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Michael Horn & The Billy Meier Contacts

Do you believe the Billy Meier Contacts and Evidence Are Real?

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Hector said:
Of course Asket and Nera photos are not real.Meier admitted that they were falsified.Because of that falsification he would get much discredit and debunking.Where are the samples,were are the originals?Good question.
Lets not forget for a moment that he admitted the pictures of Asket&Nera were false AFTER he got caught and that the claim that the MiB were responsible is totally unsubstantiated. All this makes Meier's position seem rather weak and as someone who's making it up.
Yes,i am a supporter of the case.Somebody told me to tell my opinion here,but i dont want to brainwash anybody.
You're certainly free to support anyone you like and you're free to believe in whatever you like. The problem arises when you start making things out as fact which can be refuted.
Aspie, Naturally, you didn't do your homework:

From: UFO Contact from the Pleiades
A Preliminary Investigation Report
Copyrights 1982, 1982, 1980, 1979, 1978 Wendelle C. Stevens

"For analysis of the moving picture sequences of the Pleiadian spacecraft filmed in color in super 8mm format by Eduard Meier we turned to Mr. Jun-Ichi Yaoi of Tokyo, Japan, a world recognized expert in the film and television industry, now working as an officer in Nippon Television Corporation.

In the 18 March sequence Meier filmed the spacecraft circling a large tree in front of a farmhouse. The sky was overcast with a low ceiling, and occasionally light snowflakes fell. The motion of the spacecraft looks suspiciously like it is tethered from above as it appears to circle the tree and then to swing back and forth over the tree, except that on three occasions the spacecraft changes its motion abruptly with no change in the tilt of the vertical axis of the ship. If it was in fact tethered, one would expect the vertical axis to tilt as the tether point above was moved. In another measurement it was found that the tilt angle of the vertical axis in one oscillation sequence was sufficient that the axis crossed within the frame and would have put the tether point within the picture. No tether point source was revealed, in one of the final oscillation sequences the object appeared to pass directly over the top of the tree, and it is clearly seen that the tree was swept over in the direction of the spacecraft, or appeared to follow the spacecraft as it passed. Clearly no model could have produced this effect. When we revisited the scene we found that the tree had died and was cut down."

TX and others: Read Contact 251 as well as Proof Beyond A Reasonable Doubt for ironclad, prophetically accurate info from Meier, which is only a fraction of it. The German language books are full with pages and pages. And, as I mentioned before, also read:


BTW, the Contact Reports containing this info are in UNALTERABLE form, with each sentence spoken by one of the ETs NUMBERED sequentially. Why numbered? So that when people come back to look at these reports, years, even decades, later, they will see that the SAME information is in the SAME place, in the SAME numbered sentence...in all of the languages into which they are and will be translated. A simple, foolproof way to establish authenticity, thank you very much to our friends from somewhere out there.

DB: Being a Passive Member myself, I was unaware that I had to give 7% of my income to FIGU. Please let me know where you found that.

Meeier was offered three or four movie deals, including one from Universal that had $1m attached to it, with the invitation that he could have their special effects department at his disposal to make his photos and films. He declined for two reasons, he didn't want his life story fictionalized and made "more interesting" and he told them that he didn't need their special effects because, "I take my camera and when the ship comes...I push the button."

Re looking into Meier's eyes, you can see plenty of that in the video "The Movie Footage"...hey, that's the same one you asked for with the UFO flying, touching the ground, etc., you know the one you ASKED for at the end of the interview that airs today. And, of course, the video "Contact" has plenty of Meier and his eyes, his thoughts, etc.

You know, those two videos together cost less than a cab to the airport in most cities.

BTW, you don't REALLY expect us to believe that you saw a flying cigar and that we should take your word for it. I mean, I'm sure you even have a bunch of notarized statements (you do, don't you?) that were probably faked when you paid the notary 7% of your income. It just sounds to me like you're an attention seeker who wants to start a cult, isn't that right? And who are all those "unscrupulous people" that would support your sighting anyhow, do they have to give you 7% of their income too?

BTW, how do you KNOW that the cigar was NOT U.S. secret military technology, can you prove it?

So, are you going to watch the video of the UFO that you said you wanted to see, you know, the one that you said that, after seeing it, you'd apologize for attacking Meier and the case?

