Paranormal Adept
I was listening to the interview Don, and what amazed me was how Similar the Djinn stories he talked about are to Irish legends of the Tuatha de dannann. I'm actually quiet taken back by it to me honest.
In Irish legends the Tuatha de dannann were exiled from the planet just as the Djinn were.
"Honestly Guys i have never come across any known Cultural mythology that would closely resemble Irish Folklore until now.
There is Legends of the Tuatha were it is claimed they went underground to a spiritual Kingdom of some kind after fighting a war with a human tribe called the Milesian's.
But there is also legends that speak of wars between other races on the planet and they were not human.
According to Philip the stories he heard claim the Djinn were fighting other beings and perhaps Human's at some point in early history, and the Djinn perhaps or maybe were exiled perhaps by these Humans and Philip said the beings could hold some grudge towards humans for being banished to this other world? You don't need to be a genius to figure there is some strange similarities to be found in the stories Philip heard in Saudi Arabia and the stories i have talked about numerous times in other threads
There is also Legends that say the Tuatha travelled through portals to the Fairy World ( a parallel world) a world very near to or own. The legends claim. They left after doing battle with humans long ago. The Djinn coming through portals near caves the tuatha went undrground through mounds and hill and Mountains. I don't know maybe we have the same race in action on opposite sides of the World in pre recorded history.?
In the Bible. The Tuatha de dannann are the lost tribe of Israel or the Tribe of Dan. Also known as the "Fallen Angels" Djinn legends talk about fallen Angels. Both stories are alike.
In Irish legends the Tuatha de dannann were exiled from the planet just as the Djinn were.
"Honestly Guys i have never come across any known Cultural mythology that would closely resemble Irish Folklore until now.
There is Legends of the Tuatha were it is claimed they went underground to a spiritual Kingdom of some kind after fighting a war with a human tribe called the Milesian's.
But there is also legends that speak of wars between other races on the planet and they were not human.
According to Philip the stories he heard claim the Djinn were fighting other beings and perhaps Human's at some point in early history, and the Djinn perhaps or maybe were exiled perhaps by these Humans and Philip said the beings could hold some grudge towards humans for being banished to this other world? You don't need to be a genius to figure there is some strange similarities to be found in the stories Philip heard in Saudi Arabia and the stories i have talked about numerous times in other threads
There is also Legends that say the Tuatha travelled through portals to the Fairy World ( a parallel world) a world very near to or own. The legends claim. They left after doing battle with humans long ago. The Djinn coming through portals near caves the tuatha went undrground through mounds and hill and Mountains. I don't know maybe we have the same race in action on opposite sides of the World in pre recorded history.?
In the Bible. The Tuatha de dannann are the lost tribe of Israel or the Tribe of Dan. Also known as the "Fallen Angels" Djinn legends talk about fallen Angels. Both stories are alike.