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October 10th, Anthony Sanchez

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In the words of "Bruce Wayne" in the 1960s "Batman" TV series, in response to a question from Robin, "There are some things." :)

But most of the Maxwell Grant stuff was generally attributed to Walter B. Gibson, who penned hundreds of those novels about "The Shadow." Remember, "The Shadow Knows." :)
As you recall, I ragged on him because he seemed to believe in Tim Beckley's "Commander X" character.

Well that is the thing. He seems to be saying in the second edition of the book that he already knew Commander X wasn't real at the time of that interview. It sure didn't sound that way to me on the show. It was clear he didn't know Commander X was a fake and was using him to validate other "data" or whatever. His standards of evidence seem to be quite loose to say the least.
A second edition mere months after the supposedly shelved first one alone says enough for me-I think he decided to run with it now, a spot on c2c (was he on there yet, btw ?)will rake in some change. Also, 'Commander X'..I mean, come on.. ;) I should write a book about the fabled 'Schwarzwald' incident.
He has as second book coming out now on something called Project Leonid. He was interviewed on Red Ice twice, the second being on Project Leonid. It isn't about the comet but rather about artificially intelligent nano-satellites and the NWO controlled Chinese military. I won't be putting out the $20 or whatever for that one.
Here's another odd thing and a good question if he returns. I went to the UFO Highway website and there are two glowing reviews from Amazon.com there. However, if you go over to Amazon to write a review yourself, you find that Amazon.com doesn't carry the book. What is up with that? Was it originally carried by amazon and now it isn't?
Here's another odd thing and a good question if he returns. I went to the UFO Highway website and there are two glowing reviews from Amazon.com there. However, if you go over to Amazon to write a review yourself, you find that Amazon.com doesn't carry the book. What is up with that? Was it originally carried by amazon and now it isn't?
When there was only the PDF version of the book available, they carried it. Now they don't. To me that's strange. Wouldn't he increase his sales by selling through more outlets?
When there was only the PDF version of the book available, they carried it. Now they don't. To me that's strange. Wouldn't he increase his sales by selling through more outlets?

Not if you are getting bad reviews I guess. There were two 1s, two 2s, one 3, and two 5 stars. I would give it 1 star if I were able to do so. The writing is cumbersome, the arguments poorly constructed, and the standards of evidence used abysmal. Information from alleged anonymous whistle blowers are presented as fact along with very dubious information mined from the Internet. I'm puzzled by what seems to be an effort to present the book as something that it absolutely isn't, a fresh and credible look at the Dulce mystery.
Norio's take on the same subjects seem a bit different.

Thanks for the video. I'm inclined to agree with Norio's take on the matter. Its also interesting that AFOSI promoted ET connections regarding Dulce to Paul Bennewitz. That looks like deliberate misdirection AWAY from the real truth. Plus, the very alien mythos helps to create a laughter curtain that could conceal what is really going on.
Thanks for the video. I'm inclined to agree with Norio's take on the matter. Its also interesting that AFOSI promoted ET connections regarding Dulce to Paul Bennewitz. That looks like deliberate misdirection AWAY from the real truth. Plus, the very alien mythos helps to create a laughter curtain that could conceal what is really going on.

It looks like we are on the same page.
Much of Sanchez's human origin business owes much to the discredited works of Z. Sitchin. Here is one of the most eye-opening presentations on the claims of Z. Sitchin I think you can see. I would love to hear Michael Heiser on the Paracast. So much in Ufoolgy today references these discredited works.

Another very dubious subject covered in the book is the whole Project Blue Beam hoax. I think Secret Sun did a super job exposing it here.
So, here's what I really want to know. Gene, Chris, bottom line, what do you ultimately think of Anthony's claims? I've listened to a few interviews with him and I find his story fascinating, I'm not sure if I could come up with a better work of fiction myself, but he seems to be falling down the proverbial rabbit hole...