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Oct 19 - Siani: Break-out paranormal star of 2008

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stopping watches

I think David's ability to stop watches would qualify for the Randi million dollar challenge. Even if you don't end up scoring the cash, don't you think it would be interesting to try?

Follow up thought - why not have Phil Plait on the show? He's now president of the JREF.

I'll consider bringing my former assistant, Nathan Moody, on the show to talk about stopping watches. I'll also ask my ex-wife to consider coming on and discuss her experiences with me regarding this topic. Otherwise, I will decline to talk about it any further.

stopping watches

I think David's ability to stop watches would qualify for the Randi million dollar challenge. Even if you don't end up scoring the cash, don't you think it would be interesting to try?

Follow up thought - why not have Phil Plait on the show? He's now president of the JREF.

The JREF are no different than the people offering classes on how to be a model citizen for the Galactic Federation. They both share the same delusional qualities as one another, the only difference is that they are completely static in their belief systems and will not be swayed either way. One is stuck on Yes, the other is stuck on No. They religiously defend their positions no matter how ridiculous their arguements are, Thus making their whole existence irrelevant. They are no different from any religious dogma that exists today.

If you have ever had any interactions with James you will realize that he is the Steven Greer of the professional skeptics society. Its like having an arguement with a wall.

High strangeness isn't something you can put in a box or under a microscope, it doesn't have a pulse that can be measured and counted. but it certainly seems to enjoy and realish in the confusion and horror it sometimes causes in each of us. It certainly won't get you a million dollars from James randi. Could you imagine if he had to pay it? Everything he stood for his entire life would be a lie. He would be a laughing stock and his foundation would disband. He is a skeptic in order to serve himself, not science.

I've kinda put myself out there in a few of my posts, and quite frankly I regret it. maybe I should start a podcast and get a few things off my chest. Believe me, with my big fat mouth things could get real interesting. :D
Thanks, GSB. Haven't listened to it yet - I hate the sound of my own voice, LOL. Looking forward to hearing what David and his friend have to say.

It's really good!

Your voice is beautiful, I love your accent. I'm a sucker for a Wales accent. I didn't think you sounded nervous at all.

You did great. I appreciated your skepticism and your forthrightness at the same time.

If only more guests shared those qualities....
I believe David's story. A lot of you are going to slam me for this, but as for Siani, I am not so sure I believe. A lot of jumping around and a lot of experiences happening. Also, I heard a lot of spit-fire "It couldn't have been something mundane such as a prankster." Why not? Every bizarre experience does not have to be paranormal in nature.

And break-out paranormal star? Please spare me. I will listen again, but I am not buying it.
I believe David's story. A lot of you are going to slam me for this, but as for Siani, I am not so sure I believe. A lot of jumping around and a lot of experiences happening. Also, I heard a lot of spit-fire "It couldn't have been something mundane such as a prankster." Why not? Every bizarre experience does not have to be paranormal in nature.

And break-out paranormal star? Please spare me. I will listen again, but I am not buying it.

You're very welcome to believe what you like. I honestly related events as I experienced/perceived them. One person's subjective reality may not be the next person's, so I understand that it may be hard to believe something you haven't personally experienced. Whether you're convinced or not is entirely your prerogative. At the end of the day, I'm not selling anything, I'm not a professional paranormal writer/researcher, etc, my livelihood doesn't depend on you or anyone else believing what I say, and I actually have far more to lose than gain by talking publicly about such experiences. So, as I said, believe what you please - it's your right. If, however, you're looking for an argument (and I suspect you may be, judging by your tone), sorry, but life's too short, and I'm too chilled for fighting ;).
And break-out paranormal star? Please spare me. I will listen again, but I am not buying it.

Im curious, what do you think I meant by that? That Siani is going to be interviewed on E and be nominated at next years paranormal oscars?

It was a fun little joke to indicate that I thought Siani did a good job on the Paracast. I really dont understand how you could see it as anything else.
A lot of you are going to slam me for this, but as for Siani, I am not so sure I believe.

