Devil's Advocate
I do take your point but I struggle with the fact that debris from a crashed UFO just happens to consist mainly of foil-like material and balsa wood-type material in an area where it's reasonable to believe that an earthly device consisting mainly of foil and balsa wood may have crashed...
I don't think you got my point at all. Foil-like ISN'T foil. And the only reason balsa wood is mentioned is as a weight reference "Light, like balsa wood". This is the whole confabulation thing I was just talking about!
And yet, as I mentioned, Marcel himself during his later interviews (while ostensibly promoting the case) blows your assertion to bits by identifying the material in the photos as the same miraculous space stuff he recovered.
Junior or Senior? Actually it doesn't matter, since Junior wasn't there and Senior was getting on in years at the time of the interview so having him remember exactly which photos were which means little to me. The only thing you're blowing is debunker hot air...
Even the most idiotic Roswell believer can see that the material in the photos is just what the Air Force said it was (more or less--they were hiding the fact this was not really a weather balloon but part of Mogul).
In other words, foil paper and balsa sticks.
Yes, let's insult people, that will win them over- a brilliant strategem! Now CLUE IN- nobody's talking about the photos except you and there's plenty of evidence in terms of testimony to show that those photos with the ballon wreckage were STAGED, including one shot which seems to show the parcel from which the newly identified "saucer" was packaged in!
I'll say it again- NOBODY would EVER get excited over rubber, tin foil and balsa wood. NOBODY... EVER.