David Biedny said:
Tim makes this statement:
"Are you overwhelmed at Horns statements that most alleged ET abduction stories are false and most contact and sighting cases are almost 100% terrestrial craft? I mean is it really that suprising?"
Listen to episode #5 of The Paracast. My brother & I describe one of our UFO sightings at length.
And this is one of the most unusual aspects of the Meier case. The position it takes towards the rest of ufology which for a large part is condescending, condemning and full of accussations which is simply copied by some Meier supporters. Strangly, when Meier makes unsubstantiated claims regarding matters of ufology then most Meier supporters don't demand proof or conclusive explanations. Meier's word is good enough so it seems but don't dare to accuse Meier of anything.
Mr. Horn, how do you know Meier's contacts come from the Pleiades? Maybe they're German UFO occupants posing as ETs. Maybe they're from another terrestrial group who acquired saucer technology. Can you prove they come from the Pleiades?
Do you see how easy it is to bring up argumentation like this?

The simple truth is. You don't know. I don't know and that goes for practically every sighting.

Here's some text from the FIGU application form, which I downloaded from their website, note item C, it states seven percent of a month's income (did I say annual - gee, I'm SORRY) is a mandatory condition for passive membership, along with the other fees:


A) The quarterly newsletter Voice of the Aquarian Age(Stimme der Wassermannzeit) is FlGU’s official magazine and contains all announcements regarding new publications of written material and events, etc. (language: German!) It is MANDATORY for all PASSIVE GROUP MEMBERS to obtain a subscription of the Voice of the Aquarian Age(Stimme der Wassermannzeit). The subscription charges for the first 12 editions must be paid with the first annual FIGU membership fee as follows (all charges include free shipping and handling): Switzerland CHF 60.00 Foreign Countries (Europe) CHF 75.00 Overseas “Economy“ CHF 85.00 Overseas “Priority“ Air Mail CHF 140.00 (with air mail postage surcharge)


C) Furthermore, in accordance with a resolution passed at the Passive Group General Conference on May 9th, 1992, a mandatory annual contribution of 7% of one (1) month’s salary must be made. Starting with pension age this annual contribution of 7% is cancelled. The annual membership fee and once-a-year contribution of 7% of one (1) month’s salary must be received by FIGU no later than April 25th, otherwise the Passive-Group membership becomes automatically null and void.

D) In accordance with a resolution passed at the Passive Group General Conference on May 9th, 1992, it is every Passive Group member’s obligation to annually work 3 days at the Center in Hinterschmidrüti. The mandatory work days must be performed at any time between beginning of April and the end of October. For each work day not performed at the Center, a contribution of CHF 70.00/per non-working day (with a total of CHF 210.00 for 3 non-working days) must be paid by April 25th of the following year.


It also looks like they require passive members to travel to Switzerland - presumeably at their own expense - to put in office time, or pay a cash equivalent. There a separate price list for all of Meier's other writings, which is 50+ pages long, lots of stuff to purchase. I will not pay a dime to look at any of your video, or Meier's writings. What I've seen for free (outside of the value of my time) is enough for me to come to my own solid conclusions. Your continued insults and vitriolic spew is not doing much to further your credibility.

As far as my Venezuela experience, I really don't care if you - or anyone else - believes me or not, I'm describing the experience that I had, along with my brother, parents and many others. Does ANY military organization have the technology that I witnessed? Not a chance, if you look at the problems the US military (the most technically equipped on this planet) has had in it's recent engagements, it's clear that the state of technical sophistication is somewhat lacking, certainly not capable of making what I saw. I don't care if you call me a liar, and this tendency you have to put words in other's mouths - yeah, I'm trying to start a cult, obviously - really speaks volumes about your motivations and mental health.

FINALLY, TX and I agree on something! I don't KNOW and can't PROVE that they do indeed come from the (alleged altered time-space configuration of the) Pleiades. Let's remember that I divide the case into two parts, that which I (and anyone else) can discover to be factually true, and which validates certain of Meier's nformation and claims, and that which I consider to be speculative, i.e. not yet proved (or disproved) largely because the information deals with the distant past or future, or is of a philosphical/spiritual nature that can only be ascertained from consciusness and contemplation within oneself.

