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Philip Imbrogno Interview

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I would have thought you would understand the difference between what something literally says and what your (or whomever you're reading) interpretation of it might be. I also fail to understand why you would make a statement such as you made without providing some sort of reference that actually supports it. Nor do I get your inability to understand that I really don't mind how you care to interpret a given text as opposed to saying a given text says something literally when it obviously does not literally say that.

That is your interpretation. Cool! There are several others.

I pretty familiar with the idea as Jacques F. Vallee has ploughed that ground many years ago. I think you would find his books interesting.

Anyone who has actually studied the Bible (belief in its alleged divine inspiration is quite unnecessary for the task) knows that Satan and the Antichrist are two different entities, that mention of the Antichrist only occurs in the New Testament, that fallen angels are not human beings, and that the Tribe of Dan were just another human faction. Now granted, there any number of interpretations, theories, and wild speculation about these subjects from any number of people and cults. Most respectable biblical scholars or even just 'students of the Bible' would have quite a belly laugh at the notion that the Devil and the Antichrist are the same thing or that Tribe of Dan were inhuman. I've read various translations of the Bible cover to cover over the years and intensely studied the material and the various interpretations of it having taught more classes on various subjects in it than I really care to go into. I really won't waste our time by attempting to bring you up to speed and the main variants on interpreting the subject of the Antichrist. If you have an actual interest in understanding what the main stream Bible scholars vs. fringe theorists have been saying for centuries you can look that up yourself. All I'll say is that you are proposing an extremely fringe interpretation that from my knowledge of the material, cannot be justified by any literal reading of the text;it requires a lot of reading between the lines and pulling stuff out of the air to get there.

Having said all of that I reiterate that I really don't a hoot in hell how you choose to interpret the Bible. What I do care about is people making outlandish statements that are simply aren't true. I asked you provide the quotes and I knew ahead of time it would impossible for you to do so. Your citing of the Jeremiah passage was a large tell. Rather than admit that what you are talking about cannot be literally found in the Bible but is in fact your interpretation (or David Icke's or whoever) of it is somewhat puzzling but I've come to expect that sort of thing here. Just don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining. Fair enough?

"Your so predictable i knew you would have the same argument in your newest post. Ok i apologise i should have avoided saying the Tribe of Dan are the Fallen Angels. Do you feel better now? It still does mean i am wrong in my interpration of the Bible. Afterall the Bible is open to interpretation from each Individual reader. You yourself are interprating what you have read in the Bible. You claim the "Fallen angels" are not human. I guess from the Biblical teachings you've read over the years. Correct?

Yet when you say "not Human" What do you mean specifically? You seem to think i have less of a knowledge to such subjects than you, a perception perhaps?

" The Angels are often descripted as having Human Features, let us not forget. Now do you believe?.. "The Fallen Angels were deformed creatures literally as Christen Teachings tell us? Do you believe in stories of Angelic Angels with feathers attached to their backs? If not, then we agree here.
I have a believe the Tribe of Dan were Human and also have a believe the Fallen Angels were Human in Apperance. So what does than mean. 'I think it means the Tribe of Dan and the Fallen Angels are one in the same "Same tribe same Race" It's my belief and i am entitled to my belief, just as you are on other subjects.

For me, the Fallen Angels and the Tribe of Dan were an advanced race in the sciences. And that is why the "Book of Revelation" Left the Tribe of Dan out and called them the Antichrist due to their pagan ways, which probably meant they were interested in the Sciences and Astronomy and medicine. Genesis and New Testment and parts of John clearly talk about the Antichrist.
You bring up Satan and Devil and you claim i have no understanding of it. Why you brought this up, is only knowen to you!!

I only said the Tribe of Dan were the Fallen Angels. The Biblical Books make the claim Dan was the Antichrist. I will explain my understanding of certain terms in Christen teachings and you probably correct me, if your understanding is not the same as mine.

Antichrist means been against Jesus Christ as being the son of God and Satan and the Devil is a term refering to a angel who rebelled against GOD for giving free will to humans plus a number of other things. That angel was Lucifer.

I tend to lose interest when someone like you lumps me with People of the calibre of David Icke. I'm speculating on issues that are historical in nature and well documented. You claim respectable Biblical scholars would laugh to some of my ideas. Who says... You

I respect Jacque Vallée But i don't need to read someonelses book to understand my own cultures stories. There is an obvious connection betweem the Ufo Phenomenon and Fairy lore of Medieval times and much earlier during the classical Age of our History. I don't need to prove that to anyone. Other people have clearly seen does clues along time ago.

