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New Ad Spot - eFoods Direct - Survivalist Retailer

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I myself live on the SW Coast of Florida where a Gulf of Mexico hurricane isn't unheard of each year. The authorities always tell us we should have 2 days supply of emergency food on hand. Which in my opinion is a joke, a 2 week supply of emergency food on hand is a better strategy.

Yes. Ike just showed a lot of us Gulf Coasters what 2 weeks worth of FEMA MRE's are like. Including my 83-year-old mother who refused to come stay with us, with our working electricity and grocery stores, because her little dog would be happier at home! I think if you live within 2 hours drive of the Gulf Coast, a modicum of dried food would be a REAL good investment.
Hi All,

On a lighter note aren't you glad Gene & David I initially broached this topic? (I can picture David with a IRC Trout ready to lay the smack down on me) :p

Perhaps to liven up the commercial portion that Gene is reading from his script on eFoods Direct. Have David casually being heard in the background munching on potato chips asking Gene for one of eFood Directs candy/granola bars.

That could inject some levity into the commercial. ;)

THAT is a great idea! :D

... you're onto something there.

if eFoods was sung by bill birnes as a song in the style of these guys [ note the great moog work ]:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/HZsL9E0D6wI&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/HZsL9E0D6wI&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

... oooo arrrrhh! might even buy some of their stuff moyself.
Hello David,

David Biedney said:
THAT is a great idea! :D


Which idea would that be, smacking me with the IRC Trout or your munchy sound effects in the background commercial of eFoods Direct. :p

A shameless plug, my personal blog site at "Atrayo's Oracle" is full of solution based abstract ideas of various industries. (link in my signature footer) Hopefully my other hobby on my blog site of my own written spiritual wisdom quotes doesn't make you run in the opposite direction. :eek:

Glad you enjoy the idea.
Good thread. This is one of those topics that highly demonstrates how perspective rules opinion. In the end, the products that are being advertised are for the most part very beneficial and of good quality. I admit that it stimulated me to buy a berkey light, but I'll add that I consider it an investment that I've been very happy with. So, just another way of digesting it all.
... you're onto something there.

if eFoods was sung by bill birnes as a song in the style of these guys [ note the great moog work ]:

... oooo arrrrhh! might even buy some of their stuff moyself.

Mein gott ... Cheggers (Keith Chegwin ... now an internet mogul or something) ... AND The Wurzels !! (my parents saw the original incarnation with Adge Cutler on main vocals in the early 70s :D) ... on the same programme (Cheggers Plays Pop) ... fan-bloody-tastic :p

Damn ... I've got "I am a Cider Drinker" going through my head now ... damn you itsthenoise ... damn you :D

[p.s. for them that don't know, The Wurzels were a rather popular novelty singing group famous in the UK for taking popular songs, and sort of "wurzel-ing them up" ie take popular song, change the lyrics to include celebrated rural themes like driving combine harvesters and cider drinking and then sing them in a rather over the top southern rural (shropshire?) accent ... oo-arrr ... ooo-arrrrr :D.

pps Cheggers (Keith Chegwin) was a popular UK childrens TV presenter who in the early 1990s fell off the rails, got drunk a lot and then suddenly reappeared later on as an internet personailty of some sort. But this clip is from his golden years ... possibly early 80s???]
I'd like to point out that, according to experts, if the produce and other food trucks don't make it to grocery stores, we're three days from grocery stores being picked clean. The only departments still open for business will be floral and video.

The nature of this thing is that by the time you will have want to have ordered storable food, it will be too late. There's no reason you can't enjoy these dehydrated, storable foods now, not go to the store, save money on if you had, and just use it like you would your regular food!

And it's not crap! It's good food. Their coffee is really good. This was an account I went after for months, and was glad to get. People don't realize that it takes fourteen impressions before a brand name goes from "What's that?" to, "Uh, yeah, I've heard of that", to "Ok, that's a reputable brand" to , "I'd better get me some of that".

If you obviate the need to shop, and can afford to have the same exact food that you would buy at the store (not too hard, you just turn your shopping list into an order form), purchased as storable food, then you spent much less time at your local supermarket going over the vegetables and other food you want, getting quality food delivered to your house, store it, and use it as you need it, rotating food as it comes in from freshest to most recently used.

Also, what happens, if, God forbid, there's a contamination problem? We've seen it all over the news! Or a Nuclear railcar spills into a farmland area? Or a bad winter (or a faster-approaching freeze than usual; that's been in the news a lot over the last few years, too) ruins the food crop for an entire season? No worries, you don't buy food at the supermarket anymore, your supply is safe and sound and you can set your sights on other priorities, whatever you may feel those to be.

This type of shopping may be the future. I don't know. But with all that's going on in the world today, I sure think there's more to be gained than lost, and the only things you really have to lose are your paranoia, and your dependence on someone else to bring you your food.

I'll grant that Radio Roger may sound a bit alarmist, but most of the Revolution Radio stations he advertises on are patriot radio, as a previous poster said, survivalist radio, and whether you agree with the Constitution Party, the Green Party or whatever the John Birch Society is calling themselves this week, they do have a tendency to use scare tactics. I told him that they didn't need to do that here, but I guess with the financial crisis looming, he had a new angle he wanted to use in the approach and they tried it out on us. I for one, didn't fine it offensive.

