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New Ad Spot - eFoods Direct - Survivalist Retailer

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Skilled Investigator
Hello Gene & David,

I noticed your new ad spot in last week's podcast included a survivalist retailer named, "eFoods Direct". This kinda gave me a flash back to the Berkey Water Filtration System that is or was showcased on the "Alex Jones" podcast.

I'm not knocking the needed ad revenue your show may need. Although the emergency food supply may suit some natural disaster prone States. As a demographic consumer retailer group, besides those with a bunker in there back yard in the more extreme example.

I myself live on the SW Coast of Florida where a Gulf of Mexico hurricane isn't unheard of each year. The authorities always tell us we should have 2 days supply of emergency food on hand. Which in my opinion is a joke, a 2 week supply of emergency food on hand is a better strategy.

Nonetheless did you folks notice that on the Radio Tab of eFoods Direct there are 3 podcast entires for Mr. Alex Jones. (which David has stated he is related to as a 2nd cousin) For the show dates of: May 6th, Sept. 19th, Oct. 3rd 2008 on various topics that tend to be alarmist in nature. Be they food supply, to bankers and the current financial crisis.

Did the "Paracast" choose this ad spot in particular, perhaps in the vein of the "Angry Human"?

Or was it just a general opportunity that presented itself without any predisposition as to what type of retailer was seeking a advertising outlet?

Thank you for a response. :)
Well, perhaps you'd be a great customer for eFoodsDirect, since you live in an area where it wouldn't hurt to have spare food on hand, particularly the kind that won't spoil quickly.

In any case, we don't so much choose ads as accept the ones that come from companies who feel they would like to reach our audience. And we are hearing from more and more of them. But I will do what I can to make sure that our shows aren't cluttered with spots. Our capacity is much less than the commercial radio stations, and when we hit that limit, that's it! Well, not exactly — we'll just raise the rates. :D
Just wanted to add to what you said about efoodsdirect. Steve Shenk (of efoodsdirect.com) used to be on RBN (The Republic Broadcasting Network), and when I listened to the RBN programming I would hear adverts for efoodsdirect voiced by Shenk. Now I would call them nothing but fearmongering. They fitted in perfectly with Alex Jones' fearmongering schtick :rolleyes:.

But if you don't believe me, you can hear them yourself (they are quite jaw droppingly silly, and in my mind evil in the way they fearmonger), since they've been archived at this url:


Don't say I didn't warn you ... oh and you'll never look at poop again in the same way :eek:.

Oh and another thing: I just want to say that my jaw dropped massively when I heard the efoodsdirect ads on the Paracast ... in fact I'm still a little speechless to tell you the truth, and I hope this isn't a sign of things to come :eek: ... please tell me it isn't so.

schtick ... who thinks that people who make money out of fearmongering are worse than the people one is trying to fight against since they seem to have no scruples to start with.

(p.s. Roger Fredinburg is now on RBN and has had a lot of flack since he joined the stations since he seems to believe the government version of 9/11 (!!!!!) ... which means he is either very foolish, a disinfo guy ... or possibly even both.)
... got to agree with the above sentiments.

[ and please this is coming from a newly converted uk fan who quite frankly finds your show hugely interesting, entertaining, essential, etc ].

These survivalist ads come as a shock, they come across as very, very overly negative, exploititive sounding and leave you on a big downer. this seems at odds to the paracast as a show, intelligent rants/conversation are what we come here for but this advertising isn't intelligent, it feels like low-brow pressurising of the vulnerable.

Obviously the show isn't responsible for writing the scripts and I know we've all got to pay the rent but after listening to these ads I always feel a bit confused as to why gene and david would have this sort of thing on their show?

When I listen to the paracast sometimes it feel like you two are last sane voices in this insane world we live in today but this ad feels like it's from the type of people you're [ we're ] fighting against.

ok... I got a mild case of the flu so I might be taking this all too seriously, :rolleyes: but had to get it off my [ slightly naive-idealist ] chest anyways.

[ viva la paracast! ]
I really think you're making too much of a deal about this. If you don't like the message, or the product, don't buy it. Period.

The thing about spots is that you can always skip through them and listen to the content you want to hear. We always hope that maybe you'll find a message for something that does appeal to you.

We don't accept ads to make a statement or necessarily accept the statements in the ads. They are an important source of income for us, and so long as the product or service is accurately described and the company stands by its offers, we are inclined to accept the ad buy. There will be exceptions, of course, but we review this on a case-by-case basis.
i personally liked the ad, im not sure ppl appreciate how quick things would go to hell in a handbasket if the oil were to be stopped for an extended period of time


i found the suggestions for what to store and how very useful

one mans meat is anothers poison i suppose.

there was a case in the UK where taxi drivers and truckies blockaded the refinerys and by day seven there was no petrol to be bought, garbage was uncollected in the streets, and supermarket shelves were begining to empty, imagine a month without petrol.........

we now cultivate a large kitchen garden, and recently purchased a hothouse to extend our season, no where near self suffcient, but our vegies are fresher and cheaper than the supermarket ones, which seem to have dropped in quality while gaining in price lately.

snow peas are big on the menu right now, picked just minutes before they are stir fried with garlic slices and pine nuts in sesame oil.
What's wrong with survivalist foods? Y'alls reaction to this ad is a good example of humanity deluding itself into believing that trouble will always stay away. Whether you want to admit it to yourselves or not, we are facing the emergence of hardcore tyranny in both America and the UK. Owning storable foods will help to keep your asses out of the bread lines. I am not ashamed to admit that I own 6 months worth of storable foods. It's a damned good idea and I highly recommned it.
Hi everyone,

First post here...I also had a pretty strong reaction to this ad. I think people are questioning the psychological aspect of it, not the preparedness. It's one thing to want someone to be aware and another to market like this. It seems they could reach more people by backing off and making the message more simple.

