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October 10th, Anthony Sanchez

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I finally got around to listening to the last quarter of the interview. Outstanding work, Gene and Chris. You were probing and challenging without being rude or sarcastic. It may be unfair of me, but somehow I can't separate the outcome of the interview and this latest development. At any event, my prayers are with Mr. Sanchez.
Actually, I'm surprised nobody noticed that a 60 minutes/Mike Wallace approach was used for the interview. Oh well, first we're dogged for being too soft and then--when we throw hard, nobody notices or seems to care...Go figure...

Dude! You guys did a great job. It was very enjoyable. I think you did a great job of asking the right questions at the right time. I want you to go to the kitchen right now and get yourselves a cookie. Go ahead. You deserve it.

Maybe Mr. Sanchez got spooked. The fact that he abandons something he has put this much work into and gets out of research all together would seem to indicate a relationship between his "retirement" and the subject matter. Otherwise I would think it would be put "on hold" or whatever.

Now I'm going to have to go back and listen to the interview again.

B.T.W. The website is still up and going as of this morning.
Dude! You guys did a great job. It was very enjoyable. I think you did a great job of asking the right questions at the right time. I want you to go to the kitchen right now and get yourselves a cookie. Go ahead. You deserve it.

Maybe Mr. Sanchez got spooked. The fact that he abandons something he has put this much work into and gets out of research all together would seem to indicate a relationship between his "retirement" and the subject matter. Otherwise I would think it would be put "on hold" or whatever.

Now I'm going to have to go back and listen to the interview again.

B.T.W. The website is still up and going as of this morning.

It does seem that by taking the time to inform everyone he is quitting forever that the devastating loss he is dealing with is a loss of face. At least I hope that's all it is.

I think I'm going to have to listen to the episode now. From all accounts Chris and Gene did a great job on this one. I was afraid they were going to be softball on him.
"Embryonic nonsense" is now in my lexicon...I shall attempt to use this term in everyday conversation for the rest of the week. Awesome!

I agree... And I'm gonna do the same... Fits almost everywhere... Politics, entertainment, sports... It's sounds even better when you're not a native speaker... ;-)
OK, folks, here's the latest: Sanchez has reactivated his site and will have an ebook version of his book out soon. Talk about grandstanding!
I was going to write a reply pretty much mocking the interview (I have only 30 minutes left or so) but find the "I'm leaving" thing and to have his site back open really weird. Was he just embarrassed by the interview and overreacted? Is is because he says he hires military perssonnel and this interview caused an issue with that? He seems like a nice enough guy. Sounds like he got fed a bunch of disinfo. The aftermath is totally weird.
I think that is real story. Not aliens from other dimensions or planets. The real story is why are ex-government and present government sources floating these stories? To me this is becoming the real UFO enigma and the real question the UFO "community" should be asking itself.

Obviously, well it obvious to me paranormal stories are floated to gauge reactions from the public. And, what I would consider to be UFO disinformation, and everyone, with the click of the mouse can find this stuff on the Web, that so-called information does not come from Government sources, firstly and secondly in my opinion, any UFO information that has any truth to it would not be leaked for everyone to read.

When strange stories are floated by individuals, who claim to have a military background, and that individual is vocal that he/or she once worked for the American- Government on a classified program dealing in "Off-World Technologies"

I have an opinion, they're not being honest, Why, because the whole myth around such Projects depends fully, or the basis of this reality, is that crashed non-human vehicles most have crashed landed at Roswell and other places. I'm actually convinced at this stage Roswell never happened and that story has just got out of hand over the years.

I only woke up around an hour ago was very tired from work and had to do few things around the house, so excuse me If I am not answering your post correctly, I will continue.

Personally, for me the real story is that UFO's exist, it be pointless releasing false information, if no such reality existed, nobody would pay attention to it otherwise"!

So the real story, is that Aliens and creatures from other worlds do exist, and they are coming here from some place, that is only known to them, and the reason why we spent lot of our time on this forum is that we what answers, and collectively I think we all want answers to be honest, if we had knowledge and some insight to what UFOs were, the membership to all Paranormal forums on the internet would drop of almost immediately.

But your correct, there is a mystery to why stories like Dulce are told, and If I was to speculate.

