliar with how to do that, I can't even see the photo you said you just posted and, need I remind you, you are both one of the moderators and the person who has made the claims against the photo, the man, the case and me.

Please try to set a courteous example for all of us here.

And yes, I'll do my best to answer those questions. Let me again note that have declined to answer the first, most important answer regarding staking your reputation on your claims. And. as I said, I'm off to work shortly so I'll do my best to compose and post my response later.

In the meantime, if you SHOULD want to reconsider and answer that first question...
Michael, there's nothing magical or mystical about this.

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You'll notice that this issue re the Meier case creates enormous debate and controversy (we've put this forum on the map!), which causes thinking people to investigate everything they can and come to their own conclusions...the very point of the case, i.e. slef-responsibility.

And anyone who takes a step back and tries to figure out how a one-armed man can be the sole and solitary source of the totality of the evidence and information in the case has to do battle between only two possibilities, either Meier is at above-genius levels of accomplishment in dozens of disciplines or, as astrophysicist David Froning said, he's being advised by some "very knowledgeable people".

Froning, and many other scientific experts, have concluded that it's the latter.
After listening to the show and seeing the debate, I registered to add my own opinion. Of course I am no expert on any of these fields but I do have a brain and some common sense- so here is my point of view.

I am very familiar with photoshop and understand David's analysis of the photos and agree with him. Any responsible investigater, upon hearing evidence of possibly fabricated photos, would and should want to obtain more expert analysis of the same photos. Michael has done nothing but defend expert analysis for his side and even after mentioning other skeptics completely dismisses their opinions to further the Billy Meier insanity.

This is what disturbs me, obviously Michael has lost all sense of objectivity and doesn't respect expert analysis that is presented against Billy Meier's story. In any criminal investigation, a suspects story loses credibility if but only one or two details are inaccurate.

I find it amusing that Michael's biggest defense was the fact that he is asking people to duplicate the photos and situations, and if they cannot do that then it must be true. What? What kind of logic is that? I can't duplicate, personally, a flying spaceship but that doesn't mean it can't be done. I've seen it on Star Wars and Star Trek, which is much more convincing than the Billy Meier fantasy. And to keep falling on the poor 'he's a one armed man' crutch just isn't flying with me. Many one armed people have very normal lives and abilities. There is just as much proof that he HAD help as there is that he DIDN'T have help.

I applaud The Paracast for drilling large holes in this case. Great job guys!
this is all i'm hearing from mr.horn

> poor, one-armed man with no resources
> replicate it, replicate it, replicate it
> apologize to me
> slander
> the original investigators did this and that
> this fx guy _said_ he would have to use cgi, and this fx guy siad this and this
> what about this other photo from the series?
> the meier case is about more than just ufos and aliens

this casting mr.meier as the dirt poor farmer is silly. mr.meier owns a lot of land and can afford to have his film developed? and developing slide film has never been cheap. this pathetic latching on of mr.meier's disability does not equate to an inability to fake ufo photos/films.

couple the above with mr.horn continually making excuses and defending meier to the bitter end is just nonsense. mr.horn has failed on every level to directly address issues with the photo problems that david b. has found.

could it be an accidental double/triple exposure? this is as lame a defense as the whole alien inspired garbage can lid bit. and mr.horn coming here posing as the humble guy (on-air) who now will give his "layman's" response...? what kind of a researcher are you mr.horn? mr.horn, why are you so adamant in defending mr.meier in spite of the clear evidence to the contrary?

mr.horn completely relies on and cites the work of others and wants to point fingers while saying that others need to conduct themselves in an ethical manner. well, well, well, any ethical researcher or investigator would start having some problems at the moment fakery was detected. it appears that mr.horn has done no investigation of his own and regurgitates the works of other while he stands at the podium as mr.meier's official representative.

so mr.horn, how many on-site investigations have you done and what types of investigations have you done yourself - beside asking an fx guy for his opinion.

if this was a court case then i'm sure someone would have a field day with jim dilettoso on the stand and shreding his so-called investigation along with the rest of the silliness that goes along with this case. jim dilettoso would not be recognized by a court as an expert. oh, excuse me, "dr" dilettoso :D i've seen the photos the so-called investigators replicated (ah, there's that word) and they look just as good as any meier photos but the investigators dismissed them for whatever reason.

so if meier is using his ufo photos as proof of his contact with aliens, and you as his representative are here arguing that the evidence is irrifutable and validates his alien contacts and his knowledge of future events, what happens when one ufo photo is shown to be a hoax? what about two or more photos? and don't go to the bit where you start saying the case is about more than ufos and aliens. it isn't working.

and citing jpl as having authenticated the photos. here's what the guy at jpl who looked at the photos had to say

Date: Thu, 22 Jun 1995 15:29:56 -0700
From: Bob Nathan <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Request

I have never been given good enough photos or video good enough to
analyse. The Meier people have always only given me disorted and out of focus imagery to which all I could say was NO CONCLUSION POSSIBLE. THAT IS NOT AN ENDORSEMENT.
Bob Nathan

and this from gary kinder - note that kinder himself says that no one at jpl did an analysis. having a good eye is one thing, doing an actual analysis is another.