But I am a proponent of NOT putting emphasis on the people or the "ships they came in", rather the CONTENT of the information and its meaning to us. I perceive one of the underlying purposes of the case to be to help us assure our future survival. I don't care if they come from Baltimore, I care about the content and the contribution.

May I point out that in my last post I only said, "A simple, foolproof way to establish authenticity, thank you very much to our friends from somewhere out there." There are quite a few places that could fit that "out there description", perhaps Baltimore (unlikely as it may seem) is one of them.

DB: May I also point out that by incorrectly asserting something that is wrong by a factor of 12X, it was you who was "putting words" in someone else's mouth...and for the purpose of discrediting them (FGIU). Let me also clarify that membership in FIGU is a VOLUNTARY thing, like deciding what color socks you will wear or what internet provider you will use. And going to Swtizerland to meet and work with people from around the world, while learning skills that are new to me as a city boy, has proven to be priceless. Being around genuinely sane people is a hell of a lot of fun.

Mark Campbell has given an accurate assessment of those truly fine and decent (not perfect) people that I've come to know over the past six years. The odd part of it is that hardly anyone talks about...UFOs, they're quite used to - and well over - that. The fact that you are a bit humorless in failing to see what happens when the shoe is put on the other foot, tongue in cheek, is not a good sign. I would guess that most people on this forum may have seen UFOs...which means absolutely nothing.

Content, it's the content that we're focused on.
TerraX and all,

"normally things aren't black and white" Well I would say that the Meier contacts are anything but "NORMAL" and let me just say that according to reason and common sense it is the everyday normal acts i.e. of most Americans, I know I used to hold these positions of "NON POSITION" many people don't participate in activities in America because they either are afraid to be SHOT DOWN, uninterested because a lack of vision, motivation or forsight, or they are petrified of offending someone. Let me tell you, and it may not apply exactly to you here but I know just these three things that I had holding me back did just that and many many more people take differen't positions on issues when they themselves actually agree with the information provided, and this appies to anything. But my comment on black and white was meant towards the information we do know and have evidence that is provable, just because a few pictures look hoaky, does it mean they are frauds, of course not. And just because they are crystal clear might mean they are authentic, but, not necessarily. I said this is a black and white issue because that was a decent way to describe what I meant.
*Please listen* When a burglar robs a house ( I use this example because this is what recently happend to me) he leaves behind key critical evidence that you can either use to prove his innocence or his/her guilt... right? When the police find evidence linking the man to the crime for example a stolen TV and RADIO and a broken window with fingerprints and blood. Please listen! Through Probable cause and or evidence beyond a reasonable doubt one could prove if they found the fingerprints, ran them on a database and got a suspect, we have evidence building that if this person's name is found that this person was at the scene of the crime. But, we don't know for sure do we, and depending upon the judge you may need more evidence... right? So, lets say the victim had more finger prints on the tabel next to the TV. We now have a legal proof beyond a reasonable doubt. But can you prove it was this guy who trampled the garden to get to the window that was broken? Maybe not, because he may have had an accomplice, however, we have no evidence that points in that direction so the law would tack on these charges against him, this is how the law works.
Apply it to the Meier Contacts if you dare to PONDER AND CONNECT THE DOTS!

Yes there is quite a bit of information (that I think, as has happened in the past, it will be corroborated) that has not been confirmed yet. Much of the information is spiritual Teachings and is not yet provable however if we have THOUSANDS... yes THOUSANDS of pieces of evidence which we can prove Meier's case truthful. I'm not saying that I believe everything in Meiers case because I try to stay objective still. It's kind of like that whiz kid in grade school who could compute any Mathematical computation in his head in seconds at will. Are you going to say that he's cheating with a calculator after dozens of witnesses seeing him do this several dozens of times. After so many correct answers you should feel safe to bring in the jury!