On the paracast (and its associated forum), i think the general rules are that nobody gets slammed for voicing an opinion. What they get slammed for is by attacking others who have shared their experiences by using language, and tone that is aggresive and overly confrontational which i think to a certain extent you did here.
If people a voicing their experiences, and you don't believe them I think its fine to say that, as long as its done in a polite manner. If they are also trying to make money from their experiences, and they are blatantly BS i think its also ok to give them a little bit of a bashing.

You could have phrased the whole post a little more politely, whether Siani was 'lying' or not, I bet you have told some non-truths in your life aswell. Perhaps her telling of the experiences wasn't an oscar winning performance, but remember its probably the first time she has ever spoken on the radio.
I don't think Siani was lying, but i do believe that there are perhaps non-paranormal explanations for some of her experiences, but either way i commend her for going on Radio to talk about it.

I think it was a good idea to have one of the forumers on the show, altyhough I wouldnt want it done too much, because i would expect due to the subject matter, you would find lots of randoms suddenly joining the forums and telling us how they slayed an alien, just so they could get on the radio. ::)
Yep, it's the first radio interview I've ever done.

So I'm not getting an Oscar? Damn. Catherine Zeta Jones gets to keep her crown as Swansea's only Oscar winner...
Yep, it's the first radio interview I've ever done.

So I'm not getting an Oscar? Damn. Catherine Zeta Jones gets to keep her crown as Swansea's only Oscar winner...

Im curious how dolph would explain your 'spinning entity' story as pranksters. I eagerly await that explanation actually:D
I believe David's story. A lot of you are going to slam me for this, but as for Siani, I am not so sure I believe. A lot of jumping around and a lot of experiences happening. Also, I heard a lot of spit-fire "It couldn't have been something mundane such as a prankster." Why not? Every bizarre experience does not have to be paranormal in nature.

And break-out paranormal star? Please spare me. I will listen again, but I am not buying it.

Ok just to get this out of the way first, i dont take sides, i rather stay out of conflict, where i dont know the person personally.

You siad you dont know if you believe. ok give reasons why you think that? your post is vague. When you attack a persons story you should elaborate more on your ideas.

Plus Gareth formerly known as GSB LOL only messing made a thread that
just meant to be a bit of fun ,dont be so uptight, friend?
Im curious how dolph would explain your 'spinning entity' story as pranksters. I eagerly await that explanation actually:D

Actually, I think she made it up. What does she have to gain? Oh, I don't know popularity. The love of her message board friends, attention, and more I haven't thought of.

She offers no evidence whatsoever, and no witnesses. David's story at least had one witness.

I just don't believe her. You do, so our opinions differ. That is fine.

I do, however thank her for sharing. Even if I personally do not believe. My beliefs should not invalidate anyone else's.

I do however, believe I should be allowed to express them.
She offers no evidence whatsoever, and no witnesses. David's story at least had one witness.

And while I respect your right to voice an opinion, it's just the reason why I will not be likely to share any of my experiences that lack a corroborating witness. Who needs this kind of grief? I don't see any reason for Siani to lie about her claims, and her attitude is one of the primary reasons we invited her on the show, FWIW.

I think youre really over stating any supposed 'advantages' Siani may get from making something like this up and telling the story. For one, this is a message board that is less lovey dovey between members and really all about talking about strange things and related subjects. I agree she has got some attention out of it.

I guess Im usually pretty intuitive when it comes to sensing whether someone is bullshitting or not. Granted psychotic people are good liar, but I really really dont think thats the case here.

If Siani was truly doing it for the attention Im sure she could have come up with a better story that involved an abduction with messages and future warnings. Why bother with such a fleeting story? Theres just not enough to it to endure any kind of extended discussion. Siani doesnt know what it is, we dont know what it is. End of story really.

