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Michael Horn & The Billy Meier Contacts

Do you believe the Billy Meier Contacts and Evidence Are Real?

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Kingman said:
What I find amazing is the fixation on the WC UFO. There are volumes of more images, as well as some addition investigations on different physical elements that have highly accredited professionals in their fields putting their careers in jeopardy by testifying to the reality of the examined materials. Let's not trip over ourselves try to point out the details on just ONE picture. Get over the WC pic, it's not worth our time. Check the available Billy Meier websites and examine the amazing array of what has been published way before any software invaded the photography realm.Shawn King
The fixation on the WC UFO is there because parts of it have been indentified as plain terrestrial objects such as a garbage can lid, carpet tacks and ball-bearings/x-mas tree balls. That in turn fueles the notion that a model was constructed and that Billy Meier's claims are false when he says that this is an extra-terrestrial craft of some sort. When you look at it from this point of view there's nothing amazing about it. In fact, I could say that I find it amazing that some people still view this as an ET craft and solid proof that Meier has contacts (based on the WC UFO pictures). Understand why and how opinions are formulated. From my perspective, the WC UFO reeks of foul play and that complicates matters but that should be a 'no-brainer' unless of course if you want the Meier case to be truthful in every facet and aspect.
Kingman said:
The amount of energy that the Billy Meiers story kicks up when his evidence is looked at is quite extraordinary. He's been documenting his accounts for so many years now that he runs out of debunkers as they always end up fading into the background. That's ok, there's plenty more coming up looking for their chance to "Get Billy!". HaHaHaHa! I say I do enjoy watching you guys go at it explaining the imagery,
You seem to be forgetting that Meier (in his material) has been quite the 'debunker' himself. No kidding. Have you noticed how many contactees, abductees, mediums, channelers and researchers are labeled as liars, cheaters, frauds, untrustworthy, schizophrenic or delusional? And you wonder why Meier gets some flak in return? He reeps what he sows. It's that simple. Maybe you should take a hard look at how the 'prophet' treats other people and seemingly how some people copy his behavior.
Michael812 said:
Rebuttal to Radio Show Photo Analysis
Why do I get the feeling that this is going to be another article on www.theyfly.com?
The burden of proof was on DB to back up his clearly and arrogantly stated accusations regarding the ?deliberate fabrication? of the photo in question. He has, by all accepted standards of proof beyond a reasonable doubt, convincingly failed to do that.
Great Michael, those that make accusations need to back up their claims? GOOD! Now Meier can spend the next decades backing up his claims where he ACCUSES others of being a fraud.

To those who have ears to listen that Gene Steinberg and David Biedny are avoiding the abundance of important facts and analyses, and substituting their own conditions in each of the interviews with Michael Horn, must realize that this website and program is aptly named the paracast. When UFOs, poltergeists and strange phenomena become a reality they cease to become paranormal and these guys will be out of a show.

For those persons interested in obtaining more information about the Billy Meier contacts beyond the proving and disproving of the photos and other physical evidence you can go to the following websites


You may also find videos on google video at Google Videos with some searching.

On these websites you may find translations of the Meier material from the original German and hopefully find out what the Meier case is truly about.

Hello David,

I was intrigued by your results! :) I hope this stirs up some serious resolutions and perhaps a 4th party investigation to confirm your work or explain possible errors. I have to say you seem credible, but shortsighted. Regardless, I am thrilled to see what develops from this. I personally do not think much progress was made for either side. However, you David did seem to hold up your end of the deal and hopefully you can continue to research even piece by piece some of the library of Billy Meiers work and not conclude here. Although your right is yours and mine is mine that goes without saying, but I will say I have been seriously compelled by the order and the sophistication which
Billy operates on... it makes me beg a thousand questions all the time. But one that always sprouts is this: How the level of intricacy and obvious sheer intelligence behind the operation of The Billy Meier Contacts continues to avail new layers that continues to this day to leave me in bewilderment!

