@nameless - I once met Rowan Atkinson, Princes Charles, Harry and Billy too.
I was on a paid official duty, in uniform looking after the people who had paid for seats in the stands overlooking a polo match. Ah, the lives of the rich and famous.
Anyway, Prince Charles was very approachable, I saw him walking across a field with his two police bodyguards and I just walked up to him, hand outstretched saying 'Hi' - it's always been a point of principle to me that I would never use a royal title and I would never bow to anyone, never mind a prince. The thing is, he didn't mind and he stopped for a chat for a couple of minutes (he had been in the Navy too which gave us something in common to use for idle chat). A couple of minutes might not sound much but a lot can be said in 120seconds. I could tell his bodyguards considered me an annoyance but if Charlie thought so too, he did a great job of hiding it. My opinion of him as a man was far kinder after this.
Which brings me to Rowan Atkinson. He was polite etc but I got the feeling he'd rather not talk to a stranger. I would not want to be famous because of being recognised and approached etc. I felt sorry for Rowan in that perhaps he just wanted to have a day out in the sun and not be Blackadder of Mr Bean or the famous guy who played those parts but at the end of the day, he has always had a choice about staying in the public eye or not, whereas Prince Charles never had a choice, yet he handles being recognised and approached by strangers admirably and far better than Rowan Atkinson.
I'm not putting Rowan Atkinson down but it does give me pause for thought that those who seek fame are not always those who can actually put up with what fame entails, and yet there are those thrust into fame whether they like it or not who still manage to be amenable and positive.
It's no big deal, but when talking to Charles he swore and I've never thought that the Royals do not swear but it surprised me that he did it in front of me. I can only think he knew I probably have a more foul mouth than he does, being a sailor bad language is inescapable! (I had commented on his game of polo, the first match I'd ever seen and I can tell you those royals are really good at it. I said something positive about his match and he replied, 'Do you think so? I got a fucking bollocking from my coach!' - I was impressed
