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If this tree makes fruit I don't want any,oh and I wouldn't sit against the trunk either.
Your state tax dollars hard at work.
Actually that one is quite sad when the reality sets in.
Reminds me of the Saudi Crimewatch TV program. "Two women are sought in connection with an armed had brown eyes, the other green...."
Well, at the very least I guess this counts as a funny anecdote . A couple of octobers back I hit the big five-oh and I wondered how long it would be until I started getting offered senior discounts. I gave myself at least five plus years because I do keep a trim figure and quite frankly have a youthful appearance( on the level of michael j. fox if he didn't have his affliction) well today march 9 2013 @ 1:34 pm at a local el pollo loco it happened. I got my very first UNSOLICITED senior discount. I noticed because the tab was less than the priced item before tax. All in all the discount came to about seventy five cents off the bill so I sort of guess it was worth the unintended slight. I didn't have the heart to ask what the age cut off was.
I'm chalking this up to being well intentioned but misguided at the same time.
I turned 47 today , and noticed my eyebrows are going grey.
At this rate i'm going to be doing a Gandalf impersonation very soon