---------- Post added at 08:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:55 PM ----------

I have some information that might interest some people. Lot of people here have probably heard of "William Butler Yeats? How many of ye i do not know. He was Irish poet and Dramatist and one the greatest literature writers of the 20 century. He was a believer in the Tuatha Legends. And wrote many peoms about the fairies of old Ireland. He has a different take on the tales, to me, but i his theory is very interesting. Anyway he believes

In PRE-HISTORIC Ireland, Before the establishment of Celt establishment, there existed in Ireland. One of the most Fascinating Tribes of all time Called the Tuatha de Dannan means Tribe of dan or the people of the Goddess Danu or Dana.. Yeats calls them an "Angelic clan"
According to YEATS also...medievel scribes call them "Dei TERRINI" Latin word for "Spirits of the Earth"
Yeats said they were totally human. They mixed with the local Population but they were more spirtual in nature and had more power then the ordinary population

However with the coming of Roman Christinity. The Tuatha were banished, deposed, and condemned as "Fallen Angels" According to Yeats they disappeared then into the hills, rocks., rivers and trees were according to YEATS they are still alive today.

According to Yeats Rome never invaded Ireland. Which is an historical fact. The Romans viewed Ireland as place of deep Esoteric knowledge. According to Yeats the Tuatha had four treasures they brought to Ireland long ago.. The LIA FIA stone of destiny... The Claimh solus.. Sword of light... The Cauldron of plenty and finally the spear of victory. According to many including YEATS the Cauldron of plenty is what many people today now call the Holy "Grail"

I was just able to listen the the new Phil. I. show. Another excellent show. Listening to this show and reading Lars' document makes the extra-terrestrial alien hypothesis/speculation that is promoted by know disinformation and bullshit artists like John Lear, Bill Cooper and I think we have put Bob Lazar in that company (although he may have been just used) make some sense. It certainly would be perceived by the public as less threatening and manageable than the alternative. Given the propensity for religious hysteria world-wide it would be a real game changer if beings that fit the descriptions of the boogie-men of religious myth were allowed to be taken seriously. Better to plant the ruse of Space Brothers (I loved Phil's comments about that) coming here than to scare the b-jesus out of an already superstitious population.

Of course I think there is the possibly that both other-dimensional whatsits and beings from other planets are simultaneously making appearances throughout history. I don't know how you'd figure the probability of such a thing though. All of this is still in the realm of speculation of course.

The very fact that human beings have a mind that is designed (through evolution, genetic engineering, or whatever) to perceive the real full spectrum multi-dimensional (~ 11) world that surrounds us in a very limited spectrum (~20 to 20000 hertz, ~400 nanometers to about 700 nanometers) and only 3 dimensions means we are missing a great deal of what goes on around us. It is not unreasonable in my estimation to seriously consider the possibly of other living things that have minds which have a different set of design specs and operational parameters. Given the incredible diversity of life that we are already familiar with it seems almost an predictable eventuality.

While it is possible that some such inter-dimensional being could have some inherient super-powers (for lack of a better means of describing it) I consider it more probable that they employ technology.

Have you given any consideration to the kind of psychological pressure and stress the individuals of (as Phil suggests) a super-secret organization dealing with inter-dimensional intruders must face in their daily lives? If such a thing exists it must be populated by some very extra-ordinary individuals with nerves of steel or bloodstreams full of psychoactive drugs.

I'd love to hear more from Phil, he is a an excellent speaker. Thanks for another great show.

I've listened to the Imbrogno interviews and had mixed feelings. On the one hand, his accounts are attention-grabbing and just fascinating to listen to. On the other hand, I don't believe him.

Perhaps my BS detector needs recalibrating? It's possible....

He's out there, travelling the world, maintaining high security clearances and being privy to the comings and goings of secret agencies and Middle East royalty. It's like Indiana Jones and Raiders of the Lost Ark whereby Indy is a teacher who uses his spare time to travel the world investigating evil forces.

He reminds me of Bob Dean.
He reminds me of Bob Dean.

I don't get that from him. I have no real way of knowing with 100% certainty but given Phil's background, his previous work in the field, and the manner in which he presents himself, I think he is being truthful. That doesn't mean I buy into everything or his interpretation of everything. Far from it. But I would not lay the Bob Dean tag on that guy.
I don't get that from him. I have no real way of knowing with 100% certainty but given Phil's background, his previous work in the field, and the manner in which he presents himself, I think he is being truthful. That doesn't mean I buy into everything or his interpretation of everything. Far from it. But I would not lay the Bob Dean tag on that guy.

I can't recall reading any criticism of Imbrogno. Despite that, I'm just not buying it.