Only After the truth,
Hello Gene,

Hold your horses please, not all sightings are terrestrial which means there is a possibility the one you saw was authentic, of course you don't need me to tell you that. But, the most unreliable testimony is an eyewitness because scientific studies have shown that even after several hours people's stories begin to change and morph into new experiences where the imangination fills in the blanks, I know I claimed to have seen a UFO when I was 6 and 3 of my sisters did as well. We didn't know what it was until my mother said maybe it was a flying saucer? I until the age of 12 seriously thought I had been abducted and from then on was hardcore into Abduction scenario's. It is a mas-hestaria as the Pleajaren call it and I finally thought back on it very clearly and figured it was probably a low flying helicopter with a spot-light in our bedroom window, you know those stories exactly like Whitney Strieber's, a book I read by the way who describes a man who is either an unknowing liar or a concious one. But, I think these kinds of events have more room for filling in as was mentioned earlier by forum members. Like maybe streiber saw something in the sky and it triggered violent nightmares, and I'm sure you've done some interview Mr. Steinberg with some people who have explained in detail the extreme capabilaties of the human mind/spirit when accessed with or without the persons's control.

As far as your sighting goes, that is an amazing experience and from what I've read there are more "Authentic" sightings in the South American area's because the people are less likely to freak out. Does that make any sense? Horn stated mostly all the UFO sightings in AMERICA are Government secret flights. I just wanted to put emphasis on the fact that there are real Extra Terrestrial sightings all around the world from time to time, but it is not even as close to the numbers reported in some UFO circles. I am also not calling your experience a fraud, lie or terrestrial craft, although they are possiblities.

After only the TRuth
Tim said:
Hello Gene,

Hold your horses please, not all sightings are terrestrial which means there is a possibility the one you saw was authentic, of course you don't need me to tell you that. But, the most unreliable testimony is an eyewitness because scientific studies have shown that even after several hours people's stories begin to change and morph into new experiences where the imangination fills in the blanks, I know I claimed to have seen a UFO when I was 6 and 3 of my sisters did as well. We didn't know what it was until my mother said maybe it was a flying saucer? I until the age of 12 seriously thought I had been abducted and from then on was hardcore into Abduction scenario's. It is a mas-hestaria as the Pleajaren call it and I finally thought back on it very clearly and figured it was probably a low flying helicopter with a spot-light in our bedroom window, you know those stories exactly like Whitney Strieber's, a book I read by the way who describes a man who is either an unknowing liar or a concious one. But, I think these kinds of events have more room for filling in as was mentioned earlier by forum members. Like maybe streiber saw something in the sky and it triggered violent nightmares, and I'm sure you've done some interview Mr. Steinberg with some people who have explained in detail the extreme capabilaties of the human mind/spirit when accessed with or without the persons's control.

As far as your sighting goes, that is an amazing experience and from what I've read there are more "Authentic" sightings in the South American area's because the people are less likely to freak out. Does that make any sense? Horn stated mostly all the UFO sightings in AMERICA are Government secret flights. I just wanted to put emphasis on the fact that there are real Extra Terrestrial sightings all around the world from time to time, but it is not even as close to the numbers reported in some UFO circles. I am also not calling your experience a fraud, lie or terrestrial craft, although they are possiblities.

After only the TRuth
Great, then you do realize that the sighting was reported by David, not by me, right?

David Biedny said:
"So Shawn King - I'd be surprised if this is the Shawn King from the Your Mac Life show, which I enjoy and used to do a segment for - has dubbed me an "uniformed opinionated attack hound". If anyone listens to the archived Paracast shows, surely you can reach your own conclusions about who I am and what my motivations are. I'm not preaching a damn thing, and will consider any and all cases and opinions. But my conclusions are just that, you don't have to accept them or believe them. Freedom is a great thing."

No this is not that Shawn King. I agree that your other shows I've heard (2) are proper interviews. That's what is confusing to me. Your questions and remarks on those shows were a on a level that helped the interviewee tell his story. It's what made the information flow. You have these guest on to present to your audience an opportunity to learn something unique and allow them to decide for themselves if the account is believable. This is the magic that goes missing when the guest is having to constantly ward off ridiculess attempts at trying to trip them up which only hampers the ability to produce a more complete picture of the information you invited him to tell. I'm not saying for you to throw softball questions by any means. You know how you feel about what MH is going to say. Allow a healthy open discussion and give this guest some proper flow of his research. We can decide for ourselves if we want to believe it or not. I'm sure you've heard of Coast to Coast am, the Art Bell, George Noory late nite alternative talk show. I give them as an example because they have on some of the most controversial people I've ever heard. Yet the method which has proved to be a huge success is to help the guest get as much information out early on in the interview and then open up the phone lines and let people decide if there's value to the information given. A very fair and balanced exchange that contains value whether the guest is a phony or not.

