Paranormally Disenchanted
And I must admit, I love the idea! I mean, isn't it so much more fun to be dealing with a possibility of a battle between demonic entities and interdimensional beings? I think so.
Well ...hell no it doesn't. No pun intended. I don't imagine it would be any fun dealing with any sort of freakish nightmare scenario like that. Nor is it anything I'd want my grandchildren having to deal with. I find the very idea that one cent of my tax money was ever spent entertaining such absolute inane horseshit that the C.E. came up with incredibly irritating and disconcerting to say the least. I'm reading The Family right now and fundamentalist religious insanity in high places is pretty evident and scarier than any straw-man alien threat I've seen yet. Pardon me being crude, but why in the hell would the AFOSI float this large turd Nick Redfern's way? To me this is the fundamental question that needs to be asked by the UFO community and the whole "origin" question and "disclosure" noise needs to be tabled. Why is the U.S. government actively involved in promoting "demonic UFO" stories and running unconstitutional psychological warfare operations on people like Bennewitz? I think the answer is something like this: The UFO community and related organizations are stages on which sock-puppets act out carefully crafted plays designed to mold opinion and control the perception of activities involving the development and weaponization of new technologies. I could be wrong of course but that is my tentative conclusion. That to me is frightening enough.