I'd like to point out that, according to experts, if the produce and other food trucks don't make it to grocery stores, we're three days from grocery stores being picked clean. The only departments still open for business will be floral and video.
The nature of this thing is that by the time you will have want to have ordered storable food, it will be too late. There's no reason you can't enjoy these dehydrated, storable foods now, not go to the store, save money on if you had, and just use it like you would your regular food!
And it's not crap! It's good food. Their coffee is really good. This was an account I went after for months, and was glad to get. People don't realize that it takes fourteen impressions before a brand name goes from "What's that?" to, "Uh, yeah, I've heard of that", to "Ok, that's a reputable brand" to , "I'd better get me some of that".
If you obviate the need to shop, and can afford to have the same exact food that you would buy at the store (not too hard, you just turn your shopping list into an order form), purchased as storable food, then you spent much less time at your local supermarket going over the vegetables and other food you want, getting quality food delivered to your house, store it, and use it as you need it, rotating food as it comes in from freshest to most recently used.
Also, what happens, if, God forbid, there's a contamination problem? We've seen it all over the news! Or a Nuclear railcar spills into a farmland area? Or a bad winter (or a faster-approaching freeze than usual; that's been in the news a lot over the last few years, too) ruins the food crop for an entire season? No worries, you don't buy food at the supermarket anymore, your supply is safe and sound and you can set your sights on other priorities, whatever you may feel those to be.
This type of shopping may be the future. I don't know. But with all that's going on in the world today, I sure think there's more to be gained than lost, and the only things you really have to lose are your paranoia, and your dependence on someone else to bring you your food.
I'll grant that Radio Roger may sound a bit alarmist, but most of the Revolution Radio stations he advertises on are patriot radio, as a previous poster said, survivalist radio, and whether you agree with the Constitution Party, the Green Party or whatever the John Birch Society is calling themselves this week, they do have a tendency to use scare tactics. I told him that they didn't need to do that here, but I guess with the financial crisis looming, he had a new angle he wanted to use in the approach and they tried it out on us. I for one, didn't fine it offensive.
With all of the threats in the world today, knowing you have one less thing to worry about seems to me to be a sensible course of action, one that I would most certainly follow could I afford it.
Roger's not a bad guy. In fact, he sponsored the show when almost no one else would. Cut him some slack--if it weren't for him, The Paracast would certainly be looking for its own table scraps.