This is getting beyond me here. It's going off in so many different directions. We probably ought to start a new thread since we are way off topic from the original. If I am readong all this right Mike has a theory that encompasses a technological way to 'harvest' or 'transfer' souls from one body to another which involves the future, time travel, greys, Nordics, reproduction, etc.
Why not let's start over and put together a summary of this theory and add some references so we know where all this stuff is coming from? I'm not being intentionally critical of the direction of the subject, but the issues are so tenuous that I'm having trouble grasping the ideas here. It feels like I'm in the middle of a Whitley Strieber paranoid fantasyland. Why not put down one building block at a time and establish a foundation for moving forward? Just a suggestion.
Ok we should deal with the strieber refs first.
i have and have read communion ,transformation, confirmation, the secret school ,majestic, hidden agendas/alien implants, and forbiden zone.
ive seen the movie communion, and have read his journals for about the last two years.
as far as i know the concept the greys are infact the dead (for want of a better word) is one that just came to me in the last few days. i would be glad of any reference to manuscripts ive missed that suggest this is something that has also occured to Mr Strieber.
to futher expand on my latest theory, and its just that.
a hypothetical.
perhaps the order of events is significant.
let me suggest that 500 years from now, we can indeed "backup" our concious hard disks to both machines, and cloned bodies, that at death in the nursing homes we are given the option of doing so.
population and resources are already a pressing issue, so the new containers, need to be fuel efficient and sterile, otherwise with death shortcircuited this way the population and resource load would be at peak (no one "dies")
then "True Travel" is invented, this form of travel takes the population to a new dimension, they can now be anywhere....anywhen.......
they now live outside linear time ... in a new place.
now i must digress for a moment, today i had the cause to use the following quote in another forum today.
John Donne
Meditation 17
Devotions upon Emergent Occasions
"No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend's or of thine own were. Any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee..."
it seems to me that if humans ever get the technology described, the abilitys described, they would use them.
it seems a typically human thing to do
once we have true travel, which takes us to a new dimension outside of linear time, we can be anywhere anywhen, our space and resources become almost limitless... we have the luxury of going "downtime" and saving the otherwise wasted souls/conciousness matrix's lost.
imagine you had the power and resources to do it, would you ?
if you had the power to go downtime and transfer the conciousness of a lost loved one to a new vessel, so you could resume your relationship, would you ?