We have to be careful about giving credit where credit is or isn't due. Its enough for the military and the government to
suggest that they have all this tech or all theses programmes without actually doing any of this stuff. An official trades on trust. With the US Defence , this has back fired so many times even their counter intel and disinformation can be used against them. Sometimes its just not that complicated and its enough to unsettle, muddy the waters and make people fear you. The results although look negative still install the idea of fear thus creating an even bigger control mechanism. Snowden's leaks about the NSA and CIA data mining and surveillance operation both on the public and high level people were still ultimately leaked by a low level US "clerk". Does no one think this is a little too cataclysmic, that such a small cog in the wheel can cause so much fall out and disruption? If such information was readily available and easily leaked or about to be leaked, you instigate a programme of control of that inevitale info drop i.e. you "massage it" leaking it yourself through a controllable source, adding more information, barium meals and seed data or you destroy or sully the real source if you can or cannot get to him/her and the possibility of martyrdom is removed.
If "they" are collecting so much data, what good is it? Maybe the idea of collecting and using it is greater than the practical nature of such an endeavour. There's this idea that if you store detailed enough data you are able to virtually time travel through this meta data when at first none of it meant anything, The other idea is because there is so much of it it, it becomes useless so you need to create sophisticated data mining programmes based on key words or phrases, known associates and pseudonyms etc.. Again useless as real criminals, spys and terrorists do not send each other emails saying "hey doing that bombing later?" , "yeah for sure". So instead you use it to collect personal meta data that you can use to effect the physical world, bank account numbers, passwords, phone numbers etc.. pretty much what internet phishers do, so the threat doesn't isnt about the nefarious people like terrorists in society but the threat seems to be society itself.
The real questions that people forget to ask themselves are the simple ones. What do "they" fear about ordinary citizens? Why would they target differently UFO sites or conspiracy sites separately from general data mined social media and mass main stream sites?
The counter intelligence and spy craft that was once used clandestinely has since the 40s been used now on the general public and its own people. We have to be up to speed with these things and tactics particularly if you are interested in UFOS.
How can we counteract this?
particularly watch the episode Hammer into Anvil