I can see both sides, but disagree with how the message is presented. It does seem to go against the grain of the paracast...

I'm curious to know what David thinks about this?

I know I can choose not to listen to the ad or support the company. However, I find the topic very interesting....

I'm with you on that - I'd get the scriptwriters to change their 'tone', I actually think these ads damage the paracast 'brand'.

Ditto on that one. I'm also not against storeable dry foods and the such-like, its just the fearmongering tone and language which creeps me out.

There is an advert running at the moment on RBN (The Republic Broadcasting Network) which promotes its "Doomsday Water Filter" in over-scary tones, and also claims that "without water, YOU DIE". The efoodsdirect ads on The Paracast don't go that far but as I stated in my earlier message, they used to, and it wasn't that long ago either (18 months or so I seem to remember).

This kind of thing just does not fit in with The Paracast in my mind. The Paracast is about truth more than anything, and the fearmongering of such companies does not fit in with that agenda ... in my mind anyway.

Still I shall carry on listening to The Paracast, and fast-forward through the ads as I normally do. When you've heard the "Attack of the Rockoids" ad 57 billion times, it kind of loses its charm a bit :eek:.
Yeah, it probably is fear-mongering in these ads. All food storage companies do the same thing. But I think you have to get beyond the ads to the issue itself. For a few bucks you can just buy yourself an insurance policy. If something REALLY BAD happened, you might not even be close to your stash, or, if the world flips over, your stash could be gone in a heartbeat--or there without you to eat it. And even if you have it, it won't last forever. It's not like you'll be able to re-order when you run out.

So you have to take all that with a grain of salt because even if you have it, there's no guarantee. Nevertheless--not a bad idea. Get yourself a hot tub and pump it full of 400 gallons of brominated water. Get yourself a wood stove so you won't freeze. Get yourself a stash--and forget about it. I don't really consider this 'survivalist.'--just prudent.
OMFG - I've just realised this whole storing food thing isn't a joke!

Have just spent a few minutes browsing their website and I think I may nearly have peed myself (let me check - no, I'm OK)...the "Liberty Unit", the "Freedom Unit", priceless!!

I don't know what the f**k some people are smoking but I hope they've got enough to last...

Still I shall carry on listening to The Paracast

... the paracast won't lose me as a listener either, I have much respect for gene and david.

I'm beginning to think it might be an atlantic divide on this thing? in the UK [ on terrestrial broadcasting anyway ] I don't think you'd ever get this sort of thing on air? we're a bit more 'cushioned' over here, not particularly a bad thing if you can fight to get the balance right.
We talk about UFOs, ghosts, ESP, high weirdness, continuance after death, all the other weird stuff we delve into, and some of you are worried that we've gone off the deep end taking on an advertiser that sells emergency food supplies?

I don't have a problem with it. Would I like their ad to be a little slicker, perhaps a little less in your face? Sure, but it's not enough for me to say "take them off our show!". So no, I'm cool with it, for those who are wondering. Advertising is all about insecurity and fear. As far as, "YOU'RE ALL GONNA DIE" - is there something inaccurate regarding that statement? I think not. We're all adults here.

David B. wrote:

>Advertising is all about insecurity and fear.

There is no spectrum? If you want advertising to be all about insecurity and fear, you can make it that way. Or you can present products in a more rational manner........?

I'm not saying YOU, David, but people in general. Just to clarify.....

This just seems to go off the deep end. I think that's what people are concerned about. It just seems very neo-con, to be honest. "Fear, this is the only way. Subscribe to my vision and don't question it."

Again, this just seems to throw the personality of the paracast WAY off balance....

If I were to listen to the paracast for the first time and hear this ad, I would have a hard time taking the show as a whole seriously. But I've been listening pretty much since day one and I think I have a good feeling about where you guys are coming from. Thus I'll continue to listen. But yeah, I'm certain this will turn certain folks off....and that's probably not what you want? There could be a better way to advertise, a way that lines right up with the rational approach of the paracast. I, and obviously others, are simply trying to point this out. We want this show to reach as many people as possible, just like you do.....

No hard feelings, just discussion........

Thanks Gene & David for your views and remarks for this thread i started. Regarding this topic of eFoods Direct and your general advertising policy.

Basically as i'm understanding your advertising policy is agnostic. With the caveat the ads are from an authentic retailer or seller.

I'm not knocking down the preparedness question of having emergency food rations on hand. But like many have stated this retailer goes for the jugular preying on consumers fears. (which reminds me of the Bush Administration regarding fear mongering or plain intimidation)

To be fair the eFoods Direct website does stipulate that these dry foods will also cut down on a households regular food budget. From that point alone is a rather rational and/or practical sales pitch not relying on fear tactics. But that comes from their website message and just one of the two radio advert we've all heard on "The Paracast".