Hello everyone! I'm friendly a friendly guy who heard about this information a good 10 years ago and heard Michal Horn's interview.
This is basically directed towards David Biedney but not excluding Gene Steinberg,
Here are some things you said David and I would just like to reply:
1 ?Demanding I produce exact sounds and photos is silly,
it's like telling me that if I want to believe in God,
I have to provide evidence that there is such a thing
as God.?
Yes, that is sort of like the idea, your catching on. Proof has precedence here. We should apply these same standards to religion, politics and governmental decisions that determine the quality of our lives.
2 ?As to the your claimed statements by Mr. Gentleman, I
would point out that the last movie he worked in is
over 25 years old, he's not even in the credits of
2001. You want to show the world a signed, notarized
letter from Volker Engel, to the effect that he says
your footage is not faked? I'd love to see it.?
Lets see if this is possible but I think you are skipping around the heavy evidence and focus on the areas which he already claims he still questions, which seems to show impatience on your part to simply ?as quick as possible label this Case inept, unworthy and a scam, all without any evidence? and on Michael's end he appears to hold up quite strong and clearly and openly deals with what claims to be provable beyond a reasonable doubt. I raise the bar to you talk show hosts and studio specialists which you have claimed to be, let's see strong proof ?beyond a reasonable doubt? and scientifically tested to the same measurements and standards that Meiers were. Let's not repeat another James Randi here, let's honestly look at the evidence and not simply call this one out without any real proof to back it up.
3 Show us some clear, current (or even old)footage of the claimed ETs GETTING OFF A SHIP AFTER IT
LANDS. No cuts, no multiple cameras, just a long shot
of the ship landing, and someone getting out of it.
That's all.
If you listened to Mr. Horn or read even a snippet of the mini-library of information that is involved in the Meier material, or simply thought rationally about this than you would have definitely noticed that a picture of the ET's is not only outside of the scope of the Meier contacts objective and unnecessary on numerous levels. This is not to slip past your somewhat reasonable demand for a picture, but, to understand a broader view that Meier's clear daytime and night photographs that were scientifically tested and passed, are only in existence in order to to provoke, instigate and open minds that we are not the only rational thinking beings in this universe and importantly that it's not about ?them? but about us. However, I do like the prospect of seeing a picture as you requested, interestingly enough the goal of the Meier contacts is for us humans to clean up our thoughts and begin to think logically for ourselves so that one day we can be self sustaining, logical and reasonable so as to handle the variety and multitude of alien lifeforms, human and non-human with maturity so that we do not become victims of an Outside invasion or even more likely an inside destruction!. Finally, a picture of them could provide some temporary ?appeasement? for this case, however it would take people away from what Meier and Co. think is the necessary focal point and would add a thousand unessesary questions to follow, (from his perspective). And obviously many would consider them fakes without ANY scientific testing which has been committed routinely against Billy Meier, Horn, but few will realize that they are but a small part of the huge truth explained through the English and German spiritual teachings, and any other person who seems to have found and backed the logical, strait forward evidence with complete disregard to the ?higher standard of proof? namely the prophetic evidence, which I watched an incident regarding the nuclear powerplant in Lyon France unfold as it was said it would be in 2003 when the book ?And yet... they fly? by Guido Moosbrugger was published in 2001 and I had it in my possesion at a provable 2 years beforehand!! As equally as important a nice picture of the plejaren would take the focus off the real intent of Billy/ Plejarens? message from the world view perspective of how we interact and treat neighboring states such as our horrendous disregard to the golden rule and put our energy on the Plejaren themselves, which a certain level should be placed, but, according to the Meier information our purpose and the entire message of the Plejaren provided through Billy is to clean up our thoughts and actions and only by doing this can we even realistically attempt and to ACTUALLY OBTAIN less warlike civilizations and create a more peaceful tomorrow. If you've come this far your intelligent enough to handle the Meier material! Considering over 1,200 photographs from which we already do have evidence for which were taken at a time BEFORE PC?S AND DIGITAL CAMERA?S & PHOTOSHOP, I ask you how do you fake pictures in deep valleys which were analyzed and found to have the approximation in size that Meier claimed somewhere around (on specific craft) 24 FEET NOT INCHES and found to have definite contour, shape and even an extra emitting energy as visualized in the film analysis by Jim Delatossa, Wendell Stevens and Brit and Lee Elders (still unexplainable to this day) as also witnessed in the film segments a strange energy emitted as the object disappears and then reappears again. And as explained by Meier AND EVEN NEIGHBORS WHO PHOTOGRAPHED THESE CRAFTS, POLICE WITNESSED THEM AND EVEN THE SWISS MILITARY REPORTED OVER 200 UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECTS OVER MEIER?S RESIDENCE.
NO, I repeat NO strings or fabrication evidence was found by the American crew or any other serious or comprehensive investigation which put up $100,000 of their own cash to INVESTIGATE this case. Kal Korfs book was virtually refuted. He admitted to being a liar as Horn can explain and is, in detail line by line refuted here:
us/ figu/ supporter/ deardorff.htm
A link here explains how KKK falsified in ?Spaceships of the Pleiades? some pieces of Meiers material with similar claims not backed up by accurate scientific data . Did W Stevens and Co do all this research to see such a meager and measilly if any at all monitary return, and to be horrendously labeled swindlers and liars, what kind of buisness investment is that? Perhaps the American investigation team couldn't get any real media to back this case because of what it would mean for our civilization if we were to do this. What investments in Politics, money made from interest and from drug trade, not to mention world-wide religions that would have to modify their perspectives on life and REFLECT exactly what it means when an ironclad foundation of proof is laid in logical timeline of evidence where a Swiss man is contacted by human extra-terrestrials and these beings do not bang their heads on the wall in Jerusalem nor Praise the man we know as Jesus (where we worship ?blindly? with no substantial evidence) or execute murderous acts against mankind in the name of some Allah with no all encompassing reason why. The picture of the Plejaren was requested by others and Meier himself but was not allowed because people would take the focus away from the spiritual information and WORSHIP, FEAR, ATTACH FANTASIES OR FALL IN LOVE WITH THE PLEJAREN.