Paranormal Adept
I have read the Eastern edition and have to agree with your Dennis Martin assertion. A copy of the actual Park Service report has been available on line for ages. There were a few liberties taken with Paulides narrative vis-à-vis the official report. This includes; another family named Martin occupying the same area as Dennis’ Family. Suspects were named (an annex in the report), Dennis was a special needs child and the Special Forces troops were in another state park across the state line conducting training when called. Paulides made it seem that they were recalled from Alaska by way of a Congressional summons.
I believe some elements of that case came from other sources, including an interview Paulides conducted with Dennis Martin's father. I'm not sure where the other family named Martin came from, but I'm wondering if it could have been mentioned somewhere else (a news article? Mr. Martin?). This might be something worth asking Paulides (which I think I may do).
The odd thing about the Special Forces involvement, aside from them showing up, was that they apparently did not communicate with other SAR groups in the area. They seemed to refuse to and maintained radio silence. My understanding is that they were approached but chose not to interact for some reason which really seems counter productive if you want to help SAR find a person.
There are quite a few reviews of his books on the interweb. A few are negative and one or two cite extensively how he misrepresented the cases he reports. I can’t say one way or the other, but I do take issue with his repeated assertion regarding the park service not keeping records. They keep records and fairly detailed ones at that.
I haven't checked the reviews in a while, but I know he had some rabid detractors that seemed to have a vendetta rather than a desire to reveal the truth. Not saying that's what you were reading, but it is something to keep in mind. The bigfoot community, which Paulides' is associated with, seems very dramatic (as in they cause drama among themselves) so some of that could be stemming from someone with a different opinion or agenda. I'll have to take a look when I get a moment and see what's been added recently.
Michael Ghiglieri and Charles Farabee proved records exist when they coauthored “Off the Wall: Death in Yosemite”. This book encompasses disappearances, deaths and general misfortune and adventure of park visitors dating back to the year 1851 in Yosemite National Park.
Michael and Charles’ well researched, documented, footnoted, and sourced book began as data, with the aid of Paul Gallez, a park service computer specialist. Farabee was a former Yosemite Ranger and Deputy Coroner who compiling a list and a program was designed to capture and analyze this data. Learning of the pre-1950s deaths not to mention pinpointing the incidents far more remote and obscure provided highly challenging despite improved access due to the Freedom of information act.
"To identify those who died within Yosemite's boundaries, data housed in Yosemite's Law Enforcement Office are complete coroner files from 1970 onward. For earlier incidents an excellent resource used was the Superintendent`s Monthly Report. From 1926-1963, each park area was required to submit a monthly report to agency superiors."
This book lists well over 1000 reports. How is it that they were able to access this information and records and Paulides was not?
Paulides addresses this in multiple interviews. Apparently he submitted FOIA requests but was denied, even to the point of speaking to the NPS special agent (er, whatever their title is, I'm going from memory here

George Knapp also discussed submitting a FOIA request during one of his C2C interviews with Paulides to see if he would receive the same response. Knapp, who I also believe is a genuine guy with no reason to lie, claims that he did. I don't doubt that there are people who will fabricate conspiracy to further a cause or obtain some kind of gain, but I also think it is folly to assume that official documentation and government organizations won't go to great lengths to conceal things that they don't want the public to know about. It's been done before so if something is going on, I'm certain they would do it again.
I am still of the opinion that Paulides sounds genuine. Could he be twisting the facts? Maybe. But I also suspect there may be information that's omitted from publicly available official documents that is found through interviews, original news articles, etc. In fact Paulides stated that he obtained a lot of information from news archives from the time because of trouble obtaining the files (or in some cases, where large quantities of files had been missing or destroyed). He could be a total fraud I suppose, but I'm not seeing that yet. But I'm always curious because these cases intrigue me.
And as as side note, I'm currently working through Off the Wall and it is a really good book. Highly recommend it to anyone who doesn't mind morbid subject matter.