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New Ad Spot - eFoods Direct - Survivalist Retailer

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To be honest. I dont care about advertisers as long as they are not complete f... heads. If David and Gene can gain some rewards through the journey they have undertaken by doing this show great!!. Seriously all i care about is the quality of the show, not quantity and for the most part quality is what they produce every week, keep it up guys.
To be honest. I dont care about advertisers as long as they are not complete f... heads. If David and Gene can gain some rewards through the journey they have undertaken by doing this show great!!. Seriously all i care about is the quality of the show, not quantity and for the most part quality is what they produce every week, keep it up guys.

Yep but the problem is in my mind the survivalist food ads are not in with the spirit of The Paracast in general. Having the ads on does in my opinion give a false image of what the Paracast is all about (or am I repeating myself).

I'm not at all worried about advertising except when it goes all out to provoke a negative image in the listener ... which I believe the efoodsdirect ads have done in the past (see previous link for Steve Shenk ads). Steve Shenk even played upon the fear aspect (and I think still does on another radio network) and called his radio program "Fearless Radio" ... wherebye you are only "fearless" if you buy food from his company ie efoodsdirect.

I guess you could call it part of the American Dream ... ie make money wherever you can from whatever you can. I just feel very uncomfortable when I hear such ads on a quality program like The Paracast.
Yep but the problem is in my mind the survivalist food ads are not in with the spirit of The Paracast in general. Having the ads on does in my opinion give a false image of what the Paracast is all about (or am I repeating myself).

I'm not at all worried about advertising except when it goes all out to provoke a negative image in the listener ... which I believe the efoodsdirect ads have done in the past (see previous link for Steve Shenk ads). Steve Shenk even played upon the fear aspect (and I think still does on another radio network) and called his radio program "Fearless Radio" ... wherebye you are only "fearless" if you buy food from his company ie efoodsdirect.

I guess you could call it part of the American Dream ... ie make money wherever you can from whatever you can. I just feel very uncomfortable when I hear such ads on a quality program like The Paracast.

Am i missing something? He is only advertiseing food not nuclear weapons. I dont care to be honest.
Is it the food or the voice that people find disturbing? I think the guy is just running a business not a weapons factory in the middle of New york.
Am i missing something? He is only advertiseing food not nuclear weapons. I dont care to be honest.
Is it the food or the voice that people find disturbing? I think the guy is just running a business not a weapons factory in the middle of New york.

Most survivalist food companies trade on fear, and efoodsdirect has traded on fear in the past. I just don't believe that this sort of company should be involved with The Paracast. Thats just my opinion ... I strongly think that fearmongering is inethical no matter what field you gently tread. For instance, I'm a great critic (in my own head) :D of Alex Jones. I think (trying not to use the word, "believe" here) that he is a fearmonger and does a disservice to the Truth/Patriot community in the US.

In my opinion, fearmongers are parasites and should be avoided when and where possible. Maybe I'm over sensitive ... who knows?? Thats just how I see it.
Most survivalist food companies trade on fear, and efoodsdirect has traded on fear in the past. I just don't believe that this sort of company should be involved with The Paracast. Thats just my opinion ... I strongly think that fearmongering is inethical no matter what field you gently tread. For instance, I'm a great critic (in my own head) :D of Alex Jones. I think (trying not to use the word, "believe" here) that he is a fearmonger and does a disservice to the Truth/Patriot community in the US.

In my opinion, fearmongers are parasites and should be avoided when and where possible. Maybe I'm over sensitive ... who knows?? Thats just how I see it.

Yes everyone hates fearmongers, and yes i understand your point of view. But when has food ever killed anyone, ok people have killed over food, but yet let us not go over the top on this one.
Yes everyone hates fearmongers, and yes i understand your point of view. But when has food ever killed anyone, ok people have killed over food, but yet let us not go over the top on this one.

Oh yeah I agree. I just wanted to make the point that I don't think the ads fit in with whole Paracast milieu ... but again thats just my opinion :)
Advertising is all about insecurity and fear.

Not necessarily. A good chunk of it is based solely on greed and one-upmanship. Such positive drives...

As far as, "YOU'RE ALL GONNA DIE" - is there something inaccurate regarding that statement?

Eventually, yes. Immediately...? Not so likely. Perhaps I should have said "YOU'RE ALL GONNA DIE UNLESS YOU BUY OUR SHIT RIGHT NOW!!!!"

We're all adults here.

And yet that commercial's authors speak to us as if we were panicky, gullible children...
Not necessarily. A good chunk of it is based solely on greed and one-upmanship. Such positive drives...

Eventually, yes. Immediately...? Not so likely. Perhaps I should have said "YOU'RE ALL GONNA DIE UNLESS YOU BUY OUR SHIT RIGHT NOW!!!!"

And yet that commercial's authors speak to us as if we were panicky, gullible children...