I believe such stories are told to bolster an image, a that the United States has had technology for years, that is beyond any technology created by other nation on the planet, and ET is not a friend to Humanity, but a close friend to the United States, since they are the only ones receiving this advanced super technology.

It an Ego-Trip, some of you might agree with that, but as a person living outside the borders of the United States that would be my view or take on it as an outsider. Realistically the Planet has lot of land and lot of water and mysteriously all the technology that crashed only crashed landed on American soil. That makes zero sense, unless the technology crashing landing is of an Human design, and since the Objects are all falling out of the sky over America and nowhere else, the country who funded the making or the development of such technology was the United States. How real that second scenario is anyone's guess!

The big story, and the real story, and you hinted about it in another post at different thread. Why is there such silence coming from the UFO phenomenon itself, sixty years is a short-time span in regards to history, however that is enough time to do your thing, and reveal yourself, obviously there is cover-up of a type by the Alien themselves, and why if there is a number of intelligences coming here to the planet and all of those intelligences have no common history or allegiances, why the silence?

It begs the questions are we dealing with ALIENS!! from another World or something else entirely? Have we a higher creator or power say and we are part of something he created however long ago and those objects and the creatures that people see are manifesting to show us that he exists, it doesn't make lot of sense, if you look at it rationally, but either does the reality, that we have no communication on a grand scale (public awareness) were at least one intelligence from somewhere else outside the planet would make themselves known. Very strange, whatever why you look at it.

There is a whole-bunch of scenarios one could come up with, but which scenario is real is what I guess keeps us all interested.
"Embryonic nonsense" is now in my lexicon...I shall attempt to use this term in everyday conversation for the rest of the week. Awesome!

I'll play!

Run spot run said Sally. Run to Dick and Jane...Run Spot. Sally! Said Dick. Please stop with this Embryonic Nonsense! Your 75 years old! :-)
"Embryonic nonsense" is now in my lexicon...I shall attempt to use this term in everyday conversation for the rest of the week. Awesome!

Happy to be of service!

I agree... And I'm gonna do the same... Fits almost everywhere... Politics, entertainment, sports... It's sounds even better when you're not a native speaker... ;-)

Have fun!

I'll play!

Run spot run said Sally. Run to Dick and Jane...Run Spot. Sally! Said Dick. Please stop with this Embryonic Nonsense! Your 75 years old! :-)

Woo hoo! I've created a linguistic legacy!
...that so-called information does not come from Government sources, firstly and secondly in my opinion, any UFO information that has any truth to it would not be leaked for everyone to read.

I guess it depends on what you are looking at but, for the large part sources for key or core story points come from guys who are ex-military, ex-intelligence, or presently employed with them. And we are presently being treated to a wave of information/disinformation from AFOSI and ex-military sources.

I am coming around to the inclination to think that everything that is accepted as "knowledge" by some folks in the UFO community about greys, reptilians, nordics, and the other alleged alien races is pure and utter fiction generated by intelligence operators for the specific purpose of molding public perception to mask clandestine operations of a military nature. I suspect that is what the "UFO community" is and probably always has been.
...I am coming around to the inclination to think that everything that is accepted as "knowledge" by some folks in the UFO community about greys, reptilians, nordics, and the other alleged alien races is pure and utter fiction generated by intelligence operators for the specific purpose of molding public perception to mask clandestine operations of a military nature. I suspect that is what the "UFO community" is and probably always has been.
I agree --
it sounds like tricksterism run amok...

When they tell you to keep your eyes to the skies, immediately put your ear to the ground!
And when they tell you to put your ear to the ground, keep your eyes to the skies!
I do have a question regarding the area west of Dulce. Does anyone know the purpose of covering what looks to be about 1800 square miles with labyrinthine roads leading to clearings roughly 200 x 200 feet, each with a small structure? I know is not the alleged "base," but I'm just curious about this vast network and if anyone knows it's purpose.
I guess it depends on what you are looking at but, for the large part sources for key or core story points come from guys who are ex-military, ex-intelligence, or presently employed with them. And we are presently being treated to a wave of information/disinformation from AFOSI and ex-military sources.