Fair enough, dropping the 'Bob bomb' might be going too far. Still, he just doesn't sound that plausible. Is Clifford Stone a closer comparison?
I think Philip is top notch i put him up there with the likes of Vallée. I firmly believe both of those men have a better handle on these subjects then the rest. I think Philip sees the bigger picture as did Vallée. And they are unique in the UFO circles. Lot of researchers have never looked at the Celt angle or the Irish angle to explain the UFO phenomenon. Philip has explored some of these mysteries with his Book Celtic Mysteries. Philip found a number of stone caverns and buildings inside a Forest near the Hudson valley. What makes these structures interesting is. They could be of Celt Design or be belong to a tribe that came from Ireland long ago? The only place you would find similar structures to this according to Philip and i agree. Is either in Scotland or Ireland!!!

"Philip also plotted the UFO sightings that occurred over the Hudson valley in the 1980's. This Triangle were appearing according to Philip near or in the exact location of these Stone chambers. Also inside one of the Chambers there is writing. The writing is a prayer to a Celt God "Beth"

Vallee is unique also, because he is the first person who had the vision to go into the Fairy myths of Ireland. And he was of the believe the Fairy Phenomenon is almost identical phenomenon to the UFO Phenomenon of today
So logic tells me something here. If you have the same phenomenon happening back then and now. Then the sourcing is probably the same. So the original source for the Fairy myths is Ireland!!! But i believe the sourcing for the Phenomenon is actually either the Middle east or Greece. I believe a Race called the TUATHA came to Ireland long ago from that area of the world.

I think the Coming of Roman Catholicism and what it has done in the last two thousand years. Is the reason we have no memory of these advanced races. I honestly do, think History has been re-written. There is a missing link here somewhere!!! And it happened somewhere in Biblical times. Train is not convinced by some of my theories. He is Entitled to his opinion. But I am Convinced. There is a connection between the Biblical tales and stories of the Tribe of DAN(one of the lost tribes of Israel) and The Fairy myths and stories of the Tuatha de dannan. And also with the UFO phenomenon. I'm still researching all this on my free time as personal interest.

I think we do need to look into the past to find out what the UFO Phenomenon could be. People will never find answers if we keep looking so narrowly at this topic. Some researchers only research sightings from 1947. I think we have to stop looking at sightings. We have to review the histories and myths of cultures not sightings.

I often wonder about people who never see anything or witness usual events. Could the answer lie in their doubting nature? Just for arguments sake, they saw a large object in the sky. A SAUCER shaped object. Would that person's Brain chemistry or upbringing perhaps lead them to doubt what they saw or encountered? So the UFO phenomenons does not waste their time and yours?Just Speculating!!!
I've listened to the Imbrogno interviews and had mixed feelings. On the one hand, his accounts are attention-grabbing and just fascinating to listen to. On the other hand, I don't believe him.

Perhaps my BS detector needs recalibrating? It's possible....

He's out there, travelling the world, maintaining high security clearances and being privy to the comings and goings of secret agencies and Middle East royalty. It's like Indiana Jones and Raiders of the Lost Ark whereby Indy is a teacher who uses his spare time to travel the world investigating evil forces.

He reminds me of Bob Dean.

Well Kandinsky, opinions are like ass-holes, everybody has one. Now, if you can point to a deliberate distortion by all means lets have it. If not, forget the ad hominem attacks. I know Imbrogno and he is no Bob Dean.

This the Problem with this field comparing Philip Imbrogno to Robert dean is downright Idiotic. I wonder sometimes does this field have any hope of getting answers??
Fair enough, dropping the 'Bob bomb' might be going too far. Still, he just doesn't sound that plausible. Is Clifford Stone a closer comparison?

You were doing good ... then you screwed up. No, Imbrogno has an actual history of investigations and they are light night and day. Sheesh. Vallee even has respect for Imbrogno.
I was doing some research on some of the stories Philip was talking about. I was reading some Muslim Articles on Iblis or Eblis, and i tended to stick to the Arabic viewpoint of Iblis than reading stuff than was written by people in the west. Anyway Iblis seems to be in the Koran and Iblis is connected with the Arabic "Devil"

Iblis is all known as "Azazel" or Shaitan (Satan) Iblis seems to be a complex demonic figure is Islamic teachings. In the Koran. Iblis is the leader of the "fallen angels" who rebelled against ALLAH. Muslims view the Djinn to be evil spirituality.

So it does seem. Jewish and Christen and Muslim legends are speaking of the same thing. There was a rebellion.

Satan or Lucifer rebelled against some being called God. This is written about in the myths and legends of the Jewish and Christen faiths. In Muslim legends it was Iblis who lead his band against Allah (god) AZAZEL is the angel who refused to worship Adam.
I wonder if in 2000 years people will be talking about Harry Potter like this since it's also a work of fiction.