Salome (which means peace in I think "Sarat")
mr.horn failed to directly address david's analysis and mr.horn wanted to keep talking about the other photos and of course threw out his usual 'replicate it' challenge. i at one time thought mr.horn represented himself and the meier case well. but after this it is clear mr.horn danced around several issues and like a classic showman tried to divert attention elsewhere. mr.horn completely failed to address the flaws in the photos.

the other thing about mr.horn is that when any qualified expert concludes any of the meier photos or film is fake mr.horn wants to question the analyst. the other part of this is when the photos are brought into question, mr.horn then turns and says 'what about the prophecies'. the problem with mr.horn is that he stakes meier's claims on the ufo evidence which mr.horn keeps saying it can't be replicated.

as for all the witnesses i wonder how many of them are figu members and what their role in that organization is.
The things I heard from Horn tonight: "Aha", "Ah", and "Replicate it!" Wow. For a guy claiming to have researched this case for 27 years, Horn certainly sounds like his "research" is based on reading some books, taking everyone else's word for it, and visiting Billy Meier.

The crack up was hearing Horn accusing David of wanting people to jump through hoops! :D Replicate it! Who cares if an FX said he would have to go to CGI - did this FX guy actually analyze some negatives?????

Horn quoting folks like Deardorff and Dilettoso as experts is just laughable. NASA? JPL? Yeah, okay.

Horn = 0
David = 1 (slamdunk)
Exactly. Michael Horn makes an enormous point of posing like some kind of serious researcher, as do his pals, but in the end it's all just hot air and ducking the main issues.

Kingman said:
"In fact, all the other stuff is just as fake as the WC model pictures, it's just that the WC pictures are so OBVIOUS and so EASY to expose,"

I like your confidence in knowing for fact that "all" the documented Meier info is fake. And could you direct me to your research on what you discovered.

"The Billy Meier case: more conclusive "smoking gun" proof of deception."

"The Billy Meier case:
review of arguments concerning the "weddingcake craft" pictures and footage."

Even though the conclusions presented above are more than enough to completely reject any claim the Meier case would be authentic, more is coming to cover some of the other stuff, to help newbies with the subject through the mists of the deception.

By the way, YOUR confidence in the WC pictures being authentic is impressive, to say the least. Where is your research that indicates it actually is? And please don't mention Deardorff, as he's completely refuted at the links given above, and it wouldn't be YOUR research anyway...

Kingman said:
Anyone who's has taken that much time, considering the size of the information, would surely record all the testing that would be required for those supposed conclusions. And where did you learn how to speak German, as most of the evidence is still recorded in that language.
Yes, I speak, read and write German, although it's not my favorite language...

However, contrary to what you suggest, similarly to what M. Horn often does, it is absolutely unnecessary to thoroughly study ALL the "evidence" in the Meier case, to validate the conclusion that it is ALL a 100% fraud.

Maybe you've never heard of it, but there IS something called statistical probability. These kind of calculations tell us that if we take a sample of something and do certain findings on it that are the same in every case, then the probability we will encounter any different result with other samples, especially when taken from the same source, is negligeable.

With the Meier case, we find the following:

* The WC model pictures are 100% fake. Other pictures show indications of fakery as well.

* ALL the film footage I have seen (like all those shown in the film "Contact") are 100% fake, as is most conclusively indicated by the clumsy movements of the models, but by other indications as well.

* The (online available) sound sample is 100% fake (and I know what I'm talking about, as sound is actually my field of professional expertise).

* The Talmud of Jmmanuel is 100% fake (again, I know what I'm talking about, as I have deeply researched religious sources, and in short: all material based on, or referring to the torah / old testament and new testament are merely fabrications, derivations from other sources, and/or manipulations, as can therefore only be the case for the TOJ)

* Many of the Meier's "prophecies" have proven to be incorrect. Of the "prophecies" that seem correct, much can be traced to publications from the time Meier wrote his "prophecies", the rest can be attributed to simple deduction...


These findings cover a good majority of all the available "evidence". So what is the probability other, less crucial evidence is authentic? Answer: too low to waste ones time on...

Kingman said:
The amount of energy that the Billy Meiers story kicks up when his evidence is looked at is quite extraordinary. He's been documenting his accounts for so many years now that he runs out of debunkers as they always end up fading into the background. That's ok, there's plenty more coming up looking for their chance to "Get Billy!".
HaHaHaHa! I say I do enjoy watching you guys go at it explaining the imagery,
In fact, personally I couldn't care less about the fact that Billy Meier has built such an elaborate hoax that allows him to economically survive the sad circumstances of his handicap.

