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Official funny stuff

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I thought dogs liked to chase cats.

In these situations the dog is well aware of the double standard at play, The dog knows its not allowed to hurt the cat, its against the house rules.
It also knows the cat doesnt give a damn about house rules and will put the claw in as soon as it has a chance.

The dog is smart enough to know cats are evil and cant be trusted, and the cat is smart enough to know the dog cant do a thing about it :D
In these situations the dog is well aware of the double standard at play, The dog knows its not allowed to hurt the cat, its against the house rules.
It also knows the cat doesnt give a damn about house rules and will put the claw in as soon as it has a chance.

The dog is smart enough to know cats are evil and cant be trusted, and the cat is smart enough to know the dog cant do a thing about it :D
Doggie has learned that kitty has mastered the Art of Slicing and Dicing. Doggie weighs 100 pounds. Kitty weighs 9 pounds. Doggie is a sumo wrestler, whereas kitty is a ninja assassin.

Lets face it Dogs have owners and Cats have staff
  • We currently have more than a foot of snow on the ground,
  • While more snow is expected for the next few days,
  • After just having a power outage that lasted for several hours,
  • Which occurred while temps were at -23F (-30.56C)
I can't help but find this insanely funny.


So true. Three feet of snow makes Colorodans grumpy. An inch of snow makes Texans panic. :eek:
In these situations the dog is well aware of the double standard at play, The dog knows its not allowed to hurt the cat, its against the house rules.
It also knows the cat doesnt give a damn about house rules and will put the claw in as soon as it has a chance.

The dog is smart enough to know cats are evil and cant be trusted, and the cat is smart enough to know the dog cant do a thing about it :D

Cats are amazing but indeed, they have no sense of humor. And about the time we think we have our pets figured out, they bend the rules on us. We acquired a 6 month old kitten with only one eye and a Cocker Spaniel in that order. The cat was the house misfit and an outcast amongst our other pets until the Cocker arrived. They immediately bonded and have been best buds since. Go figure.
Mrs. Steinberg is allergic to cats. It was time for a dog, and she bonded with our rescued bichon, Teddy Bear, in maybe five minutes. Our assessment of the little guy is that he's wacky in a good way. He has a sense of humor without doubt, and always conveys the impression, when you watch him, that he knows a lot more than he's letting on.
Cats are amazing but indeed, they have no sense of humor.

I don't know. I've known a few pretty smart cats that loved pranks and slapstick comedy. I owned a couple of Persians. A really old male and a young female, both "fixed." Merlin (a smoke male) and I were sitting and watching a nature show on television. The male lion on the screen reached up to an approaching female back from the hunt and gave her a good smack across the face. Sort of a, "Hey baby, what did you bring me?" kind of love tap or something. My female cat walked through the living room at that very moment. Merlin jumped down from the couch and reenacted the whole scene, giving the female cat (a white Persian) a good smack across the face, after which he jumped back up on the couch with me and started looking for more pointers from the show. Honest. Now, if that isn't a sense of humor what is?
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55 pages and the thread is still going strong...............

Mike what have you done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did a google on official funny stuff and the paracast came up on the first page, including lots of references in the images section.

Found this in the process, the harrier jump jet scene is fantastic

I started this thread because laughter is good for you

laughter is good for you - Bing

And id like to thank everyone whos helped bring a smile or two into our days.

Any light bladder leakage as a result is a bonus :D
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