And great, now David is sure to never tell another story again. David I always got the impression that you dont care what people think of you. Why is it different in this sandbox?
hey guys, don't let my opinion get in the way of sharing experiences. Your opinions are as valid as mine (more valid to you:) in here and I love hearing different experiences!
Actually, I think she made it up. What does she have to gain? Oh, I don't know popularity. The love of her message board friends, attention, and more I haven't thought of.

She offers no evidence whatsoever, and no witnesses. David's story at least had one witness.

I just don't believe her. You do, so our opinions differ. That is fine.

I do, however thank her for sharing. Even if I personally do not believe. My beliefs should not invalidate anyone else's.

I do however, believe I should be allowed to express them.

Like I said earlier, believe or disbelieve what you like - it's no skin off my nose. I'm all for free speech, so would never disparage you for expressing your personal opinion. But I do sense a little hostility and bitterness in your tone, which I find a little puzzling, as I don't know you.

As for offering no evidence - how does one offer evidence of something so intangible and ephemeral? which departed as suddenly as it arrived? Was I supposed to have a video camera at my bedside, just in case something weird came calling? And if I had offered a corroborating witness, would that necessarily make my story more credible? Although corroborating witnesses are certainly useful, they can also be as honest or dishonest as the next person. Consider the Billy Meier conspiracy as an example. Ultimately, whether an event has a single or multiple witnesses, there's always the possibility of a hoax, misinterpretation, etc.

Consider this, though. If I was going to make up a story, wouldn't it be just a little bit more juicy, with bug-eyed bald guys, rectal probes, gynaecological procedures and hybrid babies? Along with the obligatory message of 'if you primitive fools don't stop polluting your planet, your heads will explode and so will your sun'? The only thing I was guilty of was maybe not clarifying events sufficiently. I was nervous, never having participated in anything like The Paracast before.

One thing I do take exception to - as much as I enjoy participating in the debates here, why should I be seeking attention and love in an online forum? That seems to imply that I'm some kind of saddo who doesn't interact in the real world, and tries to live their life solely through online interactions. If only! Life would probably be a lot simpler.

I'll conclude by saying disbelieve my account all you like, but please don't get personal. Especially as you don't know me. There's a big difference between disbelief and disrespect, and between paranormal debate and personal detraction.
As for offering no evidence - how does one offer evidence of something so intangible and ephemeral? which departed as suddenly as it arrived? Was I supposed to have a video camera at my bedside, just in case something weird came calling? And if I had offered a corroborating witness, would that necessarily make my story more credible? Although corroborating witnesses are certainly useful, they can also be as honest or dishonest as the next person. Consider the Billy Meier conspiracy as an example. Ultimately, whether an event has a single or multiple witnesses, there's always the possibility of a hoax, misinterpretation, etc.

I'll conclude by saying disbelieve my account all you like, but please don't get personal. Especially as you don't know me. There's a big difference between disbelief and disrespect, and between paranormal debate and personal detraction.

Ok look, collaborating witness will always give us more information to go on. As would evidence. Now, the more information we have on a topic or experience, the better we can evaluate if said topic/experience has weight.

So yes, having evidence or a witness would absolutely make your story more credible to me.

I don't know you personally so I am taking these accounts at face value with no evidence or witnesses.

Finally, this is not personal, I don't know you and don't believe you. I am sorry if that bothers you.
Ok look, collaborating witness will always give us more information to go on. As would evidence. Now, the more information we have on a topic or experience, the better we can evaluate if said topic/experience has weight.

So yes, having evidence or a witness would absolutely make your story more credible to me.

I don't know you personally so I am taking these accounts at face value with no evidence or witnesses.

Finally, this is not personal, I don't know you and don't believe you. I am sorry if that bothers you.

No problems dude, just write your thoughts in a more polite manner next time and everything will be fine. Using phrases like "spare me" might sound cool if you are playing the lead bad guy in a swords and sandals movie, but it doesnt sound constructive when making forum posts.