He Who Shall Not Be Named? & The Billy Meier Contacts
ZTGR said:
Guys, I'm just looking for specifics and so far have only seen them from the rep and the other Meier people...material.
Then you clearly arent looking. What specifically do you want? Try here:
The Billy Meier case: review of arguments concerning the 'weddingcake craft' pictures and footage
This does a pretty good job at layman's explainations of some things. It's a start for ya.
ZTGR said:
I read that he wasn't paid for the lecture...anyone know to the contrary? Anyone that goes for three hours non-stop for free wins some points..from me.
Funny, ticketmaster charged 40 canadian dollars per ticket. I'd be surprised if He Who Shall Not Be Named? didnt peddle his DVDs and CDs at the lecture...nobody works for free, and niether does he. The bottom line, you paid to get in, thats a paid lecture. Period.
ZTGR said:
I also gotta say that the stuff I got on the case is good quality...I have looked into the info and so far it checks out.
What have you checked out? How about the "experts" quoted that He Who Shall Not Be Named? selectively edits to make it appear that credible people examined the case as authenticating it.
Lets look at Robert Post's quote by He Who Shall Not Be Named?'s website:
"From a photography standpoint, you couldn't see anything that was fake about the Meier photos... I thought, God, if this is real, this is going to be really something."
Robert Post was head of JPL in Pasadena by the way...so He Who Shall Not Be Named? puts this forth as one of his experts who are authenticating the photos.
However do some "checking out" as you say you do...and you'll find this, as said by Mr. Post:
"a lot of the pictures weren't really photographs at all - they were lithographs,"
(or high-resolution ink prints made from photos - and, hence, were worthless for purposes of analysis.)
Post also said the photos were:
"a lot fuzzier than the stuff on the lithographs, and I thought that was a little strange."
"Nuts, maybe this guy is just a con man.' That's not the kind of guy I want to have anything to do with."
Not very supportive is it? Rather the opposite.
So, how interesting. These people were NOT even given so much as a negative, but a litho??? How absurd is this?
How absurd? It's standard operation for the Meier case. After I caught He Who Shall Not Be Named?'s deliberate and misleading selective quote from Post and showed him the rest of what Post really had to say, he said in effect he purposefully left out all the remarks to see if anyone would catch them. What unadulterated B.S. He was caught, and it's that simple. It's within the ATS thread. Go read it.
Talk to Ken Dinwiddie who used to work for DeAnza, who according to the photographic analysis report by Dilettoso and Stevens, provided the computers for the task of examining the photos. Dinwiddie said this is what happened:
"They came to De Anza under the pretext of wanting to buy our equipment. We demonstrated it, and they snapped many pictures and left. We made no data interpretations whatsoever"
So yeah DeAnza provided the computers...in what amounts to a demo. Apparently they didnt buy so much as a floppy disk...what the hell, they didnt have to...they got what they wanted.
So what about the photographic report's "analyzed" photos showing all sort of exotic fields and heat, etc?
Dinwiddie said:
"Those are their interpretations, not ours. Nothing we did would have defined what those results meant."
What does Dinwiddie say about this particular caption in the Meier book detailing the photo analysis:
"Thermogram -- color density separations -- low frequencies properties of light/time of day are correct; light values on ground are reflected in craft bottom; eliminates double exposures and paste-ups."
His reply:
"No, we put those colors in the photo!" Dinwiddie exclaimed. "Jim [Dilettoso] said, 'Can you make the bottom of the object appear to reflect the ground below?' I said yes, and we performed the operations that they asked for."
Core data tampering. No way out, no excuses...thats it. They altered the photo to show what they wanted it to show, when it didnt. False data.
So I ask again....where are YOU looking to "check this out"?
If you'd like to read the whole article on the man heading the Meier photo analysis, go here and read it:
ZTGR said:
One thing I was curious about was the battle he had with guys from IIG...I read about a guy Ike42 who said Meier cheated on Jupiter info but then the rep guy's response was much better...the stuff just wasn't there for Meier before some critical dates and stuff.
Ike has gone to great detail about his sources and publish dates. So saying it "just wasnt there" is incorrect. Meier also said the "girl" featured in the alien autopsy film (Ray Santilli) was not an alien, but a female suffering from what his Plejaren buddies called "Proteria". This "disease" is described in detail on the FIGU website, but all in all, it doesnt matter.
The man who made the alien John Humphreys, was identified as making the alien prop:
"John Humphreys, an artist and sculptor, was employed to construct two dummy alien bodies over a period of three weeks, using casts containing sheep brains set in jelly, chicken entrails and knuckle joints obtained from S.C. Crosby Wholesale Butchers in Smithfield meat market, London."
Meier, again, proven conclusively wrong...not even a human, just a prop.
ZTGR said:
I don't care bout personal issues here, just the facts...maybe you don't care about outside opinion but I want to see something that makes me think you're right...so far it just seems you don't like the guy. More beef...less beefing!
If you choose to believe these windbags who peddle this case thats your business, you'll have to square that up yourself. If you care enough to do some real looking past what they tell you and want you to believe, you'll find out what's goin' on.
Today, the PAR message board has been kinda rife with cheers that I'm ceasing to care about this case. ex:
"Now it seems Mr. Ritzmann has given up recreating Billy's pictures??? He doesn't want to create anymore attention to the case

I love it!!"
I'll bet they love it, because that means they can go back to their delusion and stop worrying that they might actually lose their belief system. These are people who so sorely lack any skills to prove or disprove their case, and are led like sheep. Just read the board, and you'll see that.
Of course this is also a board where the members speak about Cris Angel (the magician) having psychic powers and minions that help him do his illusions. It's also where I have read that one member wished people like me were "cleansed from the earth", so they wouldnt have to deal with me.
Sound like rational people to you?
So, please dont talk to me about personal feelings and He Who Shall Not Be Named?'s "facts". Do some digging and you'll see how contrived and utterly worthless this case is.
PS-Forgot to mention that on an email list David, Gene and I are on, He Who Shall Not Be Named? has gone on and on for days about the case and us. He started into the alledged assassination attempts on Meier, and he said there were police reports. I asked to see scans of said reports.
Guess what. He Who Shall Not Be Named? has gone completely silent. Shocker.