"The only question I have for the other Figu folks who are chiming in here - do all of you pay 7% of your income to the Figu organization, a requirement stated in the membership forms?"

They don't pay 7%. Read it again. And for myself, remember it's voluntary , I don't. I'm am not judged for that and have never been asked for any donations. I do pay for all my materials to research the information of the Plejaren and would like to see more of the contact notes translated so I could buy them. Any comments about the FIGU community should be done when you can honestly say you've met them. Anything less is dishonorable.

"Oh, and the mention of George Lucas offering Meier money for a script - anyone who personally knows or has worked for George, as I have, would laugh out loud at the thought of him going to someone to offer them money for a script. So not the way he does business, it's a ridiculous suggestion. The one movie he directed that he didn't write - Howard the Duck - well, that's all I need to say about that."

Cool, it's irrelevant anyways.

"For the record, if I ever find myself in Switzerland, I'd be more than happy to visit with Meier and the Figu folks, really. I find that the eyes are indeed the windows to the soul, and looking into Meier's eyes would tell me much about who he is and what he's about. It would be great if I could study the original negatives of the pictures, speak with the other witnesses, visit the local police and authorities and get their take, and so forth. I have to tell you, though, if I had funding for a research trip, I'd probably sooner go to Mexico City to look at the amazing UFO flap that has happened there in the last 15 years, or Brazil to look into the Arigo case."

Mexico City in itself is a wonder. An event that carries value only for the sightings itself. To bad there's no other substance to add to the experience. Or are there messages on the sides of the UFO's that increase mans understanding of who he is in the universe? Either place has value, it's all about what your looking for in life. I personally want to know as much as I can practically process as possible. I'd choose Switzerland, but that's just me and my desire to have as much information available as possible.

"Everyone can believe whatever they want for any reason, that's a funny and consistent thing about us human beings. Our imaginations are vast, our desire for understanding a driving force in our lives, and we all want things to work out in the end".

I concur in this completely.


I hope someday we all can figure out what it means to be human being and start to treat each other as true equals. It starts with the individual. I only know you from your words and how they effect the truth that surrounds life. I am excited for your upcoming broadcast. Then I'll know you that much more.

Enjoy today,

Shawn King (not the Mac guru, I wish!)
Caracas UFo sighting


As Gene pointed out, it was me who had the Caracas experience.

Mr. Horn asks me about a notarized statement, but what I'm sharing is an account of my first-hand experience, not the story of a third party, so the notion of getting a notarized statement for myself and my own experience is just silly. My brother & I talk about our shared experience on The Paracast, and I want to convey that I qualify that some aspects of my memories may be less than perfectly clear (there are some minor differences in my brother's memories of the event and my own), but overall, the main details are exactly as they happened. When you are subjected to this type of shared, extreme experience (the streets around us were full of people pointing, staring and yelling), it tends to stick out in your mind quite vividly and clearly, as it does mine. And as I've already stated, I really have no intense feelings about people believing my story about this episode, it's my life and not subject to anyone's opinion about it's validity. I lived through the experience, in the same way my mother lived through the Holocaust and was astounded when certain parties tried to claim is was all fabricated. She didn't need anyone to tell her what happened, she was THERE and saw it with her own eyes, had scars on her body - and mind - to remember the rest of her life.

Like many other people who have had paranormal episodes in their lives, I have been reluctant to talk about what I've seen and experienced with anyone but my closest friends. Gene had to do some hard convincing to get me to commit to doing The Paracast with him, because of my feelings about going public with these kinds of stories and the rather disturbing people that tend to troll in this realm, on both the skeptic and believer sides. The vitriol and insults I've endured from Mr. Horn are exactly what I've chosen to avoid in the past, and have to now put up with in order to have any kind of a discourse about these topics. Regardless, everyone is entitled to their opinions - while I disagree with Michael Horn, I'll certainly agree that he has every right to say whatever the heck he wants. As do I. That said, this forum is being brought to you by Gene & myself, so we get to set some standards for tone and language. If someone doesn't like it, they don't have to participate. It's really that simple - Michael is more than welcome to say whatever he wants on a forum of his own creation, on his own web site, but this forum is not a right, it's an adjunct element of our radio show. We are selling absolutely nothing, and currently make no money from this endeavor. Anyone who claims that I'm trying to start a cult obviously knows nothing about me and what motivates my actions. The episodes of The Paracast make my agenda quite clear, for anyone who listens to them.


