Just listen to it, okay?
I have listened to the first episode and I am 45 minutes into the second.
All I can say is I want that two hours of my life back.
Ray sounds like Bill Knell the second. Rapid fire fantastic stories filled with copious negligible details uttered as anectodal comments with nothing to back any of them up.
My belief is he is making up details as he goes along when asked questions about his encounters.
He claims to have been involved in 'channeling' that cured some guy of epilepsy and another woman from cancer and that also gives him foresight and warnings? What, are you kidding me? What was the lady's name that was cured of cancer? The man's name cured of epilepsy? Did I not hear the recording correctly? Aren't these claims made?
How can anyone overlook this crap and take this guy seriously?
Through the recordings though, we can ascertain that he was the Ray Stanford associated with the Association for the Understanding of Man that did all the 'channeling' stuff.
Nothing I have heard so far addressed his building of the "Hilarion Accelerator".
I just don't understand how anybody believes this guy. Fantastic story after fantastic story. No proof. I think Bill Knell may have learned his methods from Ray Stanford.
I am anxious to see if he will meet with David B. and show him any photos.
And, the treatment that O'Brien gives him is just bizarre to me. It is simliar to the Talbot/Robertt situation. Just strange -- it seems all objectivity is gone and there is an emotional element blinding rationalized thinking.
I'm just not buying any of this, at all.
Let's see what David B. finds out. But with all this channeling and curing and stuff, I still say the guy is a lug nut. It DOES NOT MATTER how he sounds. It is what he has claimed. He claims he has pictures, tape recordings, etc...
The way he thinks he knows more than Walter and his aggressive treatment of him is silly. Ray is a nut.