I am coming around to the inclination to think that everything that is accepted as "knowledge" by some folks in the UFO community about greys, reptilians, nordics, and the other alleged alien races is pure and utter fiction generated by intelligence operators for the specific purpose of molding public perception to mask clandestine operations of a military nature. I suspect that is what the "UFO community" is and probably always has been.

I doubt everything is false. I can prove to a degree one my sightings actually happened, which is usual for this field.

I posted my sighting when i first joined the Forums here in 2008. I have documentation from a file released by the Irish Government, they had a file on the March 1993 UFO flap of Ireland, and the location of a number of sightings is actually were I lived growing up (which I can prove)

This year I only found out that my sighting was part of larger event, were sightings were experienced over UK bases in England and around certain small towns, it famously known as the Cosford incident and it is the case that Nick Pope says changed him from a disbeliever to a believer!!

This object a triangle (I never saw that) and other objects were seen coming across the Irish sea earlier and flew over Wales and the rest is history. What i saw that day in March was not from this Planet, I honestly do not know what I saw all I can do is describe what I saw to the best of my ability.

I believe 80 per cent of the stories about UFO's today are Rubbish, Accepted knowledge by some folks in the community may be just that fiction, I tend to agree with you.

I honestly do believe (Believe as in an opinion) some of these UFO's were perhaps build by number of cultures long long ago that have either perished or there numbers or getting smaller, and I actually believe the "Tuatha de Dannann" (Fairy people) and I change my opinion on this often, were humans who probably lived in India long long ago or in the Middle east somewhere, and that civilization of people destroyed themselves or something happened to them, they were very advanced and maybe the Vedic texts are indeed accurate, and a Nuclear conflict happened on the planet and the remaining members of the civilization went underground to avoid fallout, and the remaining members of this people stayed below ground for whatever reason and some left and over time forgot about that other crowd below ground?.

I have different theories, but this one kind of makes sense, there is a connection between the Celtic language and the Vedic old indic language. Words that are in both languages, have the same meaning which very unusual and the Gods they worshipped are the same.

Danu is the Tuatha God, this was the god of this people or tribe whoever they were really. The Danavas are decendants of the Danu and were enemies of the Vedic people, the war that took place involved those people fighting.There is lot of history about the Tuatha some of it reads like actual history that is why I personally give it lot of attention, not because these stories come from my area of the World. I Probably haven't answered your question, but I hope this helps your thinking?
This guy had the Colonel spilling secrets but didn't think to ask for the 11 herbs and spices. What a waste.

I almost felt sorry for him when his ufology memes of assumed greys, 'the powers that be' and so forth fell flat.
Yeah, with your ass pointed toward the sky... heh-heh

Given the ufonauts alleged proctological preoccupation that may not be the best posture to take. Ah-heh.

---------- Post added at 08:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:17 AM ----------

I doubt everything is false. I can prove to a degree one my sightings actually happened, which is usual for this field.

I'm not saying that and I'm not saying the phenomena does not exist. I'm saying what we are being led to believe about it is false. The information isn't coming from the phenomena its coming from people. People using the phenomena and the interest in it and the organizations formed to study it for their own purposes. The purpose of military/governmental involvement is to mask the development of weaponizable technologies. Some of these technologies may be related to the phenomena itself in some manner, most likely indirectly. In short, Ufology is a mind-f#$% laboratory for military intelligence. While real UFO phenomena undoubtedly exists what "Ufology" thinks it "knows" about aliens, ufo propulsion, their origins, and so forth is most likely a complete fabrication or so much so it needs to be dismissed as noise and a misdirection.
I was a little confused at the end of the interview, was he inferring that "Commander X" and "Colonel X" were the same person?

While at first I thought he sounded somewhat credible the whole thing flew out the window when as a supposed serious researcher he had never heard of Ray Palmer and the Shaver mysteries. Not to mention how he began revealing how the Colonel unveiled to him the same ol' stuff David Icke has been saying for years nearly verbatim.

Unless I fell asleep in there somewhere I don't remember him mentioning anything about "Nightmare Hall" or the whole "Dulce Raid" story, which seemed conspicuous by it's absence.

Anyway, this is my first post here and I just want to say I love the show and have been listening to the archives at work for a while now. Keep up the good work guys!