For those of you with logical, objective thinking capabilities, allow me to show you how, in their mad rush to destroy people's reputations at any cost, skeptics often elevate their opponents, the target of their rage, to far greater levels of accomplishment than is humanly possible...and certainly much, much higher than their own.
Case in point, the snide assertions by DB, and others on this forum, that I was lying, that I didn't really consult other experts and cite their own qualified opinions that contradicted DB's claims. For instance, I quoted a man I know, who has probably twice the experience in film/movie-making/special effects that DB does. And I was honest enough to tell you that he's a skeptic and doesn't believe in "spaceships", his own quaint term for ET UFOs. He was the person who instantly observed that the photo in question was a triple, not a double, exposure. He saw that, not DB - the "Photoshop Prophet of Earth".
Now he pointed it out to me, since I'm an admittedly certifiable dolt as far as photography, Photoshop, etc. are concerned, for DB to effectively credit me with making this fellow up, he was, by default, making me more knowledgeable in these areas than he, the self-proclaimed (and probably actual) expert that he is. My friend also said that these were most likely in-camera effects, not out-of-camera super-impositions. He also thought that it was so impossible to determine if they were deliberate fakes, it actually seemed somewhat unlikely and beyond Meier's known abilities and equipment, that my friend said, objectively, that anyone claiming that it was a deliberate hoax should be required to prove it by duplicating with the known equipment and closest possible conditions as were available to Meier.
Then there were the comments I noted by two other film specialists in L.A. that I was likewise accused of inventing. Since I didn't notice DB vigorously attacking their comments (about the difficulty of an amateur without darkroom facilities doing E6 developing, the possibility of an in-camera double/triple exposure attributable to the way some sprocket mechanism works, etc.), and not because they weren't accurate and feasible, but attack me, again the implication was that I was the source of the comments, which were in line also with what my friend said...but totally outside the range of my limited film-related knowledge. I may well have missed some of the subtleties of what they were saying as well, since it's a different language to me.
Nonetheless, all of the other experts gave plausible, and not extraordinary, explanations for how the triple exposure effect could have occurred well within the range of possibilities, the people here who were in their mad rush to attack the photo, Meier, me, etc. instead inadvertently elevated me and/or my information to some position of authority and/or expertise that was not only effectively above DB's but clearly not accurate about my own abilities and knowledge.
The joke of the matter, in the larger scheme of things, is that this is exactly what has been going on with Meier for decades but on a much larger, and even more preposterous, level. It's even been continued on this forum, and others, in no small part due to the fact that so many people lead what can only be called imaginary, virtual lives of their own that they really can't distinguish reality from the fantasies that they churn in their heads, and freely spew onto internet forums due to the ease of doing so.
In Meier's case, people have effectively attributed to him stellar levels of abilities in: photography, filmmaking, video making, model making, miniature making, special effects, digital effects, sound engineering, sound fabrication, electronics, physics, astrophysics, quantum physics, geology, biology, metallurgy, history, environmental sciences, meteorology, astronomy, zoology, vulcanism, genetic engineering, mass hypnosis, all sorts of "lucky guessing", etc., etc. Rather than allow their own fragile, threatened egos to have to contend with the unpleasant realities of their own lack of comparable (any?) achievements, their petty motivations to demolish another human being and his genuine situation as a contactee of other more advanced people, leads them to actually attribute to the man himself such remarkable and unheard of abilities as to make these accusers even more impotent and worthless in comparison...and they do it to themselves!
So, it is this same ugly, vindictive, bring-the-man-down-to-our-level mentality that, in like fashion as is done to Meier but on a far smaller scale, resulted in DB and others effectively giving me far more credit than I deserved, in a field in which I know actually so little, and by so doing attributed to me accurate information that at once was missed by DB and, at the same time, provided an accurate, alternative explanation for aspects of the effects in question.
And so, at this point, while we might expect DB (in his very familiar style) to come back now, even though it's really too late, and try to diminish or ridicule the accuracy and/or importance of information that actually was neither disputed nor put forth by him in the first place, we find ourselves with this microcosmic example of how the small-minded work to undermine the high-minded and, ironically - especially in Meier's case - actually end up instead elevating their status to inaccurately high levels of personal achievement, instead of allowing the equally, or even greater and more amazing truth about the nature of their contacts, to be given due credit.
This is one of the reasons why Meier has repeatedly said that he is grateful for his opponents and their intense, even virulent, opposition, which on forums like this can also take the form of comically absurd theories like Meier walking around on his knees, or miraculously being able to not only manufacture an exquisite "two-dimensional cut-out", or a stunning, detailed model - take your pick - but suspending it, absolutely motionless(!) next to a "model tree" (which actually does display movement from the wind) by "hanging it on a string", etc. - an accomplishment that is far beyond anyone here, let alone anyone I know, but not beyond the absurd limits of the negatively inspired imaginations of the petty, vindictive and utterly foolish.
And why shouldn't Meier be grateful then for such envy-inspired, deranged assaults since they are largely responsible for brining knowledge of this controversial, and vitally important, case to worldwide attention, which inspires many people to search out more information about it and, hopefully through their awareness, help to avert the otherwise catastrophic consequences of the angry, ignorant, aggressive human-originated actions - such as we see in this microcosm here - that are the causes of so many of our problems?
As for my own small role, I can summarize my intentions in a few words...I want to help make the prophecies wrong. And you, what do you want to do, feed your egos with negativity, or help to avert our otherwise unavoidable destruction? We've been given some valuable assistance towards the positive assurance of our future survival by those who are the source of the information in the Meier case. The choice is ours, and yours, to explore and utilize it...or not, as the case may be.