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Oct 19 - Siani: Break-out paranormal star of 2008

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Thats a good point:

David, do you remember the entire trip? (or did you - I realise it as a while ago). Like do you remember passing landmarks or small towns on the way?
Thats a good point:

David, do you remember the entire trip? (or did you - I realise it as a while ago). Like do you remember passing landmarks or small towns on the way?

It was I-95, at night, so I can't say that there were major landmarks that I was noticing. As we said, we were deeply immersed in conversation, and I was not paying attention to anything besides keeping us on the road and talking with Jaime.

The only other theory i have is that the time was earlier than seven. The clock siad seven David do clocks go forward when your around, do you you effect them like that. eg backwards or forwards i really just trying to understand, i dont doubt the story.

that was my first thought, was that the display on the car clock was faulty , that the time displayed at the start of the journey was wrong, but was correct at the time of arrival.
some clocks use those 7 bars so an 8 can become a 0 if the middle one is bad, or a 7 can become a 1 of the top one goes off.

just my first impression.

i enjoyed the show and all the guests
Hi Siani,

Thanks for sharing your experiences on this weeks show. I was especially intrigued with your account of the red light seen over some houses. And it's apparent splitting apart. Sometime later whilst looking at Scott Corrales site:


I came across the recent very similar account by "Daniel Sanchez Rosales" of a very similar object which he managed to capture on video.

I was just curious to ask if the craft he filmed in the following link was anything like the one you saw.

The splitting apart event occurs at about 2mins 10 I think.

If your interested in reading his account, it's on the October 13th entry over on Scott's site.


I have to say I enjoyed this show immensely. Siani's stories were quite interesting. I found David's story even more facinating as I have previously posted two gained time experiences of my own on the paracast site and, like David, was very bothered by the incidences. To this day I look for an explaination but find none satisfactory. I have searched the net for similar experiences and have only found a few postings and they involved multiply people in vehicles (families, if my memory serves me). I know exactly how David and his friend felt. Disturbing to say the least.
Really great show and Siani's account of the red light splitting apart is somewhat similar to an experience I had a few years ago. I may write more about it in the Personal Experiences forum but to be brief I had saw what appeared to me to be a gigantic reddish bird flying outside of my workplace at the time. I worked near and small airport and thought it was some sort of glider or something like that but after staring for a while I could make out a flapping motion. I was smoking a cigarette at the time and I was frozen with fear I guess when I realized it was something I've never seen and the cigarette burned down to my fingers. I dropped it and when I looked back up there were two of them. It had apparently split apart and then the two were circling each other. I continued watching the objects for maybe 10 minutes and I looked away again and when I looked back they had reformed. Suffice it to say it was pretty strange.
I enjoyed this episode.

It was nice to listen to both stories and take a break from the hectic people in the paranormal field.
Hi Siani,

Thanks for sharing your experiences on this weeks show. I was especially intrigued with your account of the red light seen over some houses. And it's apparent splitting apart. Sometime later whilst looking at Scott Corrales site:


I came across the recent very similar account by "Daniel Sanchez Rosales" of a very similar object which he managed to capture on video.

I was just curious to ask if the craft he filmed in the following link was anything like the one you saw.

The splitting apart event occurs at about 2mins 10 I think.

If your interested in reading his account, it's on the October 13th entry over on Scott's site.



Interesting clip - thanks for posting. However, what I saw bore no resemblance to this. I saw it on a winter evening, when it was more or less dark. Rather than any kind of distinct craft, I saw a large, round red light, which closely resembled the colour of a TV's standby light. It looked a lot like a cell dividing into two, although some kind of second light may have turned on and created the illusion of splitting. It looked very odd - never seen anything like that before or since - thankfully.
I actually stopped wearing wristwatches over ten years ago. Personally I thought that the batteries just kept dying on me, and I thought 'well, something about me is just draining these batteries.'

However, as time went on It began to seem less and less like a battery problem, and more like I was just gaining a few minutes here and there, and my watch wasn't keeping up. I'd put on a new watch one day and the next day it would be behind by anywhere between an hour to two hours. Only once did it actually stop completely that I remember.

This wouldn't have seemed all that odd to me, but that same day I had also had a brief out of body experience. I say breif, because It didn't seem like any time had gone by when I came back. I was just standing in the same hallway, and the same people were still relatively close by, but the experience was as such that milliseconds could have passed or days, the sense of time went right out the window.

Later on I saw that my watch was broken, and when I got home that day I tried replacing the battery. No luck. It was just broken. Shortly after that I gave up on watches. They just don't work for me, for whatever reason.

I'll go listen to the show now to see if this is something similar to what David is talking about.


As a side note, I'll say that I have no problem with cell phones keeping time, but my understanding of that is that there is a feedback loop supporting that through the network.
The only feedback loop that exists with a wristwatch, however is between the watch and the wearer. Just an interesting fact to think on there.
Hey great show, Siani! That story about your 'friend' knocking on your door in the middle of the night with old boots on, musta been FRIGHTENING! Did you tell your friend about that? What did she say?

On the red light that split issue, could it have been a single object with two lights? If the object were traveling in front of you from left to right, for example, and then turned either toward you or away from you, this could have exposed a second light on the side of the object away from you that you could not see at first.

Just an idea that doesn't work if they hovered about each other. Seems like they were pretty big lights if they were thumbnail sized.
I really want to hear more about the watches David. That is super fascinating (and cool, IMO).

You said your assistant ran an experiment once? How did the results turn out?
Distance between New York - Boston is 190 miles as the crow flies.
So two hours is possible if you are cruising at 90-100 miles an hour.

Perhaps during the intense conversation you were paying less concentration on the normal route and somehow wound up on a short cut.
Or maybe that and either during the arousing conversation - you subconsciously squeezed more pressure on the gas pedal.

My right foot get's heavier when I am listening to stimulating music.

The distance quoted is city to city - Perhaps this is less if you were out in the suburbs?

A few more Q's
What mileage did you record? - Did you log this for business purposes, rental car use?
What type of Car was it - Engine Capacity etc?

While I certainly understand your points, please understand that I DO NOT speed, EVER. I'm one of those drivers that does 55 mph, and I have to stick to the right lane to not drive people behind me crazy. I've driven from Boston to New York more than a couple of times - always I-95, never a different route. The drive normally takes just around 4 hours. It took us around 2 hours. I wasn't speeding, and we drove on I-95.