With all of the threats in the world today, knowing you have one less thing to worry about seems to me to be a sensible course of action, one that I would most certainly follow could I afford it.

Roger's not a bad guy. In fact, he sponsored the show when almost no one else would. Cut him some slack--if it weren't for him, The Paracast would certainly be looking for its own table scraps.
... you're onto something there.

if eFoods was sung by bill birnes as a song in the style of these guys [ note the great moog work ]:

<object width="425" height="344">

<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/HZsL9E0D6wI&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></object>

... oooo arrrrhh! might even buy some of their stuff moyself.

This is, no doubt, an homage to Worzel Gummidge, with Jon Pertwee, right?

<object width="425" height="344">

<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/LiP0j-LHv88&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></object>

I personally remember him with great fondness as the third Doctor, but for many people (particularly non-Americans), that grew up watching him on TV, this comes in a close second.
This is, no doubt, an homage to Worzel Gummidge, with Jon Pertwee, right?

I personally remember him with great fondness as the third Doctor, but for many people (particularly non-Americans), that grew up watching him on TV, this comes in a close second.

Noooo ... I nominate Worzel Gummidge as the creepiest kids tv programme ever (and also THE most depressing - you get two for one with WG).

As for the Wurzels, I don't think they were ever linked to Worzel Gummidge but you never know.

In this strange universe we live in, there's a one armed farmer in Switzerland who apparently has a mystical beard, and a rather blown up small country doctor in America can "vector" in alien space ships for a vast amount of money ... so you never know :D

[oh and the Wurzels I think come from the Somerset area of Southern England, and not Shropshire as I think I mentioned ... oo-arr oo-arrr eyy ooo-arrr ooo-arrr eyyyy :D]
I was always intrigued by Wurzel's Jeffrey Dahmer-like stash of heads. He could replace them at will whenever he changed 'career'!
I wonder if he had a 'ufologist' head?

(I saw Jon Pertwee AS WURZEL at the Liverpool Garden Festival back in '84. Poor bugger had been hired to wander the festival dressed as the great scarecrow. Trouble was, it was a boiling hot summer. One carelessly tossed cigarette and he would've needed more than the Crowman's help. Poor Mr Pertwee was wandering about being ignored by most people. I was too scared to approach him because,

a) He was really tall

b) To me he was still Dr Who and it was sad to see him dressed like a tramp - it looked as if the doctor had lost his mind.

Happy days!
I really think you're making too much of a deal about this. If you don't like the message, or the product, don't buy it. Period.

The thing about spots is that you can always skip through them and listen to the content you want to hear. We always hope that maybe you'll find a message for something that does appeal to you.

I'll second that suggestion. These are necessary for revenue. You don't hold an annoying "Sale-A-Thon" car ad against your favorite show - during which it airs. Do you?

Actually, storing "survival" essentials has been a normal, rational, common-place thing for a family to do for a very long time. It is only recently that this fell out of practice (probably sometime after the Great Depression). Back then, it was merely a prudent security against a very rainy day. In the late 50's, it mutated into the doomsday survivalist phenomena that many people associate it with today.

I have a family and live in a very rural area up on a mountain on lots of land. You can bet that I have a decent store of food, wood, tools, weapons, some fuel, and field guides. You never know. One huge storm could plunge me into not having electricity or phone for weeks. I'd be fine for quite awhile with the wood stoves, my spring-fed well, and the stores of stuff I keep. That lets me sleep more peacefully at night.
Personally, the inclusion of ad's on within the show dont bother me. Ultimately, if they help to ensure continuation of The Paracast and this site, im all for it! - The other way I guess would be a subscription only service.

If you like the ads, great.... perhaps you can use the companies services. If you dont like it, filter it out or FF> through it :)
Mein gott ... Cheggers (Keith Chegwin ... now an internet mogul or something) ... AND The Wurzels !! (my parents saw the original incarnation with Adge Cutler on main vocals in the early 70s :D) ... on the same programme (Cheggers Plays Pop) ... fan-bloody-tastic :p

Damn ... I've got "I am a Cider Drinker" going through my head now ... damn you itsthenoise ... damn you :D

[p.s. for them that don't know, The Wurzels were a rather popular novelty singing group famous in the UK for taking popular songs, and sort of "wurzel-ing them up" ie take popular song, change the lyrics to include celebrated rural themes like driving combine harvesters and cider drinking and then sing them in a rather over the top southern rural (shropshire?) accent ... oo-arrr ... ooo-arrrrr :D.

pps Cheggers (Keith Chegwin) was a popular UK childrens TV presenter who in the early 1990s fell off the rails, got drunk a lot and then suddenly reappeared later on as an internet personailty of some sort. But this clip is from his golden years ... possibly early 80s???]

Keith Chegwin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Cheggers does a fair amount of work with Moyles at BBC Radio 1 and at their events - quizzes and such.

As for the Wurzels' accent, it is so cool to hear a proper Somerset accent - I've often told my friends that this is why Pirates in the movies talk the way they do/did - because so many of them CAME from south-western England - all the ports there, hence the Yarrs, and all that great stuff. Yarr!