It's just that people like Michael Horn don't stop to hassle people about it, demanding that the case be recognized as authentic. I'm all for the freedom of being fooled by conmen, just don't impose the hoax on others, OK?

Kingman said:
Since this giant robot is a fact, I can discount all the other evidence. This is how a real researcher does his duty for the betterment of mankind. Prove to me that there's no giant robot. Right I didn't think so.
You can make fun about it, but the bottom line is that I have plenty of indications for the conclusions I present on my pages, being careful not to venture any further than supported by the indications discussed. On the other hand, you are merely giving us fanatic blabble like that of a Jehova witness or something similar, offering NO serious indications as to why we would have to take the Meier case, or yourself for that matter, serious...
Biedny Analysis Image 1

Note the line indicating the edge of superimposed film, how it cuts off the light cone of the luminous object. This is a clear indication of a composite image.


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Biedny Analysis Image 2

The object was photographed on a platform draped with dark cloth, which you can see under the object. The light of the object made the cloth register on film, and the exposure was bright enough to preserve this artifact in the composite image. Like the film edge of the first image, this was revealed in the green channel of the JPEG image.


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Biedny Analysis Image 3

In this closeup, you can see how the edge of the lighting effect has nothing to do with the actual physical structure of the building. The inset image shows the artificial gradient/transparency of the superimposed layer with respect to the background, something that would never happen in a true single image exposure. This is another clear indication of a fabricated composite.


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Biedny Analysis Image 4

Here's an actual size image of the original JPEG of are considered in the previous image analysis, so you can clearly see how crisp and sharp this edge looks in the picture, something which is completely consistent with a superimposed light layer, an artifact of the foreground plate of the lighted object shot on the draped cloth. I've lightened the overall image so you can clearly see the artificial light edge.


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Biedny Analysis Image 5

Here's a closeup of the bottom of the image, and the problems here are plentiful, including the lack of top-sourced shadows underneath the cars, the lack of lighting on top of the cars to indicate the presence of an actual luminous object which is supposed to be directly on top of them and the light shard which appears on top of the car wheel. These, taken on their own, are a clear indication of a fabricated composite. The lighting that _is_ on the cars is sourced from some ambient light to the right of the frame, which is also creating the left-throw shadows underneath the cars.


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In conclusion

As all of you can clearly see with your own eyes, this image is a fabrication. I do not feel obligated to perform this analysis with every single image that has come out of the Meier camp, the fact is that others have deconstructed many of the other pictures and found serious problems, so the credibility of the remaining photographs is questionable. Any reasonable type of logic dictates this conclusion. As to Mr. Horn's demands that I create an exact duplicate of a faked image, I would love to hear an explanation of the logic of this request. Does a faked image prove that another image is faked?

Anyone who thinks that Michael Horn's condescending attitude towards me is a unique occurence should read these exchanges:

Michael Horn Goes on the Attack


And this brings to a conclusion the time I am willing to spend on this nonsense. These posts, and my other posts on this thread, are the entirety of the effort I am willing to expend on this case. The fact that the Meier people try to discredit just about every and all other UFO sightings and cases is heinous, and is a discredit to the field of legitimate UFO research. Horn has accused me of starting my own UFO cult, which is ludicrous at best, indicative of mental illness at worst. Horn thrives on any type of attention, positive or negative, and I will not feed his masochistic desires. I challenge him to respond directly to my findings, but I predict that this will not happen (which makes me a seer, right?). Horn will no doubt attack me, question my extensive credentials as an image processing expert, and cite his other unsubtantiated experts and witnesses. I submit that the truth in this case is self-evident. Thanks to our listeners, TerraX, MrUFO, and the others who are also dubious of the Meier claims and have come to the same conclusions. :)

David, I can't see the photographs you analyzed. Am I missing the link to them or could it be my browser?
The images


If you can't see the images, try clicking on the image file names to download them. I suspect your problem is browser-related, Firefox works great.

Can't see nothing either, neither FFox nor IE ???

That is: see no images, no links for images...
Image problems?

Well. folks, I'm looking at these pages on Firefox 1.0.7 on my Windows machine, Firefox 1.5 on my Mac, and everything looks OK to me. I'm not sure what the problem is...

Gene, if you're reading this, care to look into the issue?
Yeah, I switched over to Firefox on my Mac and still can't see the pics or the links. Does anyone smell a conspiracy here? LOL!!
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