Ahh thank god for the Captain ... :D. You might give the human race a good name again :D ... you've put your hand/finger/foot etc right on it. :)
Egad! If that's true let's pray the asteriods strike tomorrow!:p

Blimey ... I pretty much voiced the same thought in a more politically charged thread ... well I never :D would have thunk :p

schtick ... pulling on his leotard and starting his please-let-an-asteroid-or-some-other-large-heavenly-body-slam-into-the-earth-soon-and-wipe-the-slate-clean dance
Have to agree with schticknz et al here, I can see this type of ad putting some people off (which would be a shame). Seemed kind of out of kilter with the tone of the show...
Blimey ... I pretty much voiced the same thought in a more politically charged thread ... well I never :D would have thunk :p

schtick ... pulling on his leotard and starting his please-let-an-asteroid-or-some-other-large-heavenly-body-slam-into-the-earth-soon-and-wipe-the-slate-clean dance

Ya need some good drummers and wild yells for that dance!
As long as the quality of the show doesn't suffer I see no problem with strange commercials.Don't lose the focus and jump the shark though,otherwise this could turn into a sideshow pretty quick.Keep the shit real.
I was thinking about something David said earlier:

"I don't have a problem with it. Would I like their ad to be a little slicker, perhaps a little less in your face? Sure, but it's not enough for me to say "take them off our show!"."
end quote.

So David agrees with the people "complaining" here. It's not that we're saying take the ad away, we're just questioning the psychology of it. There is nothing wrong with food, or preparedness. So why not try to reach a larger crowd by having a more basic message? I honestly think things like this are a good idea, but the promotion is going to turn people off.

There are a lot of definitive statements and unverifiable claims in their marketing. The paracast has had a very different approach to such practices in the past. So I'm not surprised this is raising some eyebrows.....

That is all...

I didn't see this thread and I wish I had previously.

People can (and will) bitch and moan about everything, but the truth is Gene and David have a sponsor that I had did with business with prior to them using it. A sponsor who sells a good product.

People can argue over "fear" all they want, but truth is I have food that I can eat, regardless of "doom and gloom", outside of my normal shopping and as a hedge against "doom and gloom" if that be the case. It's food for 10-years. I have tried some of it, though it is used mainly to me for a bad winter storm rather then the "zombies are gonna get me!", but regardless I have this backup food and it's intelligent to do such a thing.

Kudos to you guys.
I didn't see this thread and I wish I had previously.

People can (and will) bitch and moan about everything, but the truth is Gene and David have a sponsor that I had did with business with prior to them using it. A sponsor who sells a good product.

People can argue over "fear" all they want, but truth is I have food that I can eat, regardless of "doom and gloom", outside of my normal shopping and as a hedge against "doom and gloom" if that be the case. It's food for 10-years. I have tried some of it, though it is used mainly to me for a bad winter storm rather then the "zombies are gonna get me!", but regardless I have this backup food and it's intelligent to do such a thing.

Kudos to you guys.


[Fear can be a rational reaction to danger]

Most of us (by definition) breathed a collective sigh of relief on the evening of Nov. 4.

Shit, we had an entire thread devoted to "what would happen in a catastrophic emergency", and the first thing that people talked about was "I'd have storable food on hand". I think it started as a tongue-in-cheek (aforementioned zombie scenarios) thing, but eventually got pretty serious... here's the deal:

They sell some good stuff, their coffee, for example, is fair trade, shade-grown, good coffee. They sell a lot of dehydrated food, and for some people, it's a great alternative. If you live way out in a really rural area, or on an island--they deliver it! Most people eat it as they buy it, they just don't go shopping, or as much.

Choice is a wonderful thing in America. You can buy it, or not buy it. You can even skip the commercials altogether. Horrors!

It's ONE friggin' advertiser. It's not like they're Monsanto. Or Blackwater. Or Halliburton.

Oh, hang on...

Getting a text.

It's from Roger and Steve Shenk.

... They say they're thrilled we're discussing them and their business so much on the community forums, and to keep it up.

Come to think of it, isn't bad publicity better than none?

At least MKI is enterprising enough to sell its own commercials, and not make us wade through those click-through AdWords, or popup ads for porn, like some kind of a bit torrent web site. They're legit! They have to accept ads from people that pay them! You've heard of The fairness doctrine?

Guess what
? Podcasts are regulated by the FCC, too. They are broadcast on the Internet. They must be regulated. Eat it. (pardon the pun.)

IN any case, we're talking about EfoodsDirect.com, and we weren't before.


Well... if you haven't thought about it--what would you do if, like they say, the grocery stores would be empty after three days of no gas? What if we really did get attacked, and it weren't a false flag deal, and our fuel supply suddenly got interrupted?

I guess the guy with the guns wins as long as he has food and water, huh?