Tongue in cheek, purpose of which is to encourage a lttle perspective, i.e. what it's like to be in the shoes of someone wrongly accused... Not so much fun, eh? And let's remember, if we're being a little too sensitive here (even about a joke) that Meier's been the target of 21 attempts on his LIFE, for his trouble, and there've been attemmpts on his family too.

Perspective, DB, perspective...
Michael812 said:

Tongue in cheek, purpose of which is to encourage a lttle perspective, i.e. what it's like to be in the shoes of someone wrongly accused... Not so much fun, eh? And let's remember, if we're being a little too sensitive here (even about a joke) that Meier's been the target of 21 attempts on his LIFE, for his trouble, and there've been attemmpts on his family too.

Perspective, DB, perspective...

So besides showing that you have a disturbing masochistic side to your personality, what's your point?
On second thought, don't bother answering that question, I really feel that I've given you far more credibility and attention than you deserve.
Michael812 said:
FINALLY, TX and I agree on something! I don't KNOW and can't PROVE that they do indeed come from the (alleged altered time-space configuration of the) Pleiades. Let's remember that I divide the case into two parts, that which I (and anyone else) can discover to be factually true, and which validates certain of Meier's nformation and claims, and that which I consider to be speculative, i.e. not yet proved (or disproved) largely because the information deals with the distant past or future, or is of a philosphical/spiritual nature that can only be ascertained from consciusness and contemplation within oneself.
Do you also have a weird sensation like "what the hell just happend?" when we mutually agree on something? But seriously, when you know it's rather impossible to prove that UFOs are either terrestrial or non-terrestrial, why demand from others that they prove just that based on a sighting they have? Now, I know that rumours have been circulating for years about US aircraft based on reversed enginered technology from recovered alien spacecrafts but since this is by no means an established fact you can't demand from others that they prove you wrong when you say "that could be terrestrial UFOs". Neither can you defend Meier's statements in some cases that people had sightings of terrestrial crafts but you seem to do it anyway.
But I am a proponent of NOT putting emphasis on the people or the "ships they came in", rather the CONTENT of the information and its meaning to us. I perceive one of the underlying purposes of the case to be to help us assure our future survival. I don't care if they come from Baltimore, I care about the content and the contribution.
Yes, putting emphasis on 'content' and 'our future survival' will surely help the Meier case to reach a wider audience. But speaking of alleged contact cases and alleged ETs beside the Meier case, didn't 'they' also warn us about the dangers of nuclear weapons and that our technological progress wasn't in line with our spirituality? Didn't some of those cases also have 'content' and 'warnings' intended to help us survive? I still have the feeling that you would use double standards on this matter and use these particular items to only promote the Meier case.
DB you wrote...
"So Shawn King - I'd be surprised if this is the Shawn King from the Your Mac Life show, which I enjoy and used to do a segment for - has dubbed me an "uniformed opinionated attack hound". If anyone listens to the archived Paracast shows, surely you can reach your own conclusions about who I am and what my motivations are. I'm not preaching a damn thing, and will consider any and all cases and opinions. But my conclusions are just that, you don't have to accept them or believe them. Freedom is a great thing."

No this is not that Shawn King. I agree that your other shows I've heard (2) are proper interviews. That's what is confusing to me. Your questions and remarks on those shows were a on a level that helped the interviewee tell his story. It's what made the information flow. You have these guest on to present to your audience an opportunity to learn something unique and allow them to decide for themselves if the account is believable. This is the magic that goes missing when the guest is having to constantly ward off ridiculess attempts at trying to trip them up which only hampers the ability to produce a more complete picture of the information you invited him to tell. I'm not saying for you to throw softball questions by any means. You know how you feel about what MH is going to say. Allow a healthy open discussion and give this guest some proper flow of his research. We can decide for ourselves if we want to believe it or not. I'm sure you've heard of Coast to Coast am, the Art Bell, George Noory late nite alternative talk show. I give them as an example because they have on some of the most controversial people I've ever heard. Yet the method which has proved to be a huge success is to help the guest get as much information out early on in the interview and then open up the phone lines and let people decide if there's value to the information given. A very fair and balanced exchange that contains value whether the guest is a phony or not.