Then there is Robert Post, who had been at the JPL photo laboratory for 22 years and was the head of that lab in 1979, when Nathan brought the Meier photos to him to have copies made. Post oversees the developing and printing of every photograph that comes out of JPL. Though he analyzed nothing, his eye for spotting fabrications far surpasses a lay-person's. Post told me: "From a photography standpoint, you couldn't see anything that was fake about the Meier photos. That's what struck me. They looked like legitimate photographs. I thought, 'God, if this is real, this is going to be really something.'"

using this as an 'proof' meier is not faking ufo photos is a joke and any honest researcher or investigator would never in a million years would use this as proof. mr.horn, you're offering only opinions and not documented analyses from experts. sounds good throwing out big government lab names, but in the end this is just more smoke.

one other thing - and i'm relying on your twenty-plus years of researching this case to help me out here - where are all of mr.meier's original negatives?
Adam said:
one other thing - and i'm relying on your twenty-plus years of researching this case to help me out here - where are all of mr.meier's original negatives?

There's got to be some original negatives over in Switzerland. Has anyone even tried to get these, maybe Mr. Horn could get them. Since Mr. Meier is still having contact, I'm sure a fresh set of photos should work? I also saw a video years ago where Mr. Meier had a drawer full of the Metal samples. I'm sure he could spare a few for analysis.
ufoman said:
This page rips apart Kal Korff's book Spaceships from the Pleiades. It seems people have been parroting his faulty work over & over for years. Korff even wrote a book saying Roswell never happened.

Tell us how that page refutes Korff's conclusions. As far as I can see that particular page merely gives more of the Meier material, and a lot of links to dubious witnesses. Period.

And no, I don't feel I'm parotting Korff at all. As a matter of fact, when I first read his book I really didn't like it at all. But in the end I have had to recognize he has (in a general way) been right from the beginning.

Note that on that same site you can read about a few remarkable facts indicative of deception at http://meiercase.0x2a.info/meiercase/001/article.php?id=51

Adam, those are all very valid points... And Killraven, yes, Meier must have had some help at some point, as is practically certainly the case for making the soundsample. On the other hand, he may have done surprisingly much by himself. The WC model footage shows Meier had a camera he could put in record mode without having to hold the record button, which means he had the possibility to do all sorts of manipulations once the camera was recording.

michael said:
I guess for me the problem I have is this: I'm really not an expert on anything of significance. I can intelligently string together a sentence or two and eat like there's no tomorrow and that's really about it. So when it comes to things paranormal in nature, getting at the truth is difficult because of all the conflicting "expert" testimony.

And I don't mean at all to belittle anyone's expertise, but with one side's experts saying one thing and the other side's experts refuting it, it's hard for someone like me to know who to believe especially when they're talking in terms that I don't understand. I appreciate David's analysis of the photos and audio, but for the most part, when he (or anyone) starts talking about the green channel vs the blue channel and wave modulation, he might as well be speaking Spanish because I just don't understand the technology.

So I'm thinking that it all comes down to what do you or I WANT to believe. Without re-hashing the Meier argument I'll use the Patterson/Gimlin Bigfoot film as an example. There are experts who will testify that the footage is definitely hoaxed and I attended a Bigfoot Expo recently at Salt Fork Park in Ohio where another film expert claimed the film was indeed genuine.

Who to believe?
This is an important point, as it's precisely through all the juggling with "experts" that the Meier camp sort of keep their shop(s) running.

It's pretty much similar to the infamous "Nigeria scam", perhaps the most popular spam scam around. People who get lured by the scammers, at some point get sent all sorts of very official looking "certificates" and various documents, to prove everyone and everything is legit and honest and so forth... I've seen the kind of paperwork they use, as I have a friend who got suckered into it. It looks great, unless you sort of zoom in with that extra radar we all have to detect deception... In the end, all that official documents and paperwork is just fake and counterfeit, and people loose their money if they don't pay attention.