And the people with stored food and no guns win, too, because the guys with the food and guns are sitting in their little hidey-hole, protecting their food with their guns; so as long as they stay put, they're going to make it longer than the people that didn't have stored food. Let the survivors without food knock each other out.

Pay the winners!

Jeez, it's a hedge. Just like anything else, just like hedge funds, it's an insurance policy. Stock away some food in case there's a shortage. Nahh, that's crazy! They've only told us it would happen!

Yeah, okay, there are a lot of people out there that probably have bought storable food because they were whipped up to do so by an ad they heard. Hell, it must work, because you talk about hearing their commercials so much!

Boy, I bet there are folks in North Korea and such places that would LOVE to have access the the EfoodsDirect web site. They live with the fear that they may not eat today, every day!

Too bad they can't hear The Paracast.

In the meantime, enjoy The Paracast as brought to you by all their sponsors, like it says each and every episode. Thank you for visiting the sponsors. Visit one now.

Making The Impossible are making the impossible, but it ain't frickin' easy.
This is a classic "Grasshopper and the ant" fable.

Quote of the Week –

“If you don’t believe it’s a great day, try missing one.”
Zig Ziglar
Guess what? Podcasts are regulated by the FCC, too. They are broadcast on the Internet. They must be regulated. Eat it. (pardon the pun.)

Um, no. See the international network (or "interwebs") is an INTERNATIONAL NETWORK. No single country has any authority to dictate what can and can't be placed on it or broadcast over it. If for example I, as a resident of Canada, decided to do a podcast can you guess how much say the FCC would get? I'll give you a hint; it's a number lower than 1. The paracast is beholden unto the rule of law only because it's actually broadcast over the air in addition to it's podcast format.

You want to support "panicky-pete's apocalypse grocery" fine but let's not starrt making up shit just to try and prove a point, shall we?
Yep but the problem is in my mind the survivalist food ads are not in with the spirit of The Paracast in general. Having the ads on does in my opinion give a false image of what the Paracast is all about (or am I repeating myself).

I'm not at all worried about advertising except when it goes all out to provoke a negative image in the listener ... which I believe the efoodsdirect ads have done in the past (see previous link for Steve Shenk ads). Steve Shenk even played upon the fear aspect (and I think still does on another radio network) and called his radio program "Fearless Radio" ... wherebye you are only "fearless" if you buy food from his company ie efoodsdirect.

I guess you could call it part of the American Dream ... ie make money wherever you can from whatever you can. I just feel very uncomfortable when I hear such ads on a quality program like The Paracast.

My god man its a commercial for food. I giggled my ass off when I heard it. It brought me back to the doomsday mid to late nineties era of C2C and Hale-Bopp.

The Paracast is indeed a great program and needs ads to survive. Its the nature of the beast. Of all the things to talk about, were talking about some 1 minute add about food over multiple pages in a paranormal forum.

For christsakes people theres more important things to talk about. David Icke has the evil, shape-shifting, illuminati, Lizard people on the run and we need to help him catch them. OR WERE ALL GONNA DIE!!!!
only because it's actually broadcast over the air in addition to it's podcast format.

You want to support "panicky-pete's apocalypse grocery" fine but let's not starrt making up shit just to try and prove a point, shall we?

Obviously podcasts generated in Canada aren't regulated by any American agency. Ones that come out of the United States? Could be. If your number is less than one but more than zero, we still have regulation. I was wrong because it's a podcast but right because it's also broadcast on the radio?

The Internet was created by DARPA (ARPANET) in the United States of America and was originally only for government use. When it was "released to the general public" for web development, my guess is that we're in the same general area as approving certain frequencies for broadcast by radio stations, except there's no application and approval process. It's a grey area. I guess the closest thing we have to it is the purchasing of domains, but I'm hardly an expert.


And, my discussion of this particular angle has nothing to do with a "Panicy Pete" scenario. I don't see why anyone would get freaked out over a storable food commercial. I think the whole thing is silly.
My god man its a commercial for food ...quote]

And you don't think that that sort of "doomsday" advertising won't stick? Remember Steven Greer's news conference??. Lots of really good people, and a few nutcases. Who do we remember?? The nutcases of course.

Its the same thing ... IN MY OPINION. I've said it before, that I don't mind advertising. But when it comes from an organisation such as the one we're discussing ... which has previously used ethically questionable advertising in the past, I do get troubled. I think it may harm the Paracast in the long run. Thats my opinion.

Oh and of course there are more important things to worry about. How much of my day do I worry about the subject of this thread?? Ummm ... about 5 minutes as I scan through, and possibly add to, the threads in these discussion forums. Maybe a bit more when I listen to the Paracast and hear the discussed adverts. I don't think that is going over the top as it is implied by your post. And I'm not going to argue the point since it is not worth my energy.

Sheesh ... some people have no sense of proportion. And the way I'm looking at it at the moment, it ain't me guv :cool:

schtick ... going to go away now before I start losing any sense of proportion