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New mummy hoax: look who is involved!

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Its now up to 5 mummies. .NO dig info! NO info on who found them where when or how they were found! the mummies have NO trail whatsoever. . The exam is being done by the SAME team who did the roswell slides..it looks like a duck quacks like a duck.. its a duck..

Sent from my SCH-I435 using Tapatalk
To any who even think this deserves a chance..
1 where were the mummies found?
2. Who found them?
3. Where are the dig records?
4. How did the mummies end up with J.M?

Sent from my SCH-I435 using Tapatalk

Although I am not someone who thinks this deserves a chance, I would like to answer your questions:

1 where were the mummies found?

Found might be the wrong word: the Mummies were looted from Peru (the exact location is unknown even to the Government of Peru ((which represents the people of Peru)))

2. Who found them?

Grave Robbers

3. Where are the dig records?

Grave robbers don't keep records (because they could be used as 'evidence' against them.)

4. How did the mummies end up with J.M?

Because he can deliver $$$$$$ by promoting them using his media machine.

Also I don't think it is just a case of the Mummies being 'found' rather that they were 'constructed' probably with J.M in mind, if not at his behest.

If they are legit, then they should be handed over to real experts, along with all of the relevant information (such as where they were actually found) and a proper investigation done, including preserving and protecting the burial site.

Anyone supporting this is indirectly supporting the plundering and destruction of our shared history, anything of use that could be learned about these peoples is lost when a site is plundered. If you are genuinely interested in an explanation as to why the people of this area has 'extraordinarily' shaped heads etc, then we need as much of the information preserved and recorded as is possible.

So in other words despite my best attempts, I am not going to just stand by and watch, I am going to say what I think.

Which is shame on J.M and CO.

P.S people have been talking about 'if it sounds like a duck' etc:

What if I said:

If J.M told you it was a duck, would you believe him? even if he gave you his word, that to him it looked like a duck?????????

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Thankfully J.M is only 1/100 successful attempts a tricking me, which however much it shames me now was 'Rods' (which turned out to be due to Interlacing of video frames :oops: ) But hey ho, at least I learned something about Cameras :)
Although I am not someone who thinks this deserves a chance, I would like to answer your questions:

1 where were the mummies found?

Found might be the wrong word: the Mummies were looted from Peru (the exact location is unknown even to the Government of Peru ((which represents the people of Peru)))

2. Who found them?

Grave Robbers

3. Where are the dig records?

Grave robbers don't keep records (because they could be used as 'evidence' against them.)

4. How did the mummies end up with J.M?

Because he can deliver $$$$$$ by promoting them using his media machine.

Also I don't think it is just a case of the Mummies being 'found' rather that they were 'constructed' probably with J.M in mind, if not at his behest.

If they are legit, then they should be handed over to real experts, along with all of the relevant information (such as where they were actually found) and a proper investigation done, including preserving and protecting the burial site.

Anyone supporting this is indirectly supporting the plundering and destruction of our shared history, anything of use that could be learned about these peoples is lost when a site is plundered. If you are genuinely interested in an explanation as to why the people of this area has 'extraordinarily' shaped heads etc, then we need as much of the information preserved and recorded as is possible.

So in other words despite my best attempts, I am not going to just stand by and watch, I am going to say what I think.

Which is shame on J.M and CO.

P.S people have been talking about 'if it sounds like a duck' etc:

What if I said:

If J.M told you it was a duck, would you believe him? even if he gave you his word, that to him it looked like a duck?????????

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Thankfully J.M is only 1/100 successful attempts a tricking me, which however much it shames me now was 'Rods' (which turned out to be due to Interlacing of video frames :oops: ) But hey ho, at least I learned something about Cameras :)
I want to thank you for your well worded response . What to say except that you are 1000% correct.

Sent from my SCH-I435 using Tapatalk
So I went searching the internets to see if there was an update. As of July 2017, Maussan and Gaia TV were no longer involved, and the project had been taken over by Thierry Jamin, who appears to have established a French language website, www.the-alien-project.com. Jamin has commented that "Mario" is requesting money for the mummies. I've seen amounts anywhere from $60k to $500k floating around foreign language websites using google translate.
There has been a DNA test and the lab was able to determine that the brain material was 100% match for homo sapiens. The material taken from the hand was determined to be a 99% match to homo sapiens, with the lab finding the remaining 1% was damaged DNA. I was able to obtain a copy of report and most of it's in English, though there are some Spanish and French bits. I've uploaded it here so y'all can see it for yourselves. The report was obtained here.


If they dropped Jaime they must have a better offer?

or the are giving up and going to try again..............................
Well, never say never and all that, but I think they might have squeezed all the cash out of this sordid little mess that it was good for. I only hope the mutilated remains get a decent burial.
If they dropped Jaime they must have a better offer?
or the are giving up and going to try again..............................

According to @Red's post above, the research is now being led by Thierry Jamin, the French archaeologist I referred to earlier in this thread. Red wrote:

"Maussan and Gaia TV were no longer involved, and the project had been taken over by Thierry Jamin, who appears to have established a French language website, www.the-alien-project.com."
yikes it's that bad:

Please refer to mr Jamins own website:
Hint: the Peruvian authorities are 'aware' of his activities.
Han, if you read French you could be a great resource for this discussion. Please tell us what you've been able to nail down from Jamin's website. My impression has been that Jamin and some Peruvian researchers have together founded a research institute named Inkari, and that this group is not in trouble with Peruvian governmental 'authorities'.
"To appease the controversies Thierry Jamin decided in July 2013 to drop the charges for slander he launched a few months earlier against David Ugarte Vega Centeno, Fernando Astete Victoria and Piedad Champi Monterroso."

New attack against Thierry Jamin : He would not have any degree ! - MAPI 2015

Did you read the whole text you linked? I think you're misrepresenting Jamin and the Inkari group and other archaeologists, in South America and in France, who support the Inkari project at Machu Picchu.

Re Jamin 'not having any degree', I'm fairly certain that I read earlier this summer that he has one or more master's degrees from French universities. Not having a doctorate [if that's still the case] does not mean he is not capable of doing significant research.

Also, if you read in the text you've linked the quoted statements of several Peruvian bureaucrats slandering Jamin, you should not be surprised if he returned the slander.

You do seem, Han, to become extremely exercised over the entire subject of deep archaeological research into earth's prehistory and in favor of keeping ancient monuments, caves, and burial grounds closed to academic exploration and scholarship. Not everyone who seeks to discover the nature of life and culture in our prehistory is a 'grave-robber'.

ps, many of the quoted statements that are key to understanding what's gone on in archaeological circles in Peru in recent years are cut off mid-sentence; all the more reason why we need to read closely and seek further details.
I was doing some more reading, I've found an article that needs be sent through translate (some more scientific analysis by real scientists), but as I am going to see the eclipse tomorrow, that can wait at least a few more days.
I may have overstated that Gaia TV and Maussan were no longer involved. Jamin may have just parted ways with Maussan and his circus, but again, I'll delve into this more later this week to see if I can't obtain clarification.

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