The Meier case is no different really. The so called experts referred to by the Meier camp are all very dubious. This article and the article mentioned above draw a pretty interesting and revealing picture of them.

So yes, throw out the experts for a while, and take a look at it all with whatever senses you have that you can use in this case. By the way, for the material I present on my pages (see links a few posts back) you don't have to be an expert. Just being a good observer is enough, if you follow the cues.

Furthermore, I was thinking of the following comment by David:

David Biedny said:
For the record, if I ever find myself in Switzerland, I'd be more than happy to visit with Meier and the Figu folks, really. I find that the eyes are indeed the windows to the soul, and looking into Meier's eyes would tell me much about who he is and what he's about.

Well, if you would look Meier in the eyes, you would see a crook. The same applies for Michael Horn. It's that simple.

Compare http://www.billymeier.com/images/bm_headerV2.jpg and

with http://face-and-emotion.com/dataface/physiognomy/media/crim1.gif

= (quote) Caricature of the criminal thug with small, beady , close set eyes, large jaw and puffy cheeks, bent nose, unshaven[!!] with threatening expression.

And compare http://www.deepspace4.com/pages/prophecy/henoch/images/michaelhorn.jpg



you'll see what I mean...

(note: these last links are not meant in any derogatory way, but as serious examples of what we're really dealing with here, and what a little physiognomy can teach us...)
Dao said:
ufoman said:
This page rips apart Kal Korff's book Spaceships from the Pleiades. It seems people have been parroting his faulty work over & over for years. Korff even wrote a book saying Roswell never happened.


And no, I don't feel I'm parotting Korff at all. As a matter of fact, when I first read his book I really didn't like it at all. But in the end I have had to recognize he has (in a general way) been right from the beginning.

Where did I say you??? Its a general trend over the years to hear the same Korff stuff repeated over & over over again. When even he didn't have original negatives to do his analysis. I'm sorry but Korffs books & I mean all of them are junk.
ufoman said:
Dao said:
ufoman said:
This page rips apart Kal Korff's book Spaceships from the Pleiades. It seems people have been parroting his faulty work over & over for years. Korff even wrote a book saying Roswell never happened.

Tell us how that page refutes Korff's conclusions. As far as I can see that particular page merely gives more of the Meier material, and a lot of links to dubious witnesses. Period.

Where did I say you??? Its a general trend over the years to hear the same Korff stuff repeated over & over over again. When even he didn't have original negatives to do his analysis. I'm sorry but Korffs books & I mean all of them are junk.
Well, that is a pretty gratuitous comment. If you don't substantiate it, as far as I can tell, you are simply parotting the Meier camp defenders... ::)
That's allright, as long as you concentrate on discerning things. I'll have to add that I can not in any way agree with Korff's conclusions about the Roswell case. But for the Meier case he has in fact done some good and fair work, which deserves to be acknowledged...
Dao said:
Furthermore, I was thinking of the following comment by David:

David Biedny said:
For the record, if I ever find myself in Switzerland, I'd be more than happy to visit with Meier and the Figu folks, really. I find that the eyes are indeed the windows to the soul, and looking into Meier's eyes would tell me much about who he is and what he's about.

Well, if you would look Meier in the eyes, you would see a crook. The same applies for Michael Horn. It's that simple.

Compare http://www.billymeier.com/images/bm_headerV2.jpg and

with http://face-and-emotion.com/dataface/physiognomy/media/crim1.gif

= (quote) Caricature of the criminal thug with small, beady , close set eyes, large jaw and puffy cheeks, bent nose, unshaven[!!] with threatening expression.

And compare http://www.deepspace4.com/pages/prophecy/henoch/images/michaelhorn.jpg



you'll see what I mean...

(note: these last links are not meant in any derogatory way, but as serious examples of what we're really dealing with here, and what a little physiognomy can teach us...)

Wow, Didn't they teach that crap in Nazi Germany. This stuff is unnecessary.
The thing is...


