Actually, I think she made it up. What does she have to gain? Oh, I don't know popularity. The love of her message board friends, attention, and more I haven't thought of.
She offers no evidence whatsoever, and no witnesses. David's story at least had one witness.
I just don't believe her. You do, so our opinions differ. That is fine.
I do, however thank her for sharing. Even if I personally do not believe. My beliefs should not invalidate anyone else's.
I do however, believe I should be allowed to express them.
Like I said earlier, believe or disbelieve what you like - it's no skin off my nose. I'm all for free speech, so would never disparage you for expressing your personal opinion. But I do sense a little hostility and bitterness in your tone, which I find a little puzzling, as I don't know you.
As for offering no evidence - how does one offer evidence of something so intangible and ephemeral? which departed as suddenly as it arrived? Was I supposed to have a video camera at my bedside, just in case something weird came calling? And if I had offered a corroborating witness, would that necessarily make my story more credible? Although corroborating witnesses are certainly useful, they can also be as honest or dishonest as the next person. Consider the Billy Meier conspiracy as an example. Ultimately, whether an event has a single or multiple witnesses, there's always the possibility of a hoax, misinterpretation, etc.
Consider this, though. If I was going to make up a story, wouldn't it be just a little bit more juicy, with bug-eyed bald guys, rectal probes, gynaecological procedures and hybrid babies? Along with the obligatory message of 'if you primitive fools don't stop polluting your planet, your heads will explode and so will your sun'? The only thing I was guilty of was maybe not clarifying events sufficiently. I was nervous, never having participated in anything like The Paracast before.
One thing I do take exception to - as much as I enjoy participating in the debates here, why should I be seeking attention and love in an online forum? That seems to imply that I'm some kind of saddo who doesn't interact in the real world, and tries to live their life solely through online interactions. If only! Life would probably be a lot simpler.
I'll conclude by saying disbelieve my account all you like, but please don't get personal. Especially as you don't know me. There's a big difference between disbelief and disrespect, and between paranormal debate and personal detraction.