You also wrote...

"The only question I have for the other Figu folks who are chiming in here - do all of you pay 7% of your income to the Figu organization, a requirement stated in the membership forms?"

They don't pay 7%. Read it again. And for myself, remember it's voluntary , I don't. I'm am not judged for that and have never been asked for any donations. I do pay for all my materials to research the information of the Plejaren and would like to see more of the contact notes translated so I could buy them. Any comments about the FIGU community should be done when you can honestly say you've met them. Anything less is dishonorable.

and this you wrote...

"Oh, and the mention of George Lucas offering Meier money for a script - anyone who personally knows or has worked for George, as I have, would laugh out loud at the thought of him going to someone to offer them money for a script. So not the way he does business, it's a ridiculous suggestion. The one movie he directed that he didn't write - Howard the Duck - well, that's all I need to say about that."

Cool, it's irrelevant anyways.

You said...

"For the record, if I ever find myself in Switzerland, I'd be more than happy to visit with Meier and the Figu folks, really. I find that the eyes are indeed the windows to the soul, and looking into Meier's eyes would tell me much about who he is and what he's about. It would be great if I could study the original negatives of the pictures, speak with the other witnesses, visit the local police and authorities and get their take, and so forth. I have to tell you, though, if I had funding for a research trip, I'd probably sooner go to Mexico City to look at the amazing UFO flap that has happened there in the last 15 years, or Brazil to look into the Arigo case."

Mexico City in itself is a wonder. An event that carries value only for the sightings itself. To bad there's no other substance to add to the experience. Or are there messages on the sides of the UFO's that increase mans understanding of who he is in the universe? Either place has value, it's all about what your looking for in life. I personally want to know as much as I can practically process as possible. I'd choose Switzerland, but that's just me and my desire to have as much information available as possible.

and finally you wrote...

"Everyone can believe whatever they want for any reason, that's a funny and consistent thing about us human beings. Our imaginations are vast, our desire for understanding a driving force in our lives, and we all want things to work out in the end".

I concur in this completely.


I hope someday we all can figure out what it means to be human being and start to treat each other as true equals. It starts with the individual. I only know you from your words and how they effect the truth that surrounds life. I am excited for your upcoming broadcast. Then I'll know you that much more.

Enjoy today,

Shawn King

p.s. this is a re-post as my reply's were hidden in the blue quote section...thanks for listening

Apparently, there is a research group at the University of Mexico in Mexico City that has been compiling a database of video evidence of some number of the numerous UFO citings that have been happening in that city over the last 15 years - it's this group and their work that I am most interested in seeing. Mexico City does indeed look to be a fascinating place, given the incredible population density and pollution problem, I wonder if these elements present some sort of reason for the large number of UFO sightings there. The fact that I'm also fluent in Spanish would make it easier for me to talk directly and openly with people, no translator needed.

I responded to the George Lucas comment that someone else made, I agree that it has no real relevancy to the discussion, as it's extremely unlikely that he ever approached anyone connected with the Meier case for any reason.

Thanks for your comments.

I think that it's time that DB either cease to accuse me of being "vitriolic and abusive" towards him here, or that he posts the offending comments. I have re-read all my posts and haven't been able to find them.

There are, however, no shortage of such direct, ad hominum attacks directed at me by DB and otehrs, as I pointed out a number of posts ago:

"And to DB, the author of the original intimidating, attacking email to me, just what is meant by 'the likes of Michael Horn'? Does the 'likes of Michael Horn' refer to someone with high levels of accomplishments in various fields, internationally, who stands up for himself and substantiates the claims he makes?or is there something else implied? Is this unsubstantiated, attacking innuendo supposed to be allowed to go unchallenged because one of the moderators made it??"

I also request that, should he not find the supposed attacks from me, he apologize for the inaccurate charges...and the actual language that is, and has been, coming from him from the start.
I wish someone here could tell me how this 1981 Billy Meier video was faked?

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