I really appreciate the points people like Dao, UFOMAN, Adam and other are making. It's pretty clear that the Meier scam is a long-running attempt to create a cult, something which is rather obvious by the tone and wording of the Figu website, the Meier writings and Mr. Horn's repeated use of specific mechanisms of indoctrination and denial. If you listen to last night's episode of The Paracast, and Michael's entries on this forum, it's clear that I've hit a nerve with him, and the way he's responding to my image analysis - which shows, in an objective way, that this particular photo was faked - is one of desperation. I didn't expect anything less, the man has an income and reputation at stake here, and his methods of projecting his own issues are kind of obvious and pathetic. He keeps referring to my reputation somehow being on the line - which is silly, given my professional credentials in the technology, educational and graphics worlds. One of the most important things to realize is that Mr. Horn seems to personally thrive on confrontation and conflict, which is clearly demonstrated in the types of interactions he has with other folks who question the authenticity of the Meier case. His words and tone speak volumes of his inner thoughts about his involvement with this hoax - externalizing the conflict is a necessary mechanism, it takes away the internal conflict that I suspect he's going through. He's not stupid, that's clear, so part of his mind tells him that this whole case is ridiculous, but the other part of him needs to keep it going, so much of his indentity is wrapped up in hit (he keeps citing his 26 or 27 years of involvement). Listen, if someone came along and proved that Photoshop was a huge scam, I'd be pretty upset in that I've devoted much of the last 15 years of my life to writing, teaching and working with and about it. I think that the use of the term "jealousy" I've seen him spout is sincere, in that he's someone who has not had a paranormal episode, and he's jealous of those who actually have had a genuine experience (witness his claims that I needed to "notarize" my own sighting statement, and that I was "starting a cult" around that sighting I had in Caracas).

In the end, the evidence of forgery is quite overwhelming and the fact that the Meier camp can't seem to produce a single verifyable piece of written evidence of genuine witness testimony or original film is a dead giveaway, along with all the other elements of deception. But, as Mr. Horn admitted on our show and his DVD, this is not about UFOs and extraterrestrials, it's about cults of personality and a philosophy which I find exceedingly disturbing - check out the mythos behind Scientology, there are many common elements with the Meier writings, I personally find it a bit sickening. I'm all for the freedom of expression, but when it becomes an exercise in brainwashing, it gets dangerous. I think that the world is in a very precarious position at the moment, and it's our job to remain vigilant and thoughtful in the face of deception and attempts to control thought and debate. Ultimately, I suspect that the Meier folks will fade away, they really don't have much traction and with spokespeople like Mr. Horn, they aren't likely to make major headway or progress. That said, we should try to provide a rational, calm and unified effort to not allow them to dominate the conversation, or misdirect attention. It's not pleasant interacting with Horn, as I derive no pleasure from debunking this crap, the whole reason I'm doing the Paracast with Gene is to try and cut through the noise and get to some morsels of truth. I guess what I'm saying is, thanks for listening, participating and providing links, references and thoughts. We appreciate your efforts.
The thing is...

David Biedny said:
the fact that the Meier camp can't seem to produce a single verifyable piece of written evidence of genuine witness testimony or original film is a dead giveaway.
There are a bunch of them in the book Through Space and Time: A Photo Journal of "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier . If I recall correctly.
David, would you be willing to look at original negatives if Mr. Horn could get them for you? Maybe you could offer him a challenge to provide them.
The thing is...

ufoman said:
David Biedny said:
the fact that the Meier camp can't seem to produce a single verifyable piece of written evidence of genuine witness testimony or original film is a dead giveaway.
There are a bunch of them in the book Through Space and Time: A Photo Journal of "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier . If I recall correctly.

Notarized statements of people not involved directly with the Meier followers? I'd love to see that.
ufoman said:
David, would you be willing to look at original negatives if Mr. Horn could get them for you? Maybe you could offer him a challenge to provide them.
So we don't get too far afield, there's a message from Horn on another forum that negatives were no longer available. Convenient, right?

Of course, Horn could tell us that it's all due to some nefarious MIB plot, and that he didn't really post that message.

In any case, listeners and readers, have you noticed that Horn -- to date -- has made no effort whatever to attempt to dispute David's findings about that photo he examined? That says it all!
ufoman said:
David, would you be willing to look at original negatives if Mr. Horn could get them for you? Maybe you could offer him a challange to provide them.

I would like nothing more than to see some source evidence, but I think we all know that's very unlikely to happen. Mr. Horn has decided that I'm on some kind of personal vendetta mission against him, so it's not likely that he'll provide me with anything that would facilitate such a thing. Of course, the truth is that I really don't care much about Michael Horn, I care about the truth and the fabrications behind the Meier case. Unfortunately, Horn has been the only contact point, and it's useful to point out that weeks after contacting Figu about confirming Mr. Horn's status with their organization, neither Gene nor I have received a direct response, which I feel is strange. If you look through this thread, you'll see that Michael Horn never offered us a published reference to his actually being a legit spokesperson, I had to go and find it on the US Figu front page. It's weird - if Horn knew it was there, why didn't he just tell me, unless he didn't even realize it himself. And why is the no mention of Horn on the official Meier web page? I really don't have any idea why this is the case.
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