So Your comparing the Harry Potter Books to the Bible. Harry potter is a boy with a wand that lived in a fantasy land. The problem with the Bible, for me, is that it was written to reinforce the Christen faith among the Roman population who were Pagan and who followed False Gods. The Bible has tainted real events that occurred in the past. For me Satan or God is a description of a battle between Humans and another Race, that might have been human, but did not follow the path of the new emerging Religion. Or it could be actual war between a number of races who were non human and they were fighting for the supremacy of our planet. But Angel your a skeptic. I already know your response no need to reply.
What does being a skeptic have to do with anything? No need for labels. Jesus is also a boy in a fantasy land, although he didn't have a wand. Both are the chosen one in their respective stories.
All I'm saying that they are both works of fiction. Jesus, Noah, Moses - all of them can be seen as wizards, no? Honestly, nothing that happens in the Harry Potter books is less grounded in reality than what happens in the Bible. I'd read the seven Harry Potter books over the Bible any day.

Is that the response that you thought I would give?

Who knows, you might be right about the bible being a story about the battle between non-human races. I'm just saying that it most likely a work of fiction.
What does being a skeptic have to do with anything? No need for labels. Jesus is also a boy in a fantasy land, although he didn't have a wand. Both are the chosen one in their respective stories.
All I'm saying that they are both works of fiction. Jesus, Noah, Moses - all of them can be seen as wizards, no? Honestly, nothing that happens in the Harry Potter books is less grounded in reality than what happens in the Bible. I'd read the seven Harry Potter books over the Bible any day.

Is that the response that you thought I would give?

Who knows, you might be right about the bible being a story about the battle between non-human races. I'm just saying that it most likely a work of fiction.

'Without going into every story ever written about in the Bible. Let us look at the Jesus story. Before Jesus even became Jesus in the Bible. Greeks called their Priests Jesus before the Bible was written. So the Bible was not talking about a particular person called Jesus but a man that was a Priest!!! If he existed, he had a completely different name to what is written in the Bible. The real Problem with this story is. The Bible needed to form or create a story were Humans could be closer to their God"
This in my mind is how the story of Jesus came about. He never existed. "Jesus was a Human being on the Earth, and something completely different, when he returned to his father in the heavens. It is a bullshit story. I believe most of the the Bible writings are factually wrong, and i also believe the Bible reworked known history of the time to fit into a new emerging Religion.

There is strong evidence that the Library at Alexandria was burned down by Christens. Wonder why that occurred??

To skip ahead, the story of the GOD and Satan battling, i believe this happened. Bu the Bible as depicted these events completely wrong. I think something occurred on the planet "three to four thousand years ago in or past. The myths and legends, we have is the only direct knowledge we have to figure out what actually happened back then. It is my viewpoint, but i do believe their strong evidence, to back up the claims, i make here.
To skip ahead, the story of the GOD and Satan battling, i believe this happened. Bu the Bible as depicted these events completely wrong. I think something occurred on the planet "three to four thousand years ago in or past. The myths and legends, we have is the only direct knowledge we have to figure out what actually happened back then. It is my viewpoint, but i do believe their strong evidence, to back up the claims, i make here.

What is this strong evidence, apart from certain passages in a work of fiction that may allude to this "battle?" A giant battle between good and evil is a great story, but there's nothing to prove that any of the wars that have occurred here are anything but human.
What is this strong evidence, apart from certain passages in a work of fiction that may allude to this "battle?" A giant battle between good and evil is a great story, but there's nothing to prove that any of the wars that have occurred here are anything but human.

If you visited Germany, Russia and France today would you find any evidence that a war occurred in those lands less than sixty years ago. Hardly any evidence would be found. The knowledge of these wars today come from History Books and the people who were around back then. The Bible is a historical text and we have other books from Ireland and elsewhere that speak of wars between races that were not human. Without the UFO phenomenon being in play here. I would question those myths and legends.
What is this strong evidence, apart from certain passages in a work of fiction that may allude to this "battle?" A giant battle between good and evil is a great story, but there's nothing to prove that any of the wars that have occurred here are anything but human.

Another interpretation of ancient myths and sacred text can be found in Immanuel Velkovsky's Worlds in Collision. There you have the stories of gods and their battles and events in the OT of the Bible seen as describing a solar system wide catastrophe caused by the collision of two planets and the resulting fallout. I don't think many people take what Velkovsky had to say all that seriously anymore but it is interesting nonetheless.

I am also reminded of Galaxy Quest where the 'entertainment' of one culture is misinterpreted as historical records by another.
Another interpretation of ancient myths and sacred text can be found in Immanuel Velkovsky's Worlds in Collision. There you have the stories of gods and their battles and events in the OT of the Bible sen as describing a solar system wide catastrophe caused by the collision of two planets and the resulting fallout. I don't think many people take what Velkovsky had to say all that seriously anymore but it is interesting nonetheless.

I've read up on that. As a theory it is interesting. But any advanced civilization living on the Planet would have felt some effect of this. Plus to account for such a thing some one would have to be around to document it.