Maybe we give the wrong impression when we keep posting about this case. I think I will explain why I think a lot of us do it. It's because we can't believe that people are still buying this crap, I mean it was probably cute in the 60's/70's but it's 2006 now, all that stuff is fake as it has been proven over and over. The photos (which have been replicated since years ago) doesn't mean anything, just show me a single evidence only one that I can actually say wow this is amazing extraterrestrial and I will believe it. Guess what, there is none, everything is so ridiculous that we find it amazing that the people that make money from this are still trying to convince others that is real when they know how stupid and fake everything is for sure. They will say oh what about the information and this is what I say to them : science fiction was there long before Billy was born and there were a lot better than Billy's too.
Just count and read the excuses for each fraud found in this case it's unbelievable. A 50 bucks DVD is going to save us all right? Now if they travel to the past and future and they said they will come back in 700 years, doesn't that means they already know that in 700 years we are still here and didn't destroyed ourself? Funny story!
Reporter: oh billy this can't be good, we found a model in your house!
Billy: don't worry I just made that model for my children or my children made it...... ???
Reporter: billy all the photos in your books are fake, they are known human beings, and identified garbage can parts!
Billy: the MIB did that (and billy and no-one else noticed for a long time :

) with all my special alien connections and predictions I couldn't predict this........ :

Reporter: oh ok so does that mean that now that you know this, you will refund the money to all the people who bought the book with false pictures?
Billy:........................................................................................ sorry I just got one of those amnesia attacks.
Are these people who believe in this case (beside the one that make money from it of course) serious? geez!
Aspie and Terrax where are you? I enjoy reading your post

Hope you both found more information and post them here so we can keep showing people how this crook wants to make money with the people that want to believe in something.