I just finished listening to this archived show and I looked back to find a post about it. I had a very similar experience to David & Jamie's with a friend last year. My friend and I regularly discussed the same type topics of the "nature of reality", paranormal issues, etc.. Over the years, I have done many "experiments" with meditation, visuals, etc, to try and change my perception of "time" to see if I could actually influence it in some ways. I never really had any results worth mentioning aside from an occasional "well, that's odd". I need to mention that my friend can see auras and has since a child. She used to have a lot of siezures and it could have possibly resulted from that.
Now, this trip we took is one that I have driven dozens of times. It takes 4-4.5 hours every time. I, like David, drive the speed limit and my vehicle isn't capable of going a high rate of speed anyway. We discussed our normal topic of reality & paranormal stuff the entire trip. On the drive home, I do this thing that is one of my experiments in which I imagine surrounding myself in a bubble and that bubble is then removed from space/time as we know it, allowing me to travel faster and get home earlier. I do this most everywhere I go but, again, no major results. We get on the road for the return trip and we had a few minutes of silence as she was looking out the window in the passenger side and I was driving, so I took a deep breath and envisioned my time bubble around us. Since I had an extra passenger, I decided to mentally "push" it out further for 2 people. At the moment I did this, she says "woah..what was that?" (she is still looking out the window) and I said "what?" thinking she had seen an animal, sign,etc. She says "you know those green matrix falling letter things? well I just saw them falling all around us!" I couldn't speak for a few minutes just thinking about what she saw. Remember, she can see auras! I then told her what I did as I had never mentioned that in our conversations for just such reasons so that I can feel more validated about it. We discuss that on the rest of the trip and how weird it was she could see what I did but more importantly, it was validation that my mental and visual process ACTUALLY did something that I was never aware of because I couldn't see any changes around me. She apparently saw my aura expand out to encompass us as a result of what I did.
Now..we get home after this long discussion to see that we made the trip 1.5 hours early!!! We were just weirded out but assumed that my "experiment" finally yielded results. No way to cut off 1.5 hours the way I drive..not possible. I would have had to driven faster than my vehicle will even allow.
A second incident happened about 6 months ago as I was leaving my office one day. When pulling onto the highway, to my left is a small rise/hill which I make sure nothing is coming over and then as it goes by to the right, it is a long stretch of road about a 1/2 mile to a curve that goes out of sight. I'm sitting there about to pull out and a small blue S-10 truck comes over the rise and passes me with nothing behind it. I watch it go by and follow with my eyes checking to see if anything is coming from the opposite direction. It is not, so I pull out. About the time I get my front bumper into the road, a quick peripheral view makes me slam the brakes as I then watch the exact same S-10 truck go by and I immediately turn right to see nothing down that 1/2 mile road execpt the "2nd" S-10 that just went by. I was freaked.
Since that time, I have had so many unusual experiences I cannot count them. I am actually MANIFESTING things from thought. I got my theories on why but I dunno. As a background, yes , I have